Friday 8 November 2019

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag for Michele's seeds and plants theme at Tag Tuesday, and hope some more people will join us there. I used a vintage photo of Erika, dressed in her vintage finery, taken in 1919. In the background - another photo of mine, changed to look like a window - you can see seeds falling from the trees to the ground, and even huge trees grow from tiny seeds:

I am re-showing a piece made back in 2015, an A3  torn paper version of Wilhem Morgner's landscape showing a sower, as it fits nicely to the seeds theme. I tore the pieces in form, drew the sower and fussy cut him, and doodled the rest after sewing it all together:

The original is from the German expressionist Wilhelm Morgner,
and this painting is in the Kunstpalast art museum in Düsseldorf. He died at the age of 27 in the first world war:

And you have seen our 'green man' many times on my coffee photos. The sculpture is from Fritz Klimsch (1912) and is also called 'The sower':

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

Some pics from this week.

The Wednesday market by the Rhine:

The seagulls:

  Morning walks:

Way to go with all the leaves:

The flowers on my balcony all died off in summer when it was so hot. They have now grown back, and started flowering on cool and wet November 1st:

Dark clouds and sunshine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. With the window behind it's like she is waiting to go outdoors and kick up those leaves. Super tag Valerie. The sower is new to me, what a young age to have passed. A masterpiece and take on the original, so glad you recalled it and shared it again.
    Your green man is magnificent, i'd sure remember seeing him. He is very photogenic hee hee! Glad to see your flowers on the balcony have come back out to play, they did have their day after all.
    Sending weekend Hugs.. i'm off to the Dental hospital with hubby :/ Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Yes, the green man is worth looking at....Good luck for your hubby at the dental hospital!

  2. Hi Val, love the tag with Erika, she was such a sweet old dear! Except when she got one of her tantrums! The stitched piece with the sower is lovely, I remember you showing me the original in the museum, long, long ago! And the green man, well - least said the better, he's good looking from all directions! Glad your flowers have bloomed at last, nice to have some colour just now. Love the cloudy pics, too. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Erika's tag is so sweet. I love her outfit and pouty expression. Your sower piece is a wonderful homage to the artist. And it looks like the Green Man sowed extra seeds on your balcony. Hang on to Summer, little flowers! Enjoy your day!

    1. Erika was a real diva, She always had a pouty expression, and really threw tantrums if she didn't get her own way, even at 93!

  4. Hi Valerie :) I love your tag pieces, especially your Morgner-inspired one! All of that sewing...I love to sew, but with my machine! :) The colours are lovely and you did a great tribute to the original! Now that you gave me the name of your green man, I can see how he's sowing seeds into the earth! Very cool! Your flowers are so lovely, I would love to have such colour out my window right now!! The clouds in the last photo look ominous, but beautiful! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  5. Lots of creative works here ~ tag art, collage and photography! Wow!

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. You are an amazing artist and much talent!!!
    Happy PPF

  7. Marvellous art and photos Valerie!
    I hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Alison xx

  8. Your flowers are just beautiful.
    I love both pieces, but am a little biased toward Erika. Such warm colors.
    Your leaves look like what our backyard will in a few weeks.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. That would have pleased Erika, she loved being the centre of attention!

  9. Erika always makes me smile, since she also graces a place in my home, too. I love the sewn piece. I see your machine wasn't always happy with the zig zag, either. Still, it was a real beauty.

    I can't believe how green the grass is around your home, yet the leaves are all nearly gone where you live. I'm amazed by the flowers on your balcony. Who knew they would survive and thrive now that the weather has turned cold. Apparently the flowers knew, because they are simply incredible now.

    1. I was still sewing with an old and broken machine back then, now I have a better one!

  10. This is really a sweet piece of art. Flowers, a walk through your town, just want I needed.

  11. Lovely art for the seeds theme, enjoyed today's photos including the green man.

  12. I'm loving your tag! The photo of Erika with the fur collar and muff looks so adorable 😁. Wow, your window boxes are looking stunning too, I love all the colours - amazing! The dark clouds and sunshine look so dramatic too 😀. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Love vintage photos,so of course I love your work, great idea! You live in such a pretty place, your photos are akways so great! Have a lovely weekend ☺

  14. I love the little girl against that lovely seasonal background. It makes me feel nostalgic :) Your flowers look wonderful! I don't know why I expect flowers to die back when the Autumn leaf colors start showing, but it's always surprising to me when flowers I _know_ bloom in the fall actually do bloom in the fall lol

  15. Beautiful art work Valerie. So nice to see the autumn colours around you, the leaves look amazing. Your flowers look great too, they bare enjoying the cooler weather.

  16. You are one of the most colourful and interesting blogs I visit Valerie. Thanks for all the beautiful photos and inspiration. Have a lovely weekend.

  17. Fantastic art pages and photos. Erika seemed very happy posing beside the window. It was good that your balcony flowers have flowered again, they look really pretty.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  18. I love both tags Valerie. They are so different but both fabulous. Ad nice for the newest theme. And wow, your balcony is up high. But it is so nice to see those flowers. How fun that they are blooming again. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, my apartment is on what we call the 2nd floor and you call the 3rd - and no elevator. Climbing steps is my daily sport!

  19. Our flowers have all gone now. We have to be patient and wait for them to reappear next spring.

    1. Spring will come, but first we have to get through winter!

  20. oh how beautiful your balcony flowers are! I love Fall... and your scenes are so pretty. Did you sew the paper "sower" ? Nice! Great interpretation of the original idea. LeeAnna

    1. Thanks. Yes, I sewed it with an ancient machine that was not cooperative, but got it done in the end! I wanted it to be a play on the words 'sew' and 'sower'

  21. Hi Valerie wow love the vintage pic you used on your tag,beautiful work my friend and a great post,hole you have a lovely day xx

  22. Great colourful post always full interest.xx

  23. Schöne Arbeit! Sehr schön!
    Ich erinnere mich noch and diese "Muffs"!

    Auch das Zweite ist sehr wunderbar - ich wusste nichts über den Künstler.. schade, das Leben so früh verlassen zu müssen wegen einem dummen Krieg.

    Möwen... Oh, ich vermisse die so sehr!!
    Meine Blumen wachsen auch wieder, verrückt!!
    Schön, aber verrückt!
    GlG, Iris, ich wünsche die ein schönes Wochenende!

    1. Ja, es ist schade dass er zu falsche Zeit geboren wurde!

  24. *wow* das mit dem Sähmann ist wundervoll genäh,gefällt mir so gut das Bild davon!Der Samen und das Mädchen wundervoll ausgedacht!
    Was für wunderschöne Naturaufnahmen, herrlich leibe Valerie!
    So geht es mir auch mit dem Treppen ich wohne auch so weit oben der reinste trimm dich gelle*zwinker* wie fit man wird da durch da ssehe ich auch an dir!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke. Am Anfang hasste ich die vielen Treppen, aber in der Zwischenzeit sehe ich sie als Training. Und wenn ich alle Treppen im Laufe des Tages im Laufschritt bewältigen, gibt's ein Stück Schocki am Abend als Belohnung! Dir auch ein schönes WE!

  25. this might be my favorite of your seeds and plants tags, beautiful! and i love the homage to morgner. xo

  26. That's a simply adorable vintage photo, and I love how she is framed by the autumn window with all those glorious colours outside, waiting for her to come and take a walk.

    The vivid flowers on the balcony are fabulous and you've done it again with those incredible skyscapes - so dramatic and atmospheric.
    Alison x

  27. What a precious photo of your Erika. And how I love that final piece you did with the photo. Very fall and lovely. It's nice knowing you still have flowers. We expect two or three inches of snow tonight. If there were flowers left anywhere, they are short lived!

  28. Val,

    Your photo art creation is excellent. The background worked beautifully with the vintage photo and I loved how you put a window frame behind the little girl, nice touch! :) The landscape in your part of the world looks gorgeous this fall. We're not seeing quite the colors yet. I can't believe how green some of the trees are and I wonder if with the first strong puff of wind they'll be gone without changing. We'll see... Have a good day. :)

  29. Love your tag.
    I enjoyed your photographs, your balcony flowers look good.

    All the best Jan


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