Monday 23 January 2023

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good and restful weekend. Sorry I have once again been MIA, I have been very down and didn't have the energy to do anything. Let's hope this new week will be better.  First off I have a journal page for Mia's 'add a photo' challenge at AJJ. I have a colourful painted and scribbled background. The photo is the bird on the branch, a winter photo from which I digitally removed the background:

And I have some coffee memes and pics for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party which begins this evening, and I would like to welcome all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit:

My huge coffee cup:

My fave breakfasat -yogurt and a banana:

And more frothy coffee:

I want to colour my hair:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the back ground of your art work.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Lovely art and fun thinkies. So sorry you have not been well Valerie, I was thinking of you.

  3. Love your art and thinkies, Valerie.
    Get well soon.
    Hugs and blessings!

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Sorry you have been so down and I hope this week will be better for you. Take care of yourself! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling down, if you have no energy you can't be bothered to do anything can you? My answer to most problems is a cup of coffee and a bar of chocolate - ok maybe not the answer to my weight problem! I love your digital art, but then I always do! Take care of yourself and I hope you have a much better week, Sue xx

    1. Hmm, I ran out of chocolate, but there's always plenty coffee and cake!

  6. I am staying with my daughter in Ottawa right now and yesterday I had a breakfast you would have approved of, Valerie - Greek yogurt and blueberries. It was delicious. We have been out in the snow doing lots of birding and had wonderful close encounters with deer too. Today we will make the long drive home. When we left on Friday there was no snow at all in Waterloo, but here there is lots of it. Quite a contrast. My birthday is at the end of February, but we won't be seeing Caroline and her family before then so they gave me a gift last evening, and had a birthday cake with candles. We don't usually do any of this, but a significant milestone is coming up so they wanted to mark it. Andrew, my son-in-law is an astronomer so they presented me with a plaque of the night sky as it appeared on the day and location where I was born. Quite special I think. Hope you are feeling a little better. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. So glad you have had a nice time with your daughter, and tell her she has a good taste in breakfasts! Now that milestone sounds interesting, tell me more! The plaque of the night sky specially for you is a fantastic idea! Have a safe journey home, hugs! xxx

  7. I like your artwork a lot! Please take care and feel better soon.

  8. Liebe Valerie, ich dachte schon hoffentlich nichts passiert aber das langt auch diese Niedergeschlagen sein ... ich drücke dich mal ganz lieb...
    Dein Journal ist grossartig geworden, es passt für die Stimmung! Mir ist heut auch irgendwie zum weinen zu mute trotz dass ich Fahrrad gefahren bin und draussen nochmal war aber dieses blöde Wetter und diese Warterei auf den Terminen, da ghets nicht vorwärts hakt am Santitätshaus und das andere noch so lange macht mich klirre.
    Es geht weiter auch mit Tränen oder mal Traurigkeit oder Niedergeschlagenheit das darf auch mal sein, du bist so tapfer immer zu und munterst so viele andere Menschen auf mit deinen Worten und deiner wundervollen Kunst! Viel Kraft wünsche ich dir!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Vielen Dank liebe Elke. Ich hoffee dass du dich auch bald besser fühlst. Ich werde noch ein paar Wochen hier bleiben damit ich bald wieder fit und munter bin! Dir alles Liebe, Hugs!

  9. I rarely eat breakfast, but yours tempts me. I hope the coming week brings you energy and encouragement.

    Happy T Day!

    1. It won't let me sign in for some reason, but that comment was from Divers and Sundry...

    2. At the moment I don't feel like eating bread, but bananas and yogurt are a good substitute! Hve a great week!

  10. That art is truly beautiful. Consider framing it. Hope you continue to mend, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much, it did me good to create the art. Thanks for the good wishes, hugs!

  11. Great creation. I know how you feel. Hope things improve soon. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, have a good week, tke care of yourself. Hugs!

  12. Sending all good wishes for a good new week. I smiled when I realized that those were leaves on the branches of the trees and not artists' palettes! A lovely piece, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, those leaves really look like palettes!

  13. Sorry you have been feeling down, but quite understandable.
    Sending you lots of positive thoughts for a better week this week :)

    I did enjoy seeing your art, the coffee looks good too.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks an, it has to all get better sooner or later!

  14. Sorry to hear you haven’t had a great past week Valerie. I hope this week improves! Your latest art is super though. Wow. It is beautiful. It certainly made me happy to see it. Take care of yourself and have a happy T day. The most important thing is to get better. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Painting keeps me going just now, and reading! Happy T Day, hugs!

  15. Hoping you feel better soon Valerie. I always love your art, and great meme choices this week Happy T hugs Kathy

  16. The journal page is beautiful and lovely coffee & teacups too. Hope you will have a better week.
    Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Amila. I love my old cups, too! Happy T Day, hugs!

  17. Your photo of the dining room (I assume at your clinic) is very nice as it shows us your surroundings. I hope you'll soon feel better.

    best... mae at

    1. My dining room at home is much, much smaller!

  18. I'm sorry to hear you are not well. I hope it improves this week.
    Lovely art. Especially the clever use of the digitally extracted bird. I have tried that in Photoshop but I make a mess of it.
    The dog hiding the cat made me smile.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. It sometimes takes several tries to extract a pic from it's background, but mostle it works sooner or later!

  19. Your digital art is so colorful and pretty. It really makes that bird stand out. And that meme about coloring the it!!
    I hope you have a better week.
    Happy Tea day,

    1. Thanks Kate, I am sure your daughter would enjoy colouring her hair in this way!

  20. Dear Valerie, I'm sorry to read that you haven't felt well and I sincerely hope that this week will be better for you. Your latest piece of art is just beautiful. I like the colors of the background and of course the bird - I love everything with birds. I have no idea how you do all this digitally work (removing the background? I would love to do this in some of my pictures...), but the results are always stunning. I had to laugh about the dog hiding the cat.

    1. You shoud be able to extract part of a photo in Photoshop, but there used to be a few online possibilities, too. Thanks for the good wishes, much appreciated! Hugs!

  21. Love what you did with the bird and background. Cute funnies. I hope you feel better soon. Happy T Day

  22. I hope you feel better soon. Lovely art and photos.

  23. Love your journal page. Very colorful. The coffee sign is me all the way. I once told a waitress that we knew and loved to talk "coffee first, talk after". She got my coffee and now shows up with it automatically. The funnies are great. You have a great sense of humor.

    Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Thanks Jim. I get my coffee automatically, too!

  24. Such a fun post today. Especially, the I'm on it, right after I finish my coffee. Hehe. Hope today is a good one for you, my friend. Sandra

  25. Wow, you art work today is so beautiful! I love the background with the bird sat in the branches 😊. I hope you are feeling better soon and I'd love your banana and yoghurt for breakfast too. Such great photos of the coffees and the little cat is so pretty. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Just sitting at the breakfast table with banana and yogurt right now. Hugs!

  26. Hi Valerie!! We are getting rain here.. Thank God!!! We have been so dry with days in the 80's F range .. so crazy for January.. This feels more normal for this time of year .. I'm so sorry to hear you are down.. Can't say i've been 'up' very much myself.. But we do keep plugging along don't we..?! One foot at a time .. one day at a time. Or at least i try to.. some days are more successful than others... i love your bird picture and all your funnies and thinkies never fail to lift my spirits.. Happy T day to you! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb, feel better soon, glad you got your much needed rain!

  27. Love the raccoon! Your page for AJJ with that digital photograph is amazing. I hope you had a wonderful T Day.

  28. I like your art quite a lot! Thank you

  29. What a clever way to create your beautiful page. I hope you feel 'up' again soon. Belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

  30. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie and I hope this coming week will be a better one for you.
    I spend quite a while reading these days as well, a way to escape the day.
    Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  31. Sorry to hear you have been down this past few days, I do hope you are now getting over it all and looking forward to better and brighter days
    I love the page you have for us today, the background is stunning, all those colours that meld into one another and then the carefully placed black bird and branch. Perfect.
    Thinking of you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much, Neet, much appreciated! Making art is a good consolation and cheers me up!

  32. your art is so cute:) i wish you all the best!

  33. Hope the day is treating you kindly. Hugs, Sandra

  34. What stunning journal page with those gorgeous colours and the birds on a branch just makes me happy..hope you feel well soon, take carexx

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  35. I left you a comment about your AJJ spread and your TSFT coffees and now I don't see it. PLEASE check your spam folder.

    1. Sorry Elizabeth, no comment there. Don't worry! Hugs!

    2. I'll be quick. I was drawn to the AJJ page because the background was so abnstract, which contrasted so well with the foreground.

      I laughed at he coloring her hair and I fell in love with the dog and the "katze." Actually, the cat looked comfy.

      Thanks, too, for all the coffee and cappucinno shots for T.

    3. Thanks E, my cat often used to look squashed under the dog, but she always seemed to enjoy it! Hugs!

  36. Enjoye my visit and your photos and want some coffee like yours!!! Fun painting!

  37. Your funnies and thinkies are always great, Valerie. I like all your coffee images, especially the one with the raccoon. I don't think I could live without coffee. I was hanging out in the Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki this morning. The electricity in our rented condo building was going to be off for six hours, so I ordered coffee and prepared to hangout a long time. Unknown to me, the electric shutoff was cancelled about nine minutes after I left. Such is luck ~ lol! Take care!

  38. I love your beautiful journal page Valerie, and your kitty site header! So sorry, RL got in the way, and I am terribly late. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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