Friday, 22 February 2019


Hi Everybody!

It's nearly weekend, so hope you all have a great one. As a pensioner I don't have to work, but I still look forward to 'that Friday feeling', and weekends are just extra special.

I made more steampunk tags, using elements from Dezina world and LaBlanche. I compose the images partly in my digital programme, then print them out and fussy cut them. The wheels/cogs were die-cut from a scrap of rusty paper I had. I am linking to Simon Monday Challenge, things with wheels and to Paint Party Friday:

This was a rather itty-bitty journal spread made, once again, with remnants from my table. The background was gessoed and then splattered with water-colour paint. I collaged the various scraps and stenciled the words:

This week the weather has been quite warm on average, but a bit changeable. This morning it started off misty, but since then the sun has appeared along with a few clouds, and it's very pleasant for walking:

The gulls seem to like every weather:

Thursday's sunrise was glorious:

And Wednesday's was magical:

I enjoy being able to sit outside and drink my coffee again:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. I love your steampunk tag. I especially was drawn to the rusty goodness of the gears, but that man was fabulous.

    That's a lovely journal spread, too. I can't believe those were scraps. Great use of them, at least.

    Beautiful early morning shots, too. Have a great day and weekend, dear.

    1. Thanks E, I thought you would like the rusty bits!

  2. Hi Val, glad I saw your post before we go out, we'r off to my mum's till tomorrow evening. Love that beautiful tag with the whiskery man, you've adorned him well. Great journal spread too, with lovely, spring-like colours. Enjoy your weekend, you look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love the steampunk tag and the windup key in the man's hat. Your bird pages is giving me Spring fever as are the photos you took. All the birds, even the mechanical bird. Wonder where that's flying off to? I hope someplace warm.The sunrise photos are spectacular and after capturing all that beauty, it must be nice to sit outside and sip a coffee. Enjoy your day!

  4. Isn't it funny how we cling to that "Friday feeling" long after leaving the workforce? My hubby retired in 2002, and we still have our weekend frames of mind. It still hasn't entirely sunken in that we can do things any day of the week we darned well please. It's still a surprising treat to go to the movies and out to dinner on a... Tuesday! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady. Love your artwork and photos, as always.

  5. Those wheels are perfect! Nice piece. Love those beautiful skies. Happy PPF

  6. Lovely steampunk tags and a gorgeous little journal spread. Your sunset photos are glorious!

  7. Love that Steampunk Tag!!! Fantastic!!!
    I adore your "itty-bitty left over's journal cute!
    More gorgeous photos! You are an amazing, talented artist Valerie~


  8. Wonderful steampunk tag! I love his wind up hat, such fun 😉. Those sunrises are so beautiful, it's amazing how Mother Nature gives us such different colours each day 😁. I hope you have had a lovely week and wishing you a wonderful weekend! J 😊 x

  9. Your sunrises are gorgeous! We've had rain here for so long I've forgotten what the sun looks like. Thank you for the reminder :)

  10. What lovely pieces! It's really interesting work you do.
    Lovely sunrises. We're buried under snow, here!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  11. So so Gorgeous this tag Valerie !! I also adore your spread page ! it´s amazing and I love these little birds and how you place each bit of paper into a fabulous design ! Really great ! i love the so beautiful photographs you kindly share with us, thanks so much. The gulls are so lovely.
    I wish you a very happy weekend
    Big hugs, Caty

  12. Lovely photos, Valerie! And your page is simply amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, my dear friend.

  13. I love that steampunk tag, and your wonderful journal page Valerie! Gorgeous sunrises too.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Alison xx

  14. Creative and vintage feel to your 'steampunk tag' ~ awesome sprint time feel your creative journal page and wonderful nature photography!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Hi Valerie wow your tags are amazing and your journal pages are so beautiful ,well done my friend on your beautiful work xx

  16. Your tags and journal pages have such a wonderful energy and strength to them! Your photos are also so beautiful.

  17. Awesome tags, I loved the vintage colour tones and steampunk style and I loved the beautiful collage pages with the birds.
    The photos were lovely and it was good that it was warm enough for you to have coffee outside. The sun has been out here as well, but its not warm, still wearing my warm coat and woolie gloves.
    Have a good weekend Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Hi there! Hope you are great. LOVE your steampunky tag, and that gent is fabulous! Your pictures are stunning too...what a gorgeous place.

  19. So happy you can enjoy being outside once more Valerie. Your coffee spot looks lovely too.
    You've made more beautiful steampunk! I also really enjoyed that gorgeous journal page and how you used the watercolour.
    Cheers and have a lovely weekend :D) xx

  20. Lovely post as always with the photos and great work of art, fabulous and creative.. have a lovely weekend.xx

  21. Now you know how I love anything Steampunk!!.. You've set my day off perfectly. I love it.. the key in the hat made me giggle, I need one of those to crank me up each day haa haa!! Lovely to see the outdoor shots, the milder weather does give us all a burst of energy. Hope you are keeping well?
    I'm playing catch up again after a very busy week so missed out on seeing & doing anything creative.. Eldest's Birthday tomorrow so get to sit down at least for CAKE Hooray!!
    Have a super weekend Big HUgs Tracey xx
    P.S Hope you have had some answers regarding the fingers & Toes ??
    P.P.S Happy PPF I missed it again :((

    1. Thanks Sweetie! Did you say cake? Yummy! On Monday I have my appt with the big guru and then hope to know more

  22. A terrific steam punk tag Valerie with such a great face to use, full of character.

    The pages are so beautiful with the wonderful bird images and some inspiring ideas.

    Amazing photographs today of the seagulls and atmospheric skies. It is amazing what a passing plane can do to the red skies and you manged to capture it just right.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie xx

  23. That is a great steampunk tag and I love how you added Charles Dickens on it. And the bird songs of the nice weather must be inspiring you. Great bird page! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. hugs-Erika

  24. I adore your steam punk tags and I enjoyed your journal pages too. You are so talented in so many different areas! Have a lovely day, my Friend. Happy Paint Party Friday

  25. Wunderbar das Steampunk Tag, gefällt mir sehr. Aber auch die Vogelseiten gefallen mir. Sie passen perfekt zu dieser Zeit, wo die Vögel schon kräftig singen und die ersten Nester gebaut werden. Deine Fotos, wie immer, eine Augenweide.
    Liebe Grüße

  26. Two fabulous creations Valerie, the sepia tones on the tag are stunning, a great mix of imagery that came together beautifully! The more colourful journal spread looks super too, I always admire how you pull these together with scraps from your desk. Stunning photos too, so atmospheric, and wow, those skies, amazing! I think nature is just the greatest artist... Happy Sunday!

  27. Very cool guy! Love how you have added the key to the hat, and your gears are awesome! Nice steampunk vibe going on here. Thanks for sharing your awesome make with us at SImon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, Maura

  28. Sitting outside drinking coffee always sounds good. I remember that every February there was a few days or even weeks that were warmer and already felt like spring. I loved those days. Here February usually brings a really cold period, and this year is no exception.

    I like your artwork - especially the birds!

  29. I love the steampunk look so the tag really appeals to me. I also adore birds and your journal spread looks fantastic!

    What a gorgeous sunrise you had last week. Wow! Lots of great pictures from the week. I am loving getting to spend a little more time outside each week as the weather has some warmer days (still lots of cold days too- but I know spring is on its way). :)

  30. A fabulous steampunk tag and a truly beautiful journal spread, lovely photos too. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  31. The sunrise is beautiful, it not only the gulls who love the weather, I'm also here LOL! Everything is beautiful. Have a nice week.
    The Glossychic
    Wonder Cottage

  32. I was going to start with how much I liked the fellow with the top hat (and I guess I did) but what knocked me out is that you can have coffee outside again. I wonder when/if that will ever happen for us. Glad it did for you.

  33. Love both your steampunk tag and your beautiful journal page.
    Absolutely fabulous photographs again, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  34. Love that tag Valerie and your itty bitty journal spread is a great example of what goodies must be on your table!!! Love the photos, especially those skies!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  35. What a fabulous tag, that man looks amazing. We fly away tomorrow on our holidays, so I will catch up with you when we come back. Take care, Sue xx

  36. Two totally different art pieces! Love them both! Gorgeous photos! Love the misty looking ones and the sun sky photos are amazing! Big Hugs!


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