Tuesday 12 November 2019

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

We seem to have an early winter here just now. Cold winds are doing their best to send the remaining leaves flying, and rain is making the cobbles slippery under foot. The booths for the Christmas markets are being set up, and will start selling their sausages, potato cakes, beer, hot mulled wine and Christmas ornaments next week - time is flying!

I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at Tag Tuesday.
The seed packet is from Gecko Galz and the other images from Serif:

 On Sunday I took a walk through the old cemetery in Düsseldorf. It's a peaceful place where one can forget the hectic of the busy road just a few metres away. It's not used any more, but the people buried there were all connected to the history of Düsseldorf, and gave their names to many streets and squares we know today:

The next few pics were taken some weeks back when everything was still green:

 And now back to the autumn pics:

We had a clear view of the moon again:

I am linking to Wild Wednesday at Curious as a Cathy

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The person in your tag looks quite elated with his harvest. Old cemeteries are fascinating places, aren't they! I love scenes like the Autumn trees in your photos. I can feel the crispness in the air.

    1. He does indeed. I think harvests gathered in by hand were a lot more personal than the ones today where all the work is done with machines.

  2. Oh Valerie...I wish we had autumn like you do!!! It seems that in this area, we have winter, one week of spring, summer, one week of autumn, then winter again!!! The photos are lovely. I'm a cemetery walker. I love seeing the architecture and art in the headstones. The history also humbles me. Thank you for sharing!!! :) (I'm keeping warm with asparagus soup and oatmeal bread today!!!) :)

    1. Thanks Rain. Soup and oatmeal bread sounds very good. I love old cemeteries, too, they are such lovely places when the noisy world outside gets too loud.

  3. Hi Val! Love this post, as always. The tag is gorgeous, and the photos are so full of colour and beauty. It's sad that autumn will soon be over. The Golzheimer Cemetery is one of my faves, too, really a place of peace and quiet. Thanks for showing the lovely pics! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  4. Wahnsinn was das für alte Grabsteine sind und ich bewundere wie die da sgestaltet haben früher und tolle Fotos sind das. Da hab tihr aber ziemlich kalt. Ich warte immer noch auf den Sturm bis jetzt war nichts und kalt auch nicht.
    Dein Tag ist wiedermal so schön, immer wieder so toll zusammengestellt!
    Dir gut auf passen dass du nicht hinfällst bei dem Wetter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Autumn is just a memory for us now. We had 10cm of snow overnight and the temperature when we started our walk this morning was minus 11 degrees. Ah well, it happens every year!

  6. That's a beautiful header!
    Hi Valerie, the Christmas markets set ups sound fun - I loved seeing your photos last year of all the goodies on display.
    Your seed packet tag is wonderful, a touch of long gone days with a sweet whimsy faerie.
    Magnificent tree walks and, of course, your beautiful moon shots are always lovely to see xx

  7. Beautiful tag Valerie, the cemetery looks like and interesting place for a wander, there are some really ornate head stones there. Love the autumn colours.

  8. I find cemeteries mesmerizing, so full of history, such different memorials. Just looking at the dates of strangers can be fascinating. I'd love this walk.

  9. Beautiful. I love to stroll through cemeteries, especially where my mum and dad are buried as it's my old home town. It amazes me to see how many of my friend I grew up with had died, way to young. xx

  10. Love the latest tag Valerie and the walk through the cemetery. I enjoy old cemeteries and this one looks really fascinating. Including the headless angel, or at least it looks headless. The cold has arrived here also, bitter cold. Boy this has been an awfully short autumn this year. Hugs-Erika

  11. Lovely tag and photos, what a difference a few weeks makes. Exciting to think about the Christmas markets!

  12. another great seeds tag! hope your week is lovely. xo

  13. Morning Valerie, playing catch up again.. Loved seeing the cemetery photo's and the head stone's weathered like relics now. I've always found them peaceful places to reflect, the cemetery where both my Grand Parents are buried fascinated me as a child, like Dusseldorf so much history.
    Super thoughtful seed Tags giving Thanks for the harvest.
    Sending Hugs your way take care & stay safe Tracey xx

  14. This is a fabulous tag, Valerie. I truly love the vintage feel and the harvest. It's beautiful.

    First, I want to say how much I enjoyed the cemetery with you. When I was an undergrad, I needed three independent studies credits. I wanted to write about cemeteries because they fascinated me, and I took photos everywhere I went. There are such distinct styles depending on the part of the country you're visiting. I found a prof who would sponsor the independent study and he was a gem. He told me to study cemeteries like I would the layout of a city. The old part is in the middle or on one side, then the newer parts fan out in every direction. I've noticed that, now that I know what I'm looking for. Headstones are so personal and oftentimes in England, people would do without in order to put money away for a monumental headstone or covering. They believed this would be the place they would be judged or most appreciated. Families in Victorian times took picnic baskets to cemeteries and had Sunday picnics near their family's graves. OK, off my soapbox. But, it's obvious, I love cemeteries.

    Second, I would LOVE to do a rubbing in a cemetery and the old ones really have the best and most intricate details.

    Third, is that a RUSTY cross? It's awesome!

    I had forgotten how low the sun gets in late autumn. Your photos from summer to the recent ones really showed that. Such beauty in autumn and the low sun in the sky. Beauty in your photos, too.

    1. Yes, the rusty cross was especially for a certain lady who likes rust!

  15. I forgot to mention how much I like your latest blog banner/header.

    1. Thanks, it's the best tree along our road, beautiful especially in spring when it blooms and now when it's golden.

  16. Was?! Der Weihnachtsmarkt wird schon aufgebaut? Muss ich mal gucken, ob das hier auch schon passiert, gestern war noch nichts.
    "Burpees´s Seeds"? Ich kenne das nur als Rülpsen ;-)
    Schöner Friedhof und immernoch so schön bunt. Ach, der Mond... leider sehr selten von zu Hause aus zu sehen.
    Dir einen schönen, wenn auch kalten Tag, gLG, Iris

  17. Valerie,

    Time really is zipping past us much too fast! The holiday festive decorations are showing up in retail stores which drives me a little bonkers because I hate how commercialized Christmas has gotten which then makes it difficult to not break out singing Christmas songs in November. lol Years ago I recall DH watching videos from someone filming the Christmas markets in Germany. It was so beautiful and the foods looked incredible. What's amazing is how folks in Germany and other European communities don't shy from saying 'Merry Christmas' or making reference to the holiday as 'Christmas'. Folks in the US are so silly tippy toeing around calling it 'Christmas' for fear of offending someone. It doesn't stop me because when someone says, 'Happy Holidays' I always return a 'Merry Christmas to you, too!' Now back to fall as you said....your autumn photos are gorgeous with the sun brusting through the golden fall leaves and I can almost here the russel beneath the feet as you walked through the park snapping pictures. I loved how you captured the cross center frame - very dramatic and artsy done. You ought to join my WildWednesdays linky party for others to discover your blog and talents. ;) Happy WW, my friend!!

    1. Thanks Cathy! I have linked to your linky party!

  18. A great Autumnal tag Valerie, love the vintage images.
    Lovely photos from your walk, the Autumn colours are wonderful and the moon shots look very atmospheric. I'll bet there are some interesting stories to be told from the folk buried in that cemetery.
    Have a great day and stay warm - it's very cold here in the N.E of the UK too.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! Many of the people buried there are really famous here..

  19. Beautiful place, I would live to visit it one day. Wonderful photos as always!

  20. i love autumn weather:) it is so warm and sunny and full of colours:) follow:) hope U follow back:)

  21. Your art is fantastic!!! You are amazingly talented!
    I love walking through old cemeteries and this one is so beautiful.
    Your Autumn photos are gorgeous!
    A very beautiful post yet again!

    Hugs ❤

  22. You do live in a beautiful place and your photos are stunning

    Joan x

  23. Love your tag, love your Autumn photographs and what an amazing looking tree that is in your header/banner.

    All the best Jan

  24. Great photos and I love your Autumn tag Valerie. xx

  25. I don't know how I missed this fantastic post and photos. The cemetery looked really interesting and so well looked after.
    Its a super new header for your blog as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Time is certainly flying by! We have lots of Christmas Fairs this weekend and there is a winter feel in the air with the colder temperatures that we have been experiencing too 😀. So much so that I needed my winter coat on yesterday for our walk. Your autumnal artwork and photos look amazing! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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