Saturday 16 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! The day has dawned cold, clear and sunny here, I was able to watch a beautiful sunrise while drinking my first, wonderful coffee of the day - it always tastes EXTRA good!

I  have one more tag for Michele's theme of seeds and plants at Tag Tuesday
I used images from Serif and me to create the tag. The quote is, of course, from Ecclesiastes 3,1:

Early morning and sunrise today:

Evening photos from the Altstadt taken by my friend Nelya:

And sunset at the Rhine on Wednesday:

The wild geese flying back to 'their' lakes:

Have a wonderful weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! We got off to a sunny start here today, too, always so much nicer than rain. t makes the kids behave better, too, the like grumping when it's wet! Love the beautiful tag and quote, and all the wonderful photos. It must be cold taking those pics early in the morning, and I bet you were still in your pyjamas on the balcony! The sunset scenes are great, too. We all need light and sunshine just now! Have a nice day, take care, we're off to Mum's after lunch. Hugs, Sarah

  2. For a change I had a coffee, too!
    Well, it tasted OK.
    "Back to nature" ist ein ... argh. jetzt weiß ich das Wort in keiner Sprache mehr!
    Guter Vorsatz? Oh, Hilfe...
    Sehr schöne Fotos! In ein riesiges Riesenrad kriegt mich niemand.
    Eventuell unser Kleines beim Weihnachtsmarkt. Eventuell...
    Dir glG, Iris

    1. Oh je, manchmal fallen mir auch Begriffe nicht ein! Ich freue mich auf das Riesenrad, man kann tolle Fotos machen!

  3. It's been a wonderful combination of colour and theme this fortnight, i've loved what I managed to catch a glimpse of. Just like you marvellous sky views, do you ever print your pictures off Valerie?? They's be magnificent all contained in a photo album.
    At last I have a free weekend, no on call duties today (you can probably hear my sigh of relief from there as I type it..) There may even be a chance for some creative playtime later.. I think I may have forgotten just how to play :))
    Wishing you a super weekend take good care now lovely. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Enjoy your free Weekend and have big fun!😁💖😁

  4. I agree with you about the first cup of coffee being the best of the day. If my wife and I are awake at the same time she always waits to get up until I have come down and have the coffee pot on. Funny how that doesn't seem to work in reverse!

    1. Not funny at all, David, she seems to me to be a clever and sensible person!

  5. Beautiful tag. Looks like one of your glorious sunrise photos. The evening and sunset photos are equally amazing, too. Stay warm

    1. Thanks, we get some wonderful sunrise and sunsets here!

  6. Beautiful seed inspired tag. Gorgeous sunrise and set. It is hard to tell the difference between them sometimes.

    1. I can Tell the difference! Sunrise wakes me Up!

  7. Your sunrise and sunset photos are lovely! It must be nice to have such a good site to the horizon. Pretty!

  8. Stunning sunrises and sunsets Valerie, and your tag is beautiful! xx

  9. Your fantastic artwork and your fabulous photos are all breathtaking in their beauty...WOW!!!

    Hugs and ❤

  10. That's a stunning tag. I like how you positioned the duck behind the clock and the wheat to the left, which reminded me of peacock feathers. It's a glorious tag, dear.

    I LOVED your sunrises and sunsets. I also enjoyed Nelya's photos of the Atstat. I especially like the one of the eye and the people on the pedestal. There's another blogger who uses those people as her blog header.

    These are super shots of both sunrises and sunsets. I enjoyed seeing the geese with the contrail in the background, too. Hope your day is going well.

  11. Hi Valerie :)) I LOVE THAT TAG!!! It's so autumnal! Beautiful! You're art is so original! I'm such a big fan of sunrises and sunsets, your photos are wonderful! Enjoy your weekend!! :)

  12. Lovely tag Valerie, your sunrise and sunset photos are beautiful.

  13. Dein Tag ist wunderschön die Farben sind grossartig und die Motive!
    Die Sonnenunter-aufgänge sind so toll und Düsseldorf mit der Kirmes!Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. Beautiful morning and evening photos. The tag looks wonderful as well.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Very elegant and divine tag art and such creative and beautiful photography ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. What a beautiful tag Valerie, fab image and the perfect quote as always. I think we had a day without rain today which was nice. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  17. Lovely tag and quote, the designing of this is gorgeous as are the added beauties.xx

  18. The colors on this tag are just breath taking. Add the details and all I can say is WOW!

  19. A lovely tag Valerie, with the perfect quote.
    We've been cold, wet and very grey, so your sunrise and sunset pictures are a welcome sight. You do seem to get the most magnificent sunrises, the colours are stunning.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Avril xx

  20. Love the harvest warmth of your tag - so full of autumn fire. And so are your wonderful sunrises and sunsets. I've hardly seen daylight this week, never mind sunrise! Will catch up properly soon.
    Alison x

  21. Hi Valerie, beautiful beautiful photographs. The tag you created is absolutely stunning. Love how rich and beautiful it is. One of the nicest tags i have ever seen.
    hugs June x

  22. Oh my goodness. I've never seen such a richly-colored sunrise. Beautiful.
    And I love the piece. The clock adds a lovely bit of whimsy for a time for every purpose:)

  23. For me it's the first cup of tea of the day … you just can't beat it!

    Lovely tag and most beautiful photographs. The colours are simply amazing, a joy to see.

    Hope your weekend has been good, we've had a great one spending a lot of time visiting family.

    All the best Jan

  24. I do like this tag Valerie. It is really clever to use the clock in the body. And your friend took some stunning photos. Seems the colder it gets the more dramatic the sky often becomes. Hugs-Erika

  25. Oh wow! What fabulous skies! Love the tag! Chrisx


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