Friday, 15 February 2019

Sunny weekend post.

Hi Everybody!

It was so lovely to be able to go outside today and not freeze, and to feel the warm sun on my face and neck. Lots of people were sitting on the benches by the Rhine, their faces turned to the sun, just enjoying the warmth instead of biting winds. I know it won't last forever, but I'm determined to make the most of this spring weekend.

I am sharing another double-page from my journal using paper-scraps from my table, some pieces of a vintage ledger and some collage images from Tumblefish Studios. The background was gessoed and then darkened with my home-made, vintage brown ink, which I also splattered with a quill pen over the finished collage, as well as adding some random stamping:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Simon Monday Challenge, typography.

A beautiful sunrise:

The little market by the Rhine:

More spring flowers:

Crows at the castle ruins:

This old house by the Rhine used to be the customs house:

From the tower the customs officers had a good view of ships sailing by:

My long shadow stretched across the stream:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your piece Valerie, fab vintage feel with those ledger pieces. what gorgeous photos, you can almost fell the Spring in the air - if you have any to spare could you please send it over here! Have a fun weekend, Sue x

  2. I love your mixed media pieces--this one is especially wonderful. And you make your own ink! How multi-talented you are! Your photos, as always are stunning...

  3. Love your beautiful journal pages, they really look old, well done. We have had sunshine today, too, and it is such a great feeling! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  4. Love the imagery and vintage ephemera on your wonderful spread Valerie.
    Your own made ink is cool!
    Love your photos - the long shadow was great fun :)
    Hope the weather stays warm for you.
    Have a great weekend.... Gill x

  5. Beautiful post-loved all the photos, and your art, what a cool little building for the old customs house.
    enjoy the warmth-Happy weekend hugs Kathy

  6. Magnificent journal pages Valerie...WOW!!!
    I am so happy that you were able to enjoy some warm sunshine.
    I always love and enjoy your photos so much!!!
    Have a great weekend 💮

    Big Hugs ❤❤❤

  7. Hi Valerie wow your journal pages are stunning,love your sunrise pics,hope you have a wonderful day my friend xx

  8. A gorgeous vintage look for your great journal spread, super details.
    The photos were beautiful and gosh your shadow did stretch quite a distance, it did look a lovely spring day for your walk.
    Yvonne xx

  9. A lovely vintage spread Valerie and lovely spring photos. You captured a beautiful sunrise too.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  10. Wow, fantastic artwork. And your photos are great too. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Fantastic pages! It really looks like spring is there! We've been snowed in for a week and the power keeps going out so it has been super cold. Hoping for some sunshine soon! Happy PPF!

  12. You must be loving the spring weather. It has put you in a great place as your art reflects. This is such a cool page with all the typography images. It works together so well! Hope your weather stays and you can enjoy a beautiful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  13. Love that page and all the writing tools. My fingers are just itching to play with the pens and ink. After a cold snowy week, we were supposed to have some mild showers giving way to sunshine and mild temps in the afternoon. The temps were mild, but the sun never came out. i envy you being able to walk in the sunshine and see some Spring flowers. Flowers are still 2 months away. As always your sky photos and sights along the Rhine are amazing. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks, I am enjoying the weather no end. No housew*** today, I'm going out!

  14. glad you are having a warm weekend! Lovely pages and beautiful photos, ah spring flowers!

  15. About time you had a warm weekend my friend, lovely day here too and pleasantly cooler. Lovely pages and magnificent photos.xx

  16. So nice to hear that the weather is being much kinder, we seem to have been blessed with the same sunshine a treat over the past two days!! I adore your ledger pages, a fabulous document of what makes our words flow. Amazed that you make your own ink, is it water resistant? If so I need to know your secret recipe :))
    I've always loved those long leg photographs.. Fingers crossed the sun continues to shine. The weather forecast here today seems to be a happy one.
    Saturday Hugs & Happy PPF Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. No, it is not waterproof, I got the recipe from the net and it's made with gall and iron shavings and other nasty bits!

  17. schöne seiten und tolle bilder aus deiner umgebung,die himmelsbilder sind traumhaft,und bei euch wachsen ja schon krokusse,bei uns wachsen sie auch schon.
    ein schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  18. I love these pages! So glad your weather has broken a bit -- when it does, I agree -- you have to really max out every second! Lovely photos today!

  19. What a lovely vintage-look page in your journal. Spectacular sky pics too. hugs & howdy from bonnie Prince Edward Island, Canada. Teresa

  20. My husband loves fountain pens and uses them regularly, so this will make a big hit when I show it to him.

    I'm glad you had such good weather for your week-end outing :) The Spring flowers are lovely!

  21. What a gorgeous day!
    Fun piece. As a writer, I really appreciate it:)

  22. Glad you are getting to enjoy some springlike weather. Soak it up while you can (which it sounds like you are). Lovely pages that you made and what a sunrise. WOW! Such beautiful colors. :) Have a lovely weekend.

  23. A very special typography collage Valerie... well done.
    All the gorgeous photos on your blog - the season is changing and it must be really lovely for you to be able to enjoy your walks like that.

  24. Just popping by on my weekly visit... So many lovely things to admire here... First up, love the new blog header :o) The journal spread with it's wonderful vintage vibe, is of course right up my street, beautifully put together and I love the splatters! The photos are stunning too, it really is starting to feel like Spring in your corner of the world.... enjoy it while it lasts!!!

  25. So happy to see your wonderful artwork again, Valerie. I love the vintage theme of your journal pages with the different stamps and collage pieces, and homemade ink! You live in a beautiful world of colorful flowers and sunsets! Thank you for your comments on my blog.

  26. Zauberhaft komponierte Vintage-Seiten, da gibt es Viel zu sehen. Der Sonnenaufgang ist so beeindruckend schön mit diesem tollen Farbspiel. Wundervolle Fotos.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  27. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! Glad you were able to enjoy the sunshine.
    Alison x

  28. I do like your journal pages.
    Isn't nice to get out and about and enjoy some sunshine :)

    All the best Jan

  29. I'm glad you've been enjoying the weather! I love your journal pages! They are so cool! Amazing photos! Love my crows! LOL! Big Hugs!

  30. Wow Valerie! What a fabulous double page spread! Love all those little details that catch the eye! Your photos of the skies and scenery around your area are such a delight! Hugs, Chirsx


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