Wednesday 16 February 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

I must apologize once again for not visiting yesterday, I will catch up today. On Monday afternoon I fell while I was walking and hurt my knee, the one with the 'new' knee. Today it felt worse, and the doctor sent me to another department of the hospital for x-rays. I had to wait for a very long time, and was quite exhausted by the time I got back. Nothing is broken, which is very good news, but I have to rest for a few days, so no more walks till it's better.

Another A3 mixed media painting. I am linking to Elizabeth's what's my style challenge at AJJ:

The rest of the pictures from Friday's walk:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I am so sorry. Take it easy and spoil yourself. Keep that knee up, get caught up on your reading and movies and have some great coffee and snacks.
    Love this girlie-girl. She has such personality in her face and that blue background rocks.

  2. Oh Valerie, so sorry about that knee. Lovely girl though and enjoyed the photos.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Sure looks more like spring in your area, than mine.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Hi Val, good morning! So glad your leg was't broken, hope the pains soon subside. Here all is well, just the usual chaos! Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. So sorry that you fell and hurt your new knee. Good that nothing is broken. Go slow and rest. Stay safe. Beautiful painting and photos.

  7. I'm glad to hear at least nothing is broken, but it's too bad you fell. I know you'll miss your walks. And I love your very regal looking lady you shared today Valerie. She has quite the look on her face, but I like her. She's another beautiful face. Get some rest and take care Please. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my lady! I'm happy that nothing is broken, too!

  8. Beautiful mid week post... oh gosh take it easy my friend across the miles...thinking of you .xx

  9. Good morning Valerie: Thank goodness nothing is broken! Ironically, I too slipped recently, on ice concealed beneath a fresh layer of snow, and plunged forward with a thud! Perhaps the added padding of layers of clothing worn as protection against the cold, helped cushion the fall, and I was not hurt at all. I think the crows chortled, however, but secretly I suspect they were very concerned, and were just showing their feigned amusement! They know who their friends are. Thank you for another long-necked beauty to occupy my fantasy world. I am quite sure you modelled her after the tower in the first picture that follows! And look at that marvellous hair, flowing luxuriantly, with the tree of life emblazoned on it. I am so happy that your energetic imagination is so well portrayed by your artistic talent. I have trouble drawing a stick man! Take good care of your injuries. I hope you will soon be able to get out for a walk again, and that might be the best therapy of all. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks for another entertaining comment! Sorry you slipped on the ice, too, but glad that nothing happened. Now I know why the crows were so loud this morning, they had probably heard about your fall and were trying to tell me! Glad you liked the damsel I chose for you this morning. I wish I had hair like that! I think I need to stop in for another couple of days and then I will try to get out again. Have a great day, David, take care, big hugs!

  10. Oh my! Glad nothing was broken and I hope you're feeling better. Your goddess looks very dreamy. Wonderful skies and I like the sun dots on the pictures. I hope it's getting warmer. Take care

    1. Thanks CJ, I always love the sun dots, too. Have a great day!

  11. Hey! I'm back, Valerie. I haven't painted or drawn in 4 years: full time carer to my late wife.

    I have just painted my first ever landscape, and am quite pleased with it.

    When my wife and I were 22 (64 years ago) we lived in Cologne for two years. We changed over that period but, judging from your pictures, the Rhine stays splendidly constant.

    Really sorry to hear of your knee problem, hope you make a quick recovery

    1. Hi John, nice to hear from you again! The Rhine hasn't changed much, that's always good, I love walking along there each day! Take care!

  12. I'm sorry about your fall but relieved nothing is broken. I'm liking that lady's little dangly earrings :)

    1. Thanks, I have some earrings like that, but can't wear them with a mask! Have a safe day!

  13. This painting is my favorite by you! I love her sweet face with the pretty nose. It is quite striking with the blue and red. Exceptional work!

  14. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  15. I love your lady Valerie, she's really beautiful! Great photos from your walk too.
    I hope your poorly knee heals quickly.

  16. Oh Valerie I am so sorry to hear you fell and hurt your knee. Girl you have to stop your groovy moves while you walk. I am lighting a candle and sending healing energy to you. I love your girl today. She has wonderful expression, and the photos are amazing. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I will try to control my moves in future! Have a great day!

  17. How are you feeling today, bud?

  18. I am so sorry to read you fell and hurt your new knee. I am glad you at least didn't break anything. When I first saw the woman, I thought she had an Egyptian vibe. I also am a bit envious of her long neck, too. She is a genuine beauty and a real asset to Bleubeard's and my theme at AJJ.

    That water looks incredibly cold, but the grass looks quite green in the field. Hope you are resting comfortably.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I did give here an Egyptian vibe, you're right! I wouldn't like to swim in the Rhine just now! Have a great day!

  19. Sorry to read that you had a fall on your knee Valerie and I hope you are not in to much pain.
    Your painted lady is a real beauty and the photos look lovely.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Sorry you fell, Valerie, but no damage on your knee is really great news. Your walk pictures are all wonderful - love the one with the colorful spots and the one where light is really playing on the water. Take care of yourself!

    Your journal page is wonderful. Love her face, her fun hair, and all the great colors. Each lady you make is so different and fun. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, it was a nasty fall but it could have been worse! I love thinking up new ideas for my ladies! Hugs!

  21. I'm so sorry to hear this. Falling is so scary -- both the doing of it and then later, thinking about the even-worse consequences. I'm so sorry you are in pain and hope the rest will help. You are in a good spot to be cared for now, so at least that's a plus.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, we are very well looked after, but falling is really scary!

  22. This painting is also lovely. I hope your knee is much better soon. Take care my friend.

  23. Sorry to hear of your fall. Glad there is nothing broken but sorry you have to curb your walking for the time being as you seem to enjoy your trips out. Sorry, unfortunate word there.
    Another beauty for your journal, I love how you give your ladies such exotic hairstyles. Today's colours are luscious and quite jewel-like.
    Take care and rest.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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