Wednesday 11 January 2023

Wednesday / Thursday / Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece made with some altered photos taken when playing about some years back.  I am linking to Mia's  add a photo challenge at AJJ. I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday fun link up.

Some photos taken in our little town and by the Rhine this morning:

My contortionist tulip on the window ledge:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a good week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I Love your journal page very much Valerie. I enjoyed all the photos of the Rhine too-especially the one with all the bricks with enclosed archway--that's a cool space. great thinkies-I agree totally with the Kardashian one hugs from the lake Kathy

    1. I love the old brickwork arches and walls here. The arch is about 900 years old.

  2. What a fun journal page today Valerie. I love those views of your face and how you used 4 different colors. This is a fun one for Mia's theme. It was too windy/cold to walk today for me, so I enjoyed taking a walk with you. And I had to laugh at the 8 on the couch. Hope you're feeling great today. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It was cold and windy here,, too, but not as cold as over there.

  3. Annie (Annie’s musings)Wednesday, January 11, 2023

    Valerie, what a fun piece you made for the photo challenge. You chose a great mixture of interesting elements that blend as well as pique our curiosity. This piece makes me smile.

    1. Thanks Annie, I enjoyed playing about and making something different.

  4. Oh wow. What a clever take on Mia's theme. I LOVE THIS a lot.

    Nice to see you got out today and it appears you are now also home. Laughed at your tulip. Contortionist indeed.

    Love the 8 infinitely!

    1. Glad you like it, just tried something different and easy!

  5. Lovely page and photos. I enjoyed the thinkies too

  6. Loving your photos and thinkies as always, Valerie.

    Hugs and blessings!

  7. Hi Val, good morning!. Love your cool journal page, great idea! Have a lovely day, take care, hugs from us all 💕💕 Sarah

  8. Your journal is very well put together, Valerie. I am sure that you fellow artists will all approve. It is especially joyful for me to see the current batch of pictures taken in town and along the mighty Rhine. It's good to know that you are out there walking again, enjoying the sights and sounds. Today, I will be leading a bird walk for about a dozen enthusiasts, and I am looking forward to that. Yesterday, a dead tree was removed from in front of my house. I was hoping that the municipality would leave it, but I knew there was little chance of that. It provided food and potential homes for so many species, but as is the way with humans, to hell with them if it interferes with what we want. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. A lot of the parks here leave dead trees to help the birds and other creatures. It's a wonderfrful way to help nature and even saves money. Enjoy your walk, have fun! Hugs, Valerie xxxx

  9. I sometimes wish magic worked... The photos show such a nice place for a walk :)

  10. You are so clever and intelligent. Thanks for being you. Love looking at the Rhine.

  11. Beautiful pictures.

  12. I always love to see the photos of where you live it makes us feel much closer. nice art work too. I am pleased to say I have heard of the Kardashians but never watched them and can't think I ever would other than by accident! Take care and have a lovely week. Hugs, Angela x\xx

  13. I enjoyed your photographs, including your unusual tulip!

    All the best Jan

  14. Right there with ya on the Kardashians. Your little town looks so serene and lovely. I'm sure it's a beautiful place to live. What a creative, fun piece. Hope today finds you healthy.

    1. It is a quiet place to live, and I love living here!

  15. I like your journal. Nice photos of the place you live in. Cute puppy.

  16. Lovely photos and thinkies Valerie.

  17. Dein Journalseite ist klasse geworden, du hast immer grossartige Ideen!Die Tulpe ist auch was besonderes und ach die anderen Fotos und Sprüche genauso!!
    Pass auf dich gut auf!
    Lieben Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag!

  18. Liebe Valerie, dein "hybrid piece made with some altered photos" gefällt mir sehr gut und es hat mir Freude bereitet, mit dir am Rhein spazieren zu gehen. Über die "nicht-liegende Acht" musste ich auch herzhaft grinsen :-DDD
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus Rostrosenhausen,

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Rose, dir ein gutes neues Jahr! LG!

  19. Hey there, Hope you are keeping well, great journal page and pictures as always Michelle x

  20. Your town is amazing — so picturesque and beautiful. I always love your photos. I hope you continue to feel well and to be active.

    best… mae at

    1. This is indeed a very pretty little town. Have a great day!

  21. Your collection of photos are always a treat to see

  22. I like your art piece and the photos are beautiful. Hope you are feeling well.

  23. Lovely photos of your town. Does that mean you are home again? I do hope so but if not I hope it means you are wandering around the town. And getting a nice coffee.
    Your hybrid piece is gorgeous. I love how you have positioned the artist with the fab pictures and the young woman at the front, looking very chic, is perfect. This is one of my favourites.
    Great. thinkies/funnies - btw - who are the Kardahsians? lol

    1. Ha ha, who are they indeed?! I am still in the clinic, but this is really a little town, so the clinic is not far from home! I will be here for some time yet! Take care of yourself!

  24. I love your journal page . Loving the photos too. Great funnies, I have no idea what the Kardashians do . Hugs, Chrisx xx

  25. Love the arch photo. Hope today has been a good one. Hugs

  26. Fantastic post Valerie!!!


  27. Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday

    Much ❤ love

  28. I love the Believe in Magic collage.

  29. ...I LOVE the one about the Kardashians. Amen!

  30. Your town is so lovely I think I'd like visiting there. I'm thinking since you're out and around you might be done with the clinic? I hope so.

    1. I'm still in the clinic, but we can go out when we have no treatment!

    2. Oh, that's good. I'm glad you can get out for walks if the energy and weather permit!

  31. Oh your art is so perfect for FFO Thank you for joining in. I love all of the photos but the first one is just brilliant. Hope your are feeling well.

  32. What's a Kardashian? lolololololol. Love that one.

  33. A beautiful hybrid piece Valerie, and some great memes again.
    Your tulip made me smile 😊

  34. I love your journal page and one can only hope that magic is real. Your photos are beautiful and you live in a lovely place. Your weather seems mild :) That is a blessing as our country is being assaulted by every kind of dangerous storm. Your Thinkies and Funnies are always a delight. I love the smiling face of the little pup ... it reminds me of my Izzi who was forever smiling. And I can honestly say I have never watched a single Kardashian episode and I am not a bit sorry :) Good that you are feeling well enough to venture out and I hope everything stays well for you.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea
      These past months have been very challenging health wise, and I am taking the time to get well!

  35. Gorgeous journal page and awesome photography ~ good to have you comment again ~ thanks ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  36. Fabulous abstract art and the faces made me smile 😊. I so enjoyed walking with you and seeing the Rhine with higher water levels again! The contortionist tulip made me laugh too. Get well soon and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  37. You live in a beautiful town, Valerie. I always enjoy the pictures you share of it. Your funnies/thinkies had me laughing. The little white pup is precious!


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