Monday 11 November 2019

T sTands for frosTy Times

Hi Everybody!

We had another cold and frosty night here, and it looks like it will rain later, but stay cold, so there might be icy roads and paths - time to be extra careful!

Today I am sharing another autumnal piece - a painted background with a scene composed of altered photos. One is the avenue which leads past the castle ruins, and  the night-watchman is a metal sculpture taken from another photo, and is on a house in a little, ancient town not far from here:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday party, which always begins on Monday evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T gang who visit here.

On the 11th of November here St Martin's day is celebrated. St Martin was a Roman soldier who cut his cape in half to clothe a freezing beggar, and was later Bishop of Tours. Children have lantern parades through the streets, and sometimes go from house to house singing, and are rewarded with sweets. Money is also collected to be given to the poor, as that was the message of St Martin, and the scene is re-enacted. This photo is courtesy of the Rheinische Post newspaper, showing the scene in Düsseldorf.

And people eat 'Weckmänner', tasty sweet pastries:

Have a bite!

I saw lots in the windows of the bakeries I went past last week, some small and some very large:

And they taste delicious with coffee. This is a special photo, as my fave  cafe has now closed for the winter holidays, and on the last day all regular customers get a coffee 'on the house'.

I was able to enjoy some cold and sunny walks over the weekend:

And thanks to the clear and frosty weather I got some good moon shots:

Wrapped up well against the cold:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! It's cold and frosty here, and the heating isn't working properly, so I'm hoping the repair-man will come asap! Love your autumnal piece, very clever how you combine the photos with such great results. Lovely photos, too, great shots of the moon, and of everything. You look wonderful in your colourful coat! Have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Hey Valerie,

    Your artwork should be used for a book cover. It's quite intriging and mysterious. :) Your autumn views are beautiful. Our weekend weather was nice - mild and sunny for the most part. We're expected to get some very cool temps beginning tonight which I'm not looking forward to. It almost seems like we went from summer to winter leaving me to wonder what became of autumn since we aren't getting much fall-like weather. Anywho, I love your photos and it looks like you had a wonderful day capturing the world around you, too. Have a good week and keep warm. ;)

    1. Thanks Cathy! We've had a colourful autumn, so I can't complain, although I am not a winter lover!

  3. Weisse Frost-Dächer auch hier.
    Schöne Collage und auch die Quote ist so wahr!
    Stimmt, auch St Martin´s Tag! Man liest wieder hier in der Zeitung später, dass es stattgefunden hat und keiner kam... Immer hinterher!
    Weckmänner gibt es hier nicht. Aber gute Idee, vielleicht gehen wir heute Abend mal raus und schauen, ob was los ist!

    Brrr, das sind aber dünne Klamotten!
    Ich würde mir nen Ast frieren!!!

    Dir glG, Iris

    1. Die Klamotten sind warm und auch noch schichtweise übereinander 'gestapelt', ich mag nicht frieren!

  4. It seems that some kind of food is associated with almost every festival, in all cultures. Not surprising, I suppose.

  5. Normal temps this morning, but the cold will pour in Tuesday night. We might even get some snow. There is such a beautiful glow in your nightwatchman's piece. And the heavenly glow from the bakery windows. A cup of tea and a Weckmänn would make a perfect breakfast. Perfect to savor while scrolling through your amazing photos. Stay warm and enjoy your day

  6. We have a snowstorm projected today and it has started trickling down. Lovely art, tea and photos today...those pastries are very tempting!

    1. Stay warm and safe. Those pastries are really tempting!

  7. Beautiful artwork and photographs Valerie, and you do have some amazing bakeries. I never used to be a bakery type person, but the older I get the more I enjoy - well just about anything really lol. We're home from holiday now and it seems so cold here and we came back to floods. It seems mad that the UK is underwater, and Australia is on fire - definitely extreem weather. Stay warm and take care, Sue xx

    1. The climate change is causing lots of problems.

  8. This weather system seems wide-spread; they're even giving us here in the South a chance for snow. I'm skeptical that'll happen, but cold is on the way!

    That light, fluffy pastry would suit me this morning :) Those colors look perfect for an Autumn walk, as does that hat. So cute! Happy T Day!

  9. Oh, yes! A big bite for me, PLEASE!!! Ha ha!!! You look so pretty, Valerie, in these lovely clothes! Your page is wonderful! I love the collage on your image. And you know that I am in love with the photos you share with us! Happy T Day, my dear friend.

  10. That sounds like a lovely holiday to remember and celebrate each year. Those sweets look delicious. Here in the US (and elsewhere) Nov 11 is Remembrance/Veterans Day. It got cold here in Connecticut, and we might get a little snow tomorrow. Great Autumn photos. The colors are beautiful there. I got some nice moon photos the other day too! :-) My T-post won't go up until midnight my time (about 12 hours from when I'm writing this now), but Happy T-Day to you!

  11. Your Night Watchman is gorgeous. C.S. Lewis knew what he was talking about. It's a great quote and a striking journal page.

    It turned frigid here last night, Our temps dropped about 50 degrees F overnight. It's supposed to be cold and windy for a couple more days, too. Your autumn photos look NOTHING like mine. My trees are raining dead leaves, not colorful ones like in your photos. I'm surprised the fountain is still on in the square. I certainly wouldn't mind taking a walk with you in your colorful world.

    What a fun shopping area. The Weckmänner in the shop was fun, but I preferred yours. I remember you made one last year, too.

    How sweet of your favorite coffee shop. Not only do you get a free cookie, you get a free coffee on the house the last day they are open in winter. No wonder you like to drink your cappuccino there.

    Thanks for sharing your journal page, your lovely walk, your Weckmänner, and your cappuccino that was on the house with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. It seems to be cold everywhere just now. Keep yourself warm!

  12. Beautiful creation Valerie-Jael. I really love the quote as well. Go St. Martin!! Loved that information. Especially love the pastries!! Mother Nature would be chuffed if she could see your photos....amazing!!

  13. Love your pages of Autumn. Your coat is beautiful with your tam hat.

  14. A stunning page Valerie, I love the scene you created.
    The photos look awesome especially the cakes and pastries, at least one of them would have been put in a box for me to take home.
    Lovely autumn photos from your walks and you look so cosy and warm in that lovely coat and hat.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Happy T day wishes.

  15. More beautiful art work you have made , love the colours in it. Good to see you wrapped up warm for your walks. Take care on the icy paths.

  16. I love cold and sunny walks … our day was like that, as long as you dress up warm!
    Great photographs again, I always enjoy seeing them and you :)

    All the best Jan

  17. Hi Valerie, I always enjoy your posts so much-fabulous photos,love your art,I did not know about that saint-your coffee always looks so good too-hugs Happy T Kathy

  18. Love your art and your photos every time! You are amazing.
    I enjoyed the the Saint story, too.
    I always leave here hungry and needing a cup of coffee ☕


  19. super digital collage art! And oh my Valerie, your photos from your walks and views are gorgeous!!! I couldn't choose a favorite. And those pastries- oh my, how I'd love a taste of a pastry from a European bakery... stay warm, and happy T day!

  20. Love the altered photo art. It is quite stunning. I also love your coat too, which I will mention before I forget. And thanks for filling us in about St Martin's Day. Those pastries look yummy. I like learning about those local events. And it does look like autumn there. Our trees are all bare! Have a wonderful T day.

  21. Your artwork is beautiful, such bright glowing colours, matches the gorgeous colours of the trees.
    It made my mouth water seeing the pastries, looks delicious. The shop windows always look so cheerful and inviting
    Happy T Day, jan x

  22. Great photo, you look like it's getting colder! I would love to have a bite - looks so yummy! Beautiful trip around your town with autumn and I just love your gorgeous creation - the gold is absolutely stunning! Always fun to stop by your blog!

  23. You look so cool all wrapped up while I sit here cooling down. Love your great post and creative photos.x

  24. You're looking very stylish in your beautiful coat Valerie! Great art and photos as always.
    Alison xx

  25. Beautiful autumnal page! It's so lovely to see the trees full of golden leaves, we have had high winds here so the trees have lost most of their leaves already 😁. The bakery looks amazing and I'm loving the photo of you, your coat is beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful week and Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  26. Beautiful composition, Valerie. You melded all the pieces together seamlessly.

    Thank you for the bite of Weckmänner. Did you bake it yourself? It looks delicious!

    You got some gorgeous fall photos. I really like your new coat.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  27. Love what St. Martin stands for...and those pastries:)
    Outstanding photos. Your selfie is great. That coat is fab.

  28. As always, I either learn something here or become bewitched by your eye candy. This time it was both. OH! Those pastry shops. And I adore your coat!

  29. Your artwork is beautiful. I love the colour and the quote by CS Lewis. It is a shame that integrity has gone out of the window. It doesn't seem to be appreciated anymore.
    Such beautiful autumn colours from your walk. And the moon photos are stunning.
    It was interesting to learn about St Martin. And the pastries look delicious. Thank you for offering me a piece of your Weckmann. I smiled at your selfie. You look gorgeous in that beautiful coat.
    Happy T-Day,

  30. A gorgeous post, full of rich colours and I love your smart walking outfit. Always enjoyable to catch up with you Valerie. Oh those bakeries!!! xx

  31. Great combination of photos brought together, he's a fabulous image is that Knight watchman. We've had heavy floods close by but lucky for us we are just across the border of it all, so horrid to see so many people affected and to be on red alert just in case it moves closer. I could just eat one of those pastries and your Autumn/Winter coat is amazing, suites you so well Valerie. Hugs Tracey xx

  32. I love the night watchman! I remember the story of St Martin from our visit to Tours a few years ago! Sounds like a lovely celebration! Free coffee to regulars sounds lovely and the pastry looks yummy! As usual you have taken some beautiful photos! Hugs,Chrisx


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