Friday 27 May 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everbody!

As I sit and type this they are showing the news of the shooting in Uvalde, so terrible. Why are people allowed to have so many weapons ? How can anyone just shoot a class of children and their teachers? Why didn't the police go in earlier? So many questions, so few answers. Such a tragedy. My heart goes out to the families of all those who died.

Today I have a hybrid piece for Matilde's  birds challenge at AJJ, and for Nicole's Friday Face Off:

We saw this baby sparrow yesterday, and thought it had lost it's parents. Then we heard a bird calling and baby was reunited with his parents again. Not a good photo, I didn't want to scare it by going nearer:

Some photos from Nord Park:

Have a safe day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely post and art work Valerie, very sad to hear what happened in the US, time for a big change in their gun laws I believe.

    1. Thanks Sue, it is indeed time for a reform in the gun politic, but too many people are getting money to keep it that way!

  2. I don't understand what is about some American and there guns.
    I'm an American and I shake my head at this.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Who can understand it, Dora? It's just unbelievable. Stay safe!

  3. Beautiful lady in your art piece. It is scary that someone can just pick up a gun and fire at anyone whenever he is not happy or not feeling good. He has to be "sick" to be able to do such a terrible thing. North Park is a beautiful place. I like the fountains.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Why are sick teenagers able to buy weapons like that from their local supermarket?

  4. That shooting is tragic and so sad. Even sadder that there has been so many shooting-all needless. Who needs an assault weapon besides police and military people? Certainly not 18 year olds. When will this country do something? Onto to better things. Your journal page is gorgeous today. So many flowers. They are so beautiful. And such a pretty walk too. I visited a garden yesterday too. I love it. Have a wonderful weekend Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, you are right, no normal person needs such weapons. And certainly not sick teenies. It's always good to visit gardens and parks. Have a great weekend!

  5. The greatest tragedy of all, Valerie, is that there will be a repeat of the Buffalo shooting, or the Uvalde massacre, and quite soon too, and hands will be wrung and teeth will be gnashed, and nothing will be done. Most inexplicable to me, is the fact that most of the Republican senators and congressmen who receive enormous campaign funding from the gun lobby, routinely get re-elected so that they can continue to stymie any chance of reform. They never seem to be tossed out of office. How anyone could vote for a Ted Cruz, a Marco Rubio, a Mitch McConnell etc is beyond the limits of my comprehension. I remember well, after the Stoneman-Douglas slaughter of students in Florida, one young man asking Marco Rubio point blank whether he would decline future contributions from the NRA, and Rubio refused to do so. Predictably, a large chunk of his campaign funds comes from the gun lobby. The tipping point for Miriam and me came in 2012 with the Sandy Hook atrocity. We have never returned to the United States and I doubt we ever will. We barely recognize the country any more. On that note, enjoy the weekend that is almost upon us. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Yes, the gun laws in the USA are beyond comprehension, and that these awful people get reelected time and time again and keep the guns-for-all politic going is scary. Children and teachers are not worth anything to them, greed and power are the only things they undersand. It's a sad, sad world. What will happen next? Have a great weekend, BIG hugs!

    2. I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this conversation but I agree with everything you and David said. America needs to change their gun laws as the gun violence there is sky-rocketing and, devastatingly so, it's innocent children and teachers paying the price.

      They seem to forget that the constitution was written at a time when semi-automatic weapons did not exist. I'm sure they would have made a different clause if they were able to see into the future.

      Here in Australia, there was a massacre at Port Arthur, Tasmania, back in 1996, where a young man with a gun went in randomly killing people at a tourist spot. I remember it well. 35 people died. The whole of Australia was in mourning for those lost souls. After a public outcry, our Prime Minister implemented a ban on guns and people were handing in guns and rifles in droves. People were even given amnesty if their weapons were obtained illegally. We haven't had a mass shooting since.

      As David says, the Republicans continue to block all attempts to put gun regulations in place. The lives of innocent children mean nothing to them. It's like the NRA are ruling there. Very sad indeed. They try to say it's a mental health issue but we have mental health issues here in Australia, and other countries too, yet we don't have mass shootings — because we have strict gun laws.

      I feel so sad for the state of America's gun climate. It's scary. I read that the recent mass shooting was the 212th for the year, 27 were school shootings. They had 45 mass shootings in one month. Bear in mind, that we aren't even halfway through the year yet. The mind boggles at those figures. :(

      Change needs to happen or it will just continue and worsen. :(

    3. Thanks for speaking out, Serena. It really is criminal that such weapons are allowed to be bought and Sold, and America badly needs new laws. Here in Germany IT is very hard to get a weapon permit and that is good so.

    4. Allow me to jump in on this one. I believe in the second amendment. I believe we have the right to bear arms AS LONG AS they are legally obtained and are handguns, shotguns, and rifles. You don't need an AK 47 or Ozi to shoot a pheasant or even a deer. They need to be completely outlawed to anyone, except those in the military who have passed a physical and emotional exam. And the military should NOT be allowed to take them home once they are discharged. These weapons do NOT belong in the hands of average citizens. We fought the tobacco industry and won. Why can't we fight the NRA?

    5. Well said, you are so right!

  6. Beautiful face in the mirror. The park is lovely and so peaceful. Cute little bird, glad to hear it's back with its parents. Enjoy the weekend

    1. Thanks, I was happy that the little bird got back to its nest! It was so tiny!

  7. My comment performed a disappearing act again, Valerie.

  8. Nord Park is beautiful. And I love your little sparrow. I keep waiting for my nesting birds to fledge but haven't seen them yet. I hope I do. I'm glad he was reunited. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Nord Park is really beautiful, a wonderful place to walk, relax and drink coffee! The little sparrow was so sweet! Hugs!

  9. Wow! Valerie, she is just gorgeous. The bird faces make the grade too. The flowers are amazing. Thank you for joining in Friday Face OFF, (FFO) I am sorry the link up didn't work today. I am working on the problem and trying to find out why some have not trouble and some do. I have you linked. Hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I have no Idea why I can't link!

  10. I have so many questions, too :( Nothing will ever change unless it's to get worse. I hate to sound pessimistic, but I've always thought that if Sandy Hook didn't result in change nothing ever would -so far, I've been right :(

  11. Beautiful photos! I hope you are well👍❤️

    1. Thanks Laurie, good to hear from you again!

  12. I love those birds in your art. Very nicely done. That poor baby sparrow! Glad it was reunited with its mother.

  13. Hi Valerie, your park is beautiful and so well cared for. I think the idea in ours is to keep it as wild as possible and though I like it I think it means less work for the council. Loving the art work too that is a beautiful face. the sparrow is so sweet and it's easy to think they are lost but like most babies mother is nevr too far away. I've fallen out with the seagulls that come in our park as they have been seen taking chicks and ducklings. We knew some had gone but thought it was the pike in the lake but the gulls have been seen taking them. I know it's nature but you don't want to see it happening I guess. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela! We have a little park here in Kaiserswerth, and it's left to grow wild, I love it, too! Yes, gulls are greedy little beggars, we have loads of them here. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  14. Beautiful photos as always. Thank you for the smile. Regine

    1. Thanks, Regine, have a great weekend, take care!

  15. OH, what a lovely piece! The colours set off the B&W portrait beautifully.

    I'm so glad the baby sparrow was reunited with the parents.

    Great affirmation!

    The Nord Park photos are beautiful! Love the birds.

    I hope you have a safe and relaxing weekend,
    Serena :)

    1. Thanks Serena! Have a good and Safe weekend!

  16. The ducks are gorgeous! I love the little baby sparrow. Your "face" piece is beautiful Valerie!

  17. What a colorful and beautiful post! Thanks. Baby sparrow looks so cute. Hope it hugs its family. Thanks for the photos. Greetings,

    1. Thanks, those little birds need their fanilies, we all do!


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