Saturday 12 February 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy, safe and stress free weekend! I am feeling less stressed today now that I have most of the examinations done, and enjoyed an afternoon walk today, I will show photos next week!

Today I am sharing another A3 mixed media piece for Elizabeth's what's your style challenge at AJJ. Once again a bird has perched on her shoulder, and she doesn't look at all happy about it. Perhaps David will be able to name the bird for me, another of our Balconia-by-the-Rhine rarities. The quote written under her hair reads 'a life without dreams would be like a bird without feathers':

A few of my bird photos taken at various times:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You think of so many clever ways to create face portraits Valerie. The gold outlines are beautiful. And perhaps if that bird on her shoulder will make her smile once she realizes how rare it is. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. I hope you get some walks in and some rest too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I'm looking forward to a restful weekend! It's cod but dry, shoud be good for a nice walk. Hugs!

  2. Gorgeous art, as always, Valerie. I love the photo of the Dompfaff (I think the English name is bullfinch), tnis is exaclty how I remember them. It's always fun to read your posts. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thanks Carola. The bullfinches are always pretty, I love to see them on my balcony! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  3. Fun art piece and awesome bird photos!

  4. Beautiful art and so many beautiful photos too! I'm glad you are through most of the examinations and that you were able to get out for a nice walk today. Have a fantastic weekend - hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha! I'm looking forward to a restful weekend! Hugs!

  5. All that glitters appears to be gold in your lovely journal page today. It is a truly lovely face and so very YOU. That little bird looks quite content on the lady's shoulder, so she may have problems getting rid of it. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard’s and my theme.

    Your bird photos are wonderful, as always. Miss the black swans, though (I know, always one critic in every crowd-grin).

    1. When I'm feeling better I'll take the tram into town and find you some black swans!

  6. You Have captured some beautiful bird photos Valerie, I enjoyed them all.
    Your journal page is wonderful-Happy friday and weekend-hugs

  7. Those are some great photo of birds.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. Beautiful post and designed brilliantly as always. ♥

  9. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you are feeling better, and that you can enjoy your weekend. Here all is well. Take care and rest plenty! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs to all!

  10. Love your girl, love the bird and love the photographs. You certainly have some gorgeous birds on your balcony, I am so glad you are able to capture them in paint so well.
    So very glad you are feeling a little better - and hope you enjoy your walk.
    Hugsm Neet xx
    (so far behind, am working backwards) xx

    1. Thanks Meet, I have fallen behind on commenting too and it keeps getting more and more! Have a great Weekend!

  11. Beautiful page and the photos are amazing!

  12. I am gobsmacked this morning, Valerie, not only by the girl with the floating hair, and the wonderful pictures of the common birds of your area, but by the discovery of yet another of the ornithological wonders of Balconia-by-the-Rhine, that incredible region of avian diversity unmatched anywhere in the world. Take a back seat Amazonia! Not only are enigmatic species to be found in Balconia, we have that Indiana Jones of a bird sleuth, Professor Jael-Tups to find them for us. No quest of hers ever comes up empty-handed. This morning's revelation is especially exciting. I have spent the entire night examining every detail, not getting even a moment's sleep, pulse racing, palms sweating. I am convinced that this is the Heavenly Spikehead, thought to have been extinct for many thousand of years, and believed to have been totemic to the Neanderthals. They used to place it at the entrance to their caves to alert them to impending attacks from other primates, but it obviously was a poor defence, because there are not too many Neanderthals walking around any more. (Well, a few used to be in the White House, but they were an inferior subspecies). Congratulations on this amazing discovery. I have no doubt the Nobel Prize will be coming your way. Earth-shattering though this latest bird may be, I have a strong suspicion there are more to follow. I am in awe of your prowess! I am tickled pink (and many other colours too) that I get to send hugs and kisses to such a renowned scientist. Ever your awestruck acolyte. David

    1. This was the first time I've visited AJJ today, so wanted to make sure I had seen this post. After seeing David's comment, I was practically rolling on the floor with laughter. I agree with the Neanderthal statement of the previous White House. I also think David has actually discovered the species of that bird, too!

    2. Oh yes, there are certainly more Neanderthals in the world today than most people can imagine, and as you say we know where they can be found! our comment had me laughing out loud again, thanks! And thanks for the praise for discovering this species, wow, that does me good! And you have made Elizabeth have a laughing fit, too. Thanks again David - and Elizabeth - I wish you both a fun and wonderful weekend. Keep safe and sane in this crazy world! Hugs!

    3. It's always really nice when someone else enjoys it too.

  13. Your goddess looks very serene and I'm happy to hear you're feeling better. Wonderful shots of the birds. Some of them look like they are posing just for you. Enjoy the weekend!

  14. Another beautiful lady, and I love the little bird on her shoulder Valerie.
    Gorgeous bird photos too.
    I hope you're having a good weekend,

  15. A wonderful piece of artwork and I love the bird on her shoulder and all the bird pictures you shared..have a fabulous weekend and glad you are feeling brighter now..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. Beautiful art work, the bird is a very special one! Lovely bird photos.

  17. Beautiful art and I love all the birds. Hope your weekend is wonderful :)

  18. Beautiful artwork as always, Valerie.

    Those bird photos are awesome!

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks Veronica, I love taking pics of the birds! Hugs!

  19. I'm so glad you are through most of your examinations and hope the results are such that you'll be able to return home soon. The bird photos are simply fabulous. You have that perfect combo -- a wonderful eye, a terrific camera and very good luck!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I Love watching the birds especially at the Rhine!

  20. I like the bird perched on her shoulder. They look like they're having a conversation :)

    You get a great variety of birds there!

  21. Lovely art and lovely selection of birds in your photographs too.

    All the best Jan

  22. Wow she is beautiful as are the photos.

  23. Gorgeous art and great photographs. Hope you manage some R n R. V xx

  24. A fabulous journal page and a lovely bird and quote! I love all of those birds and it's great to see the horses! I will catch up one day! Hugs, Chrisx


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