Wednesday 13 November 2019

Rain's Thursday Art Date and more

Hi Everybody!

It's cold and frosty still, but at least we didn't get any rain or snow - yet!
I'm happy if it stays dry. Today I was out and about all day, doing this and that, and somehow got nothing done. Perhaps I will be better organised tomorrow!

First of all I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at
Tag Tuesday.
There's a critter on it, too!

Today is also time for Rain's Thursday Art Date, and the theme is forests and critters.
I have put together a selection of pieces with these themes.

The first is a hybrid piece composed with photos and digital elements from Serif:

The second is a fantasy piece put together using one of my sketches and various digital elements from Serif:

The photos here were taken in the woods in Hösel some time back:

And I was crazy enough to balance over this narrow plank - I wouldn't do it anymore as my vertigo has got bad:

And then we visited a fairy tale castle hidden in some woods nearby:

I wonder if this is the tower where Rapunzel was locked up?

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie oh i love your beautiful tags and your other pieces of work are amazing,well done my friend on your stunning work.
    Oh i do love the pics of your woodlands so pretty and peaceful xx

  2. Your tags are quite beautiful, and well thought out. That does seem like a pretty narrow and precarious bridge to cross. If it was bone dry I think I would give it a shot, but if it was slick and wet I might think twice. The older we get the more serious the consequences of a fall may become.

    1. You're right about that, I am slowly learning to be careful and take less risks!

  3. Beautiful tags.

    Goodness! I wouldn't balance on that plank!
    Although your photographs of the woodlands are wonderful...

    All the best Jan

  4. Good evening Val! Glad I saw this before I start getting everything and everyone ready for bed - we've been having a games evening here, so lots of kids with lots of fun! Love all the pieces you have shown today, and that some are made with your own pics. That fairy tale castle looks good, too, poor Rapunzel! You did take rather a risk crossing over that narrow tree, I wouldn't do it, that's for sure, but I suppose the kids would! Goodnight, sleep well, hugs, Sarah

  5. More beautiful tags Valerie. That tree in the woods looks a bit narrow for walking across! Love your woods photos.

  6. Wonderful woodland photos Valerie, the scenery looks magical.
    The tags look fantastic and so does the other art projects you shared today.
    Yvonne xx

  7. I love your tag and your forest animal pieces are lovely. Such lush vegetation in your photos too!

  8. Lovely work for Rain's fun theme this week Valerie! Thanks for the whimsical tour through the woods, scary balancing act and poor Rapunzel is all I can say! Happy PPF as well!

  9. Gorgeous tag and super colours. I can not begin to compliment you on those fairy tale photos, love the woods and wow they are so

  10. Oh Valerie, your beautiful posts inspire me so much. Your Tags and fantasy pieces are gorgeous. Great photos as well - so much to admire, thank you. Enjoy the rest of your week xx

  11. Your tag today is amazing. That vintage image is gorgeous and that wee mouse is so cute. The two critter entries are out of this world. I love the face you drew, too. I remember when you drew all those faces a couple of years ago. This brought back wonderful memories.

    Those woods look lush. I kept stopping to admire each of the photos. I don't think I'd walk that plank, but I've been known to do some crazy things. My problem is not so much a fear of falling and as a fear of height and that looked pretty high to me. Still, you were quite brave.

  12. Ohhhh, ich hatte mal eine Wüstenrennmaus. Sie kletterte immer auf meine Schulter und piepte in mein Ohr (ich war zu jung um zu wissen, dass man sie nicht allein halten soll und ich war in einem "Fachgeschäft"!)
    Die Fantasy-Arbeit gefällt mir am Besten.
    Heute Nacht träumte ich, ich wäre in meinem alten zu Hause und meine Mutter schenkte mir einen super-schicken, wenn auch nicht Winter-geeigneten 70er-Jahre Mantel. Und jetzt dieses Bild mit der Uhr und dem Kind mit fast meiner Augenfarbe... Ein bisschen... "gruselig".
    Die Sonnenstrahlen sind hübsch. Ja. Ich wette, Rapunzel war genau da! :-)
    GlG und einen schönen Tag dir :-)

    1. Seltsam was man alles träumt, ich hatte auch sehr komische Träume letzte Nacht - es ist Vollmond!

  13. Loving the art and the fantasy piece. It works perfect with those beautiful wood photos. But that bridge, it is not for me. Did you cross it? It looks pretty scary. Hope the week is warming up and going well for you. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes I did cross it, my neighbour dared me, so I did it, and he had to pay for lunch!

  14. Valerie,

    Your photo-art is nice. I love the various elements, colors, and textures! Your photographs of your walk through the forest are especially nice. I loved the castle you came upon! How magical is that? I bet you're right, I think that's the tower that imprisioned Rapunzel. Have a doodletastic day, my dear!

  15. Your tags are gorgeous. The photos of the woods you took are so enchanting. Perfect with the castle. Rapunzel should take up art. I bet that tower would make a great studio.

  16. Die Tags sind ja wunderschön geworden aber genauso deine Fotos. Also über diese Baumstammbrücke könnt eich auch nicht gehen.. Es ist wie ein Märchen das stimmt und es ist dort bestimmt an jeder Ecke ein Märchenwesen versteckt *zwinker*.
    Deine Kreativität ist unbeschreiblich. Ich sgate gestern noch als ich Fotos an shcaute von Kaiserwerth wenn ich noch in Neuss wohnte würde ich dich besuchen.Schade dass wir uns nciht früher kennen gelrnt haben.
    Lass es dir gut gehen und ruh dich aus!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  17. Hi Valerie :) I've had those days too! Yesterday in fact. I feel like I didn't get a moment to myself but basically did nothing all day! Your pieces today are very pretty and spiritual (to me!). :) I believe in the Earth's energies and I also believe there is more in the woods than most folks think or even understand!

    Your woods are beautiful! They remind me of the Eastern Townships of Quebec where I lived a few years. They were mostly coniferous woods and the forest floor was blanketed with pine needles, so beautiful! OMG the plank...NEVER lol...I have a tendency to slip and fall and I can just picture myself plunging down were brave! That castle is very magical!! Very cool that you mentioned Rapunzel!!! :) Thanks so much for the lovely post!!

    1. The earth and its Energies are very Important and people still interfere and destroy as if there is nö tomorrow. And if they carry on this way we won't have any more tomorrows.

  18. Your woodland photos are a wonder! I feel the mystery, and the colors have such depth. That plank looks like a challenge, but I understand how tempting it would be to venture out there. I've never seen a crossing like that.

  19. Your gorgeous art "deep woods" and your stunning photos are perfection together!!!


  20. Loving your work today. Those fairy pieces are truly amazing Valerie! Your forest photos are beautiful. What a place to visit!

  21. Wonderful arty pieces and beautiful woodland photos Valerie!
    Alison xx

  22. How wonderful. I especially love your fantasy piece. Very dreamlike.

  23. Your work is beautiful! Both your photographs and your digital pieces. Very creative.

  24. These tags are so beautiful and suit the season wonderfully. Such lovely pictures of the trees. Sometimes I forget about the joy of scenery that's all around us, and it's also a reminder that I need to get out and walk lots more. (lol) Hugs, RO

  25. As a young girl, I probably would've cartwheeled over that plank, but nowadays, I wouldn't step foot on it. Not because I wouldn't want to, but I definitely wouldn't want to fall. Heck, I've gotten to the point of not walking down our hallway without turning on the light first. An ounce of prevention and all that...

    Have a lovely weekend, dear lady.

  26. Ohhh these are simply gorgeous.

  27. wonderful digital scenes! They tie in so well with your beautiful photos of the outdoors. Happy PPF!

  28. Beautiful artwork! I love both the autumnal tag and greenery of your journal page too 😀. Both of which are reflected in your stunning photos too - prefect! You always visit the most beautiful places and the scenery is stunning 😁. Happy Friday and wishing you a lovely weekend too! Hugs, Jo x

  29. I love the tag Valerie and the digital pieces are fabulous.
    Wonderful photos from the woods and the castle does indeed look magical. You certainly wouldn't get me anywhere near that plank footbridge, I've never had a head for heights.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  30. your love of nature comes through. These creations feel as smokey and magical as your real pictures

  31. Those are so incredible! Love the nature motives, so pretty☺ Have a lovely weekend ☺

  32. Thoroughly enjoyed todays sumptuous serving of art and photos. The tower is awesome, if Rapunzel was there she did well to let down her hair😊
    Happy PPF thanks for dropping by my blog today


    1. Too funny! I wish my hair was so long and strong!

  33. Absolutely gorgeous pieces, and photos too. It's been non-stop raining here since fall hit. It's like a switch was flicked!

  34. Such fun works of art and great photos! Love all the details!

  35. such pretty things, and a strong theme of faerie magic throughout the art and photos! xo

  36. Your artwork is enchanting especially the close up of the beautiful lady"s face. I love it all. I also love your forest pictures. My favorite thing is the sunlight shining through the woods onto the forest floor. You have capture the beauty of the forest in your pictures. And, I could be convinced that that is Rapunzel's tower (love the colorful vines ). It sure looks the part. Have a wonderful week ... see you Thursday :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. I must go back to that tower and see if Rapunzel is still there....

  37. Los dibujos tan personales y originales,el bosque encantado, animales y hadas... junto con las imágenes de paisajes maravillosos captados por tu cámara.


  38. I love the woodlands here - both in your imaginative creations and in your atmospheric photos. What a wonderful post full of the mystery and magic of the deep forest. Rapunzel's tower is just perfect too.
    Alison x


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