Saturday 7 January 2023

Weekend post a bit late

 Hi Everybody!

I'm a bit late off the mark for the weekend, just not feeling so good. I am re-showing a few of my fave pieces, and will be back on Monday, hopefully fit and well!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hope you feel better soon Valerie.

  2. Hope you fell better soon Valerie and lovely to see all your pictures..take care,

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Życzę byś poczuła się lepiej .Dużo zdrowia . Dobrego tygodnia 😊

  4. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, Valerie. At least you are in the right place. Hope that you can reconnect with us all soon. Hugs and kisses - David

  5. I hope you feel better soon Valerie. I also hope everyone is taking care of you and pampering you a bit so you can get lots of rest. Take care. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we are very well looked after here!

  6. Sorry to read that you're not feeling good. Sending hugs, warm soup and healthy wishes your way. Cheers, Ivy.

  7. I hope the clinic is taking care of you. PLEASE get better soon, dear friend. I LOVE that first entry with the bird.

  8. I'm sorry your not feeling well.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Hope to see you at your best soon vj..take care

  10. I do hope you're feeling better by Monday. I hope you're feeling better already!!! Everyone I know seems to be feeling below par. Hugs Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, same here, so many people feeling off colour!

  11. , I am sorry I didn't know you were back in the clinic and I hope you will feel better soon. I'm a bit lax in visiting these days and my hands don't behave, it takes ages to type a message.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, you can't do more than you can! Take care!

  12. I do love your artwork! And the child with the cow has me teary-eyed. So beautiful. I pray you will feel much better...

  13. I hope you've been able to rest this weekend and you will feel a little better by Monday.

    I like everything you've shared in your post :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Lovely art and memes.
    Hope you're feeling better Valerie.

  15. What you need is a big dose of LOVE. Take care and God bless.

    1. Thanks so much, this brought tears to my eyes!

  16. I can see why these are some of your favorites. I love each and every one. I hope by now you are feeling much better, Valerie. I'm sending super hugs, loads of love and all good wishes that you're back in gear soon.

  17. I can see why these are your favourites. I love those ladies with the big hair! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. Beautiful ladies. I'm envious of their hair. I've lots three-quarters of mine in the last year. The boy and the cow is amazing. I'm scared to death of cows. I can't imagine cuddling up to one. When you posted this, I was getting ready to go to Hawaii and could barely walk. Fortunately, after many days of exercising in a pool here, I'm walking more normally. I hope you continue to do better, Valerie!


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