Friday 29 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

This past week has flown by again - too much to do, not enough time!
Or perhaps I just like to spend too much time walking about....

Today I am sharing another A2  (approx. 17" x 24") geometric-shapes mixed media page made a couple of months back at art group, and which somehow slipped to the bottom of one of my ever-growing piles. The page was gessoed, and then I drew in the shapes and painted them, layering some on top of others. I used an Edding pen to outline the shapes and add in some lines. The smaller patterns were added with stencils, the lines were drawn with a ruler - and still not quite straight!

And Nathalie and I discovered these painted rocks when we walked along the shore of the Rhine, so beautiful. Painted, and then left for others to enjoy:

Here I took a walk along the old bastions (walls) of the town:

This was one of the old watch-posts where the guards could shelter:

Saint Swidbert keeping an eye on us all:

The sun goes down early these days:

Nathalie watching the river:

While we were there the Canadian wild-geese flew around us before moving on:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val! Just time for a quick comment before I fall into bed. Your geometric shapes piece is great, love the colours, too. Wonderful photos as always. Love the sunsets especially, and the ones with the geese are fantastic. Have a good weekend. Good night, hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow what a fun post. Bright art, wonderful photos and found rock art. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Wonderful art again, isn't it lovely to find art someone has done and left for others to enjoy. Great walk photos Valerie. Nice to see old buildings.

  4. Hi Valerie love your mixed media page awesome work.
    Boy how. Pretty arethose painted rocks,and Thankyou for sharing your lovely pics with us xx

  5. Oh those colors are bright and happy! Those painted rocks are pretty cool-what a nice find! And those Canada geese photos are great! Hope you have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it was a lovely idea with the painted rocks.

  6. That is one colorful and geometric mixed media page. It's fabulous. I love the colors, the designs, and the shapes. It's wonderful

    How fun to find hand painted rocks. I would have left them for others to enjoy, too. You found some lovely places to photograph today. I love seeing your walks, whether it's early morning or even at dusk. You and Nathalie must enjoy walking and it's good that the two of you have so much in common. Hope you have a stress free day.

    1. A stress free day? Oh yes, that would be great!

  7. Beautiful, not just colours but fabulous photos and mixedmedia page too.xx

  8. Liebe Valerie, mal was ganz anderes und ich finde diese Idee grossartig mit der Aufschrift. Was man alles findet immer so geht es mri auch oft irgendwo unter vielen anderen Sachen. Die bemalten Steine sind auch so schön gut dass ihr sie gesehen habt. Ja da würde ich auch gerne mal wieder spazieren gehen es ist einfach so schön bei dir!Danke immer wieder dass ich es bei dir erleben darf!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir auch wenns wiedermal ein anderes Wetter ist heute bei dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  9. Schönes Banner :-)
    Ich sollte auch mehr rausgehen, aber ich rotze so vor mich hin... nervig!
    LOL. Deine Kunst erinnert mich irgendwie an den Chemie-Unterricht! Oder Physik, beides... ähhhh. Also der Unterricht (schlecht ausgebildete Lehrer, die den Stoff so langweilig gestalteten!)

    I´m more the dreamer ;-)
    Und ja, der Traum wäre logischer denken zu können. Und das zum Wochenende!

    Das ist richtig, fotografieren und für andere da lassen, hoffentlich machen es die nächsten auch so.
    Schöne Bilder, besonders mit der alten Strassenlampe.
    Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich dir, GlG, Iris

  10. Another lovely post, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and looking at while enjoying a late morning cup of tea :)

    Love your art, so colourful.
    Love those painted rocks.
    Love all of your photographs.

    I think you do so well with your walks, so good to get out and about.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. Your page reminds me of Mondrian, but with circles. As always your photographs are beautiful. Yesterday must have been goose migration day. While we were putting a Christmas wreath at the cemetery, flocks and flocks of geese honked their way across the sky. Enjoy your day

    1. The geese are very active just now, I think they like the cold weather.

  12. Wow, those neon brights are just what you need on a grey day (though I must admit we have some beautiful sunshine today after a frosty morning). The geese in flight are magnificent.
    Alison x

  13. I am very pleased that the CANADA Geese came to say hello to you! Very civilized of them!

    1. Indeed. In the past few years they have made themselves at home here.😁😁

  14. Beautiful page and a lovely walk!

  15. Colorful creations and gorgeous autumn photography!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Fabulous photos and I love your abstract art Valerie! Xx

  17. I love the pattern you drew -the shapes, and also the colors and design you chose. That leaf-strewn path is inviting :) The river looks like a good place for some meditative gazing. You have such good access to the river there!

    1. Thanks, leaf strewn paths are always very inviting.

  18. There's so much to discover outdoors it can be an easy distraction and you always seem to find so much beauty and interest on your walks Valerie, what a reward to have found those painted rocks.
    That black pen really defines your bold and bright shapes, thanks for sharing today.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  19. This is fabulous, I love these bright colours, and your photographs are wonderful as always. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  20. Its a fantastic mixed media page Valerie and a super abstract design.
    Lovely photos and those painted rocks looked lovely. you are really lucky to have so many interesting areas to walk in close by to your home. Have a good rest of the weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  21. Loving your page Valerie, all those shapes and design and.... those colours!! It would have been a pleasant time as you were painting them. Thanks for sharing with us.
    How beautiful to find those painted rocks! They're lovely and, yes, left with good intentions.
    Your photos are exceptionally beautiful - the hazy sunset is extraordinary. Lovely one of Nathalie too.
    Enjoy the remains of your weekend and have a great week xx

  22. Beautiful and bold art page! The painted rocks are such lovely find. The lamppost with the autumn trees is probably my most favourite in your lovely set of photos.


  23. I enjoyed our walk today (yes, with your beautiful photos, I feel I am there with you). Love the idea of the painted rocks you found! Your project is amazing and so big and bold!!

  24. Maravilloso paseo, tu composición pictórica me encanta el contraste de colores y formas.


  25. Beautiful walk and pictures as always! Love the colors of your work☺

  26. Those painted rocks are so beautiful -- and the birds, magnificent! What a sight!

  27. LOve the dream and dreamer artwork. The photos from your walks are inspiring...I feel so stuck in the house these winter days.

    1. Yes, that's something I hate, but short of blizzard or heavy storm I always go out!

  28. You asked about Monte, he is still in training and we have seen some play videos of him but the training ones they don't show...comes home on the 13th so can't wait to see him and missing his mischievious ways, hope he comes home well trained...xx

  29. autumn in your country is so wonderful


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