Wednesday 18 May 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

The week has just started and it's already the middle of the week here - how did that happen? Where does time go? I wish I knew!

I am still having fun playing with dots and spots. I made one large piece, which isn't yet finished, but in the meantime I put it into my head. The head was cut out digitally from an A3 painted page and then collaged with the bird onto a blue and yellow painted background. The quote is from psalm 34, an exhortation to cherish life, use your days well, abstain from evil and to seek peace. All things that are so necessary just now. I am also linking to Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ:

Yesterday I walked along the meadows by the Rhine and saw that the first hay has been harvested and bailed - lots of good food for the horses and other animals here:

A thinky:

A funny - a friend in need is a friend indeed: 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely dot page the bird is so realistic. Good thinkies and photos.

  2. I think we all should try for peace.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. I love your dove of peace. It is beautiful and perfect for Matilde's theme at AJJ, too.

    Cute thinkies, too.

  4. Love the beautiful layers. Vee xx

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep. Love your head and the beautiful bird and the quote. Have a lovely day, i'll ring you this evening. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. It's hot and humid here, and I feel very lazy! Take care! Hugs!

  6. Nobody does doves and dots better than you, Valerie, your walk through the meadows alongside the Rhine looks very agreeable. it seems that the first cut of hay gets earlier every year, the death knell for ground-nesting birds and their young, unfortunately. Here, a few conscientious and caring farmers for whom squeezing the last dime of profit from the land is not their main concern, are delaying the first haying until the end of June to give the birds a chance to reproduce. All credit to them. Those dogs have learned how to cooperate well, a lesson they could pass on to some humans. As you say, time seems to go quickly. Our days of vacation are ebbing away and before we know it we will be embarking on the long drive home. Take good care. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David, I am the queen of being dotty! Before the fields are mowed they routinely walk through looking for small animals or birds nesting in the grass, and sometimes they even use drones. Those dogs are really a good example, cooperation instead of fights! I hope you make the most of your remaining vacation and enjoy yourselves, see lots of birds and eat well! BIG hugs, Valerie

  7. Love the dots, head, dove and message. Hot and humid here. I love the last one....a friend in need is a friend indeed.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Times of need are whe you kow who your friends are.

  8. A beautiful post and image -lovely painting. Sorry not always able to comment as my facebook group takes up a fair bit of my time...x

  9. Awesome art Valerie, Loved the hay field photos-I always loved the scent of fresh cut hay. here there has been so much rain wondering if the ranchers got their hay in or not.
    great thinkies-loved the dogs happy mid week

    1. Freshly cut hay has a wonderful smell, that's true! Have a wonderful day!

  10. I'm with you about the week flying. I've been busy around the house so you would think time would be slow. But no. I am loving this newest of your heads. Those dots are fun! I like how it contrasts so much with the background too. And fun to see photos of more summery things where the world around me hasn't reached yet. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's very summery here, 30°, which is a lot for May!

  11. Beautiful and thoughtful artwork. The hay rolls look like they are racing each other across the field! Stay cool and enjoy your day!

    1. I love seeing the rolled hay, it would be fun is they would start racing....

  12. I love the multimedia piece, it looks beautiful. :)

  13. Oh beautiful blues and bird creation ~ and wonderful photography and humor ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I love that beautiful dove. Yes, also to your mantra to avoid evil and seek peace. Always!

  15. Love those spots, dots and dove. Gotts to feed those horses. Great memes.
    Hope today is a good one. Hugs

  16. Hello Valerie, I love your head and your thoughts! Hope all is well. Love, Marie

  17. I remember the first time I saw hay baled that way. Fascinating!

    1. I love watching them working along the Rhein and how the bales of hay just pop out of the machines!

  18. Great photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  19. Loving the dots and that it's in your head. Lovely photos of the baled hay - Summer's coming! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks, it's called being dotty.....have a great day! Hugs!

  20. A beautiful page with wonderful words Valerie.
    Great photos too, summer is coming 😊
    I love your thinkie and funny. I hate it when my life gets too busy. We are getting the house ready for our joint 60th birthday celebrations this weekend. As much as I'm looking forward to seeing our family, I'm also looking forward to relaxing next week, and having some more arty time.
    Have a lovely end of the week.

    1. I know what you mean about too busy. I hope you enjoy/survive your visitors and soon get back to your creative corner to play! Hugs, Valerie

  21. Beautiful dotty work of art! Seems early to be getting the hay in, or maybe I am just slow at catching up!!

    1. Spring is always early here, and the first harvest is usual at this time! Have a great day!

  22. A dove of peace should settle in every ones head these days and bring some peace to the world. Its a fabulous page Valerie, I hope you are keeping well and safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne,we realy need to get people to practice peace these days. Have a great day, take care!

  23. I just love how you do the dots. What a fabulous idea to have the profile of a head and it consist of so many dots. Not only differing in size but also so many beautiful colours. The dove you have flying with the head is lovely and works so well. This would make a good page for peace in the Ukraine which is so upsetting to see on tv.
    Hoe you are well, Hugs, Neet xx

    1. The war in the Ukraine is really awful, the whole situation is so dangerous!

  24. I love seeing those bales of hay that look like big toasted marshmallows! Beautiful territory.

    1. Now I will think of toasted marshmallows everytime I see them, what have you done!?

  25. These dots and spots are really cool! Great project, Valerie :)


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