Thursday 19 May 2022

Rain's TAD

Hi Everybody!

It's time for Rain's TAD with the theme of May flowers, birds and pollinators. But first I have a bird meant for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ. This is another of the strange birds of Balconia by the Rhine, the orange crested Squeaker, so named because it squeaks very loudly, especially when people are nearby. It loves to scare people who are passing by, and jumps up and down in delight while squeaking: 

Some mixed media  journal pages made some time back with flowers, butterflies and other insects:

And some recent artworks also with insects:

Some photos from my files:

Raindrops on spiders' webs:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie-your post is "eye candy" I loved seeing everything-your beautiful art and the photos hugs

  2. An orange crested squeaker is surely a very unique bird. You're lucky you have all these crazy birds visiting-smile. And I really like your faces with the pollinators. The insects make these pieces really interesting and quite a great series. And you have some super photos too. I hope your temperatures have cooled off a bit, and all is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, it's still too hot here, and we have big storms on their way, so from midday on it will be better to stay home. The crazy birds always visit me - I wonder why? Have a great day! Hugs!

  3. Somehow, I don't like seeing insects on a person's neck, it makes me itchy and twitchy! Not even beautiful butterflies. Though I have many brooches in the shape of butterflies. I used to wear them a lot, but now my wardrobe is too casual. So I'm not like your elegant ladies.

    best... mae at

    1. I have a lot of brooches with butterflies and other insects, too, they were given to me by my great aunt, but as much as I like them, I have never worn them. But I don't mind pictures of insects, they don't worry me!

  4. Lovely artwork. I'd love to see the Orange Crested Squeaker. Cheeky bird. Your photos are just gorgeous. Stay cool.

    1. Thanks CJ - who knows, perhaps the bird will spread through the world in the next years!

  5. Bird in first picture, looks happy and fun.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. So much beautiful art to enjoy today. Vee xx

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep and are feeling well. Lots of storms heading our way today, please don't go out for walks where there is no shelter! Love your art, as always, and especially your happy, squeaky bird. Little S would love it, too! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, they are saying we coud have BIG storms today, so I will stay home for once! Hugs to all!

  8. Love your Squeaker bird Valerie, you sure have some special ones!! Beautiful art work and photos, bumble bees are so good to watch as they make their way around the garden.

    1. Glad you like the squeaker bird, perhaps he'll migrate to your part of the world one day! I love watching bumble bees, too. Have a great day, hugs!

  9. I've had a lovely browse through this post, fabulous art pages and photos, the balconia bird was my favourite today.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, we really have some astonishing birds over here! Hugs!

  10. Gosh Valerie, You have lots of gorgeous portraits on. here today. Definitely your thing.
    I love the squeaky bird! Such a brightly coloured little fella, but i bet it gives you quite a scare when he squeaks so loudly as you pass by.
    Hope you are well.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, that bird really enjoys scaring people! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  11. As you might imagine, Valerie, the Orange-breasted Squeaker is the star of this particular show in my opinion. But the whole post is right up my alley of course, with a bird, butterflies and beautiful women. Does it get any better for a guy at six o'clock in the morning? Even my coffee tastes better in this kind of company. We are chafing at the bit to get outside and enjoy the birds of Grand Manan, otherwise I would be tempted to add more information about this little known bird, and perhaps you will consider featuring it again on another post when I have returned home and settled into my routine. I will also then have access to my ornithological tomes should I need reference material. In the meantime enjoy life and stay well. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Oh dear, David, I think all of my beautiful women have made you think of breasts, this is the orange CRESTED - not breasted - Squeaker! Glad my post improved the taste of your coffee! I hope anyway that you will enjoy the birds from Grand Manan, wherever it is! And you will be deldighted to know, that in a little district called Walldorf in the Rhine-Neckar area, they have declared a nature protection law to protect the crested larks, which are getting rarer and rarer. Between April and August no cats are allowed to leave their houses, they all have absolute house arrest in spite of the protests of their owners, who have to pay heavy fines if they let their cats roam. My cats were always house cats, and never missed being outside. I hope this little tidbit gives you hope for saving some rare species. Have a great day, big hugs!

    2. That is such a progressive attitude towards domestic cats. Bravo for Walldorf!

    3. I thought it would pleased you!

  12. Wow Valerie! I don't know where to start. The dragon flies touched my heart. They were my mom's favorite and the,"Thinking of you" really hit home for me. The faces are simply stunning. I really like the one with the eye off to the side. I hope you join show these tomorrow for Friday Face Off. The photos make me smile. So beautiful. Hope you are feeling well and have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad the dragonflies spoke to you! I will link tomorrow to FFO!

  13. Oh the crested Squeaker caught my fancy. Never heard of it where i live.
    So much lovely art. BRAVO.

    Have a nice day Valerie


    1. Thanks. Who knows, one day it might emigrate to your place! Hugs!

  14. I was here last night and left a comment. Now I got an error when I tried to publish something I forgot to mention. Also can't find the original message I left.

    1. Sorry about that, there was nothing from you in the Spam prison. Have a great day!

  15. A wonderful post Valerie, beautiful art and photos!

  16. i adore those photos of the sky:)

  17. Delightful creations. Love the sweet bird. Keep well. Anesha x

  18. Such a great post.
    Just love all of your art today and a fabulous collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  19. Wow, so many beautiful creations! Loving your journal pages and your paintings with the insects are gorgeous and so detailed 😀. So many amazing photos too. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, have a great Weekend, take care!

  20. Beautiful ladies and journal pages!! The orange crested Squeaker would have made me jump and then laugh. What a sweet bird!! Lovely photos and raindrops on spider webs looks so interesting. Great find! Have a great week!


  21. So much to see and enjoy ~ I've looked 3x's already! I think I like the lady with brown hair and green ivy with a moth as my fav ~ And the photo of rain on the spider web is wonderful! The bee pollinating makes me very happy toooo!

    1. Thanks Karen, glad you enjoyed everything. Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  22. The squeaky bird sounds interesting. Love the insects and roses paintings. Enjoy your photos in this post. Have a wonderful weekend.

  23. The orange girl with the butterfly is my favorite. Amazing what you can do with the camera to capture these fine shots of insects. Good job!

  24. I think I've heard that bird before -but obviously never seen it ;)

  25. You blow my mind, Valerie, with your beautiful art and photos! Your journal pages are exquisite, especially the roses. And the raindrops on spiderwebs, fragile, ephemeral, and lovely! This post was wonderful! Enjoy your weekend!

  26. You definitely nailed the theme in both art and in photography, too! I love them all -- all those wonderful colors that you do with such style and fun. Beautiful, Valerie. Every single piece.

  27. Hi Valerie! ☺ Your photos of the flowers make me so happy! ☺ I love your dragonfly art so much...and I had to giggle and the scary squeaking birds scaring people as they walk by lol...we have some of those here too and I jump through my skin sometimes when I'm walking quietly in the woods!!!

    1. Glad you know cheeky birds like that, too! The smallest birds here seem to be the loudest ones!

  28. An Orange Crested Squeaker ... oh my, is that a real thing? I have never in all of my " " years heard of this bird. It sounds like quite the character ... do you have pictures of one? Your florals are beautiful and I love the Dragon Flies but my favorites are the ladies with the moth, butterfly and bee on their neck ... beautifully done and unique :) Your photos are exquisite and I love, love the water on the spider web. It always brings me pleasure when I visit you ... :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. The birds of Balconia-by-the Rhine are all ones nobody else has ever heard of before, and I am one of the few people privileged to see them! Have a great wseek!

  29. So much beautiful projects to enjoy today :) I adore the photos of the nature. They're really great!

  30. Lol, so much to see here. Love yoru ladies and the droplets on spiderwebs. I took some shots yesterday but have not checked them out yet :)

  31. What fabulous journal pages, and your photos are wonderful today. Have a very happy week, Sue xx


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