Monday 19 March 2018

T stands for snow sTorms and freezing Temperatures

Hi Everybody!

After a very cold and dreary weekend with lots of snow, an icy east wind and deep-freeze temperatures, the sun is shining today, although it is still very cold, and will probably remain this way for some days. At least it's good to see the sun!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday, and our theme is  'The call of spring' , inspired by the mood-board, which I made using my photos. I am also linking to Simon Wednesday challenge, Easter inspired:

 I made an A3 mixed media piece. The BG was a mop-up page. The flowers and eggs on the right were cut from the local newspaper and collaged, the dots and birds were stenciled. I was inspired by the colours, flowers and the birds, which so often visit my balcony.

As always, projects of all formats are allowed, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. Hope to see YOU there!

It is also half time at Tag Tuesday, which means you still have a week to link your spring / Easter themed tags for Joan's challenge to us:

And it is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the Tea Gang. Last week I showed you the photos of  our breakfast taken at the wonderful flea market:

After leaving there we walked around a bit and discovered this beautifully grungy gate.

Then we found this cafe that G knew from previous visits. It is very small, and inside light and airy and uncluttered - a big contrast to the flea-market place, but each cafe had its own special charm.

There was a show case filled with home baked cakes to choose from:

On each table there was a plate of home-made cookies:

Cappuccino was served in fun cups and with a smiling face:

I chose 'Kalte Hundeschnautze' - cold dog's nose! This is a delicious confection of chocolate layered with butter cookies:

G had cherry crumble with lots of cream:

And he gave the face on his cappuccino eye-lashes!

I loved the notices on the wall, all encouraging people to be positive about the good effects of cake:
'Cake doesn't make you fat,  it smooths out your wrinkles'
'Pieces of cake weighing less that 300 Grams are cookies'
'A balanced diet is a piece of cake in each hand'
I hope you will all realise the truth of these wonderful sayings!

I took these photos on/from my balcony to show the progress of spring after the last cold spell had ebbed - in the meantime we're back to the icy blasts of winter, so I'm not sure if much will survive. 

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. lovely spring artwork and your coffees look so good, those desserts wow.

  2. Like you, I'm so tired of this very long Winter. More snow for Wednesday and the weather dudes are hinting at another storm this weekend. Your Spring page is a very welcome sight. I don't think we're having Spring this year. I love the sayings in the cafe. Cake doesn't make you fat, it smooths out wrinkles :-D The smiling faces in your cappucino just too fun and I like how G got in the spirit and added eyelashes. I'd be hard pressed to choose a confection. They look so good though Cold Dog's Nose might have been the winner for me because of the chocolate and the name made me smile. Though it's cold outside, it's always warm on your page. Happy T Day

  3. Hi Val, this is another wonderful post. Love both art pieces. The photos from the cafe look great, you must have enjoyed those delicious cakes. I love kalte Schnautze too. And the quotes are all fantastic. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your mixed media Easter creation and your bee theme tag are soooo beautiful!!!Great work!
    Wonderful pictures from the cute cafe and those delicious deserts!
    Such a lovely view from your house!Very preety Spring flowers!
    Have a warm evening and a nice week!Hugs!

  5. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, so lovely to see Spring creations in this weather as it's absolutely freezing over here, snow not quite gone either!
    Love those cafe photos and the notices on the wall made me smile, they're so witty.
    Hope you have a lovely week and stay warm.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Hi Valerie love your page and tag they are both amazing,and all that food is making me hungry,lol ,stay warm my friend xx

  7. Its a fantastic, inspirational Mood Board that you made for us at TioT's Valerie and your page is beautiful. Looking at it does make me feel Spring is coming.
    The tag looks lovely as well.
    The cafe you visited on your walk looked lovely, the cake must have been delicious and the faces in the cappuccino made me smile. I liked the wall notices, so I can eat cake and it will smooth out the wrinkles, now that is a quote I can relate to.
    Happy T day wishes Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Your spring tag and mixed media pieces are both lovely and have me longing for spring. It is sunny here- but they are calling for a foot of snow in two days. Brrr. I guess Mother Nature does what she wants. After seeing the signs of spring in your area- I am hoping those buds survive the cold you are having. :)

    Love the smiley cappuccinos. The cafe is very different from the museum. Wow! Such great phrases too.

  9. Hi, I always love your artwork. what a nice area the flea market is in-your cappuccinos are too fun and the desserts both look delicious Hope spring gets to you soon Happy T Day Kathy

  10. such a long winter it seems... hard to believe Spring is officially here in just hours. It is colder this week then in much of February- and we're supposed to get snow again-ugh! Thankfully we have wonderful blogs and colorful art to keep us happy. Your page and tag are bursting with Spring!
    Love the fun cappuccinos and sentiments about the cakes and cookies:):) Happy T day Valerie!

  11. Loved seeing your artwork today ...
    Those smiley cappuccinos did make me smile, a wonderful idea!

    All the best Jan

  12. This is a great post. First of all your beautiful spring piece really does cheer one up on a cold day, which also have right now. I love the colors! That's a great tag too. And I do believe all those wall quotes with all my heart-:). I don't think a little sweet is so bad as long as you eat healthy otherwise. I'll take some cold dog's nose. It looks delicious. Happy T day Valerie. Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs-Erika

  13. Love all of your art today and those cappuccinos are my favorite creations today. The wall signs on cake are fantastic and I may have to make some for my walls :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm thinking my computer is on it's last leg and will have to be replaced soon.
    Happy T Day!!!

  14. beautiful post this. just loveeee your easter tag to..

  15. Lovely cheery page and I know your spring is around the corner going by the lovley photos. Had to smile along with the cup of coffee it was yummy.xx💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  16. Those daffodils on you page are a beautiful sign that Spring is now ready Yay!! I love how they hide all those Easter Eggs another festivity soon to be upon us. Your Tag is just as stunning.
    Your fun cappuccino's and cakes a delicious treat for anyone..
    It's so nice to see all those green shoots in your photographs, Thank you for sharing.
    Warm wishes Tracey x

  17. Wonderful page from your amazing moodboard. Lots to think about on that for sure.

    The tag is so beautiful.

    I couldn't wait to see where went to and it is a wonderful place with cookies on the tables--what a fantastic idea.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  18. Beautiful spring inspiration dear Valerie! It seems that spring is eluding us at the moment with the cold temperatures and weather we are having, we have had sunny days here but it has been so cold, which isn't helping the cough I have (left over from the flu I've had for the past week). Let's hope the warm days of spring join us soon 😁. In the meantime your page is a wonderful reminder with the quote and I like how you included the pretty Easter eggs and flowers too. Such a lovely tag and your trip to the café looks wonderful, those signs made me smile, as did the eyelashes G added to the coffee - perfect 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊


  19. Beautiful page Valerie. Those photos in the mood board are certainly inspiring and I think you nailed it perfectly.
    Lots of Hugs- Lula

  20. What a lovely post. Your journal page is wonderful. I love seeing the birds arrive in flocks. This morning we saw a group of vultures glide on the thermals and circle above our cave. We haven't seen them this year at all, so we were thrilled. I tried to take a photo. If I can enlarge it I will post it next week.
    The flea market poster is beautiful and as per contrast the other little cafe has its charm too. I love the sayings about cake and have to agree with each one of them!
    Your bee tag is truly wonderful.
    Happy T-Day, and enjoy your week,

    1. Lucky you to see those vultures, hope the photo is good!

  21. Lovely spring page, Valerie. I never thought of Sitting Bull as something of a poet. So I googled and found more. I like this one too. "Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows."

    I love the Easter tag with flowers and a bee extending beyond the edges. Really nice composition.

    "Cold dog's nose!" I wonder how that name came about. lol. Fun quotes and cute cappiccino smiles.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  22. I am having a terrible week. I can’t stop coughing, my internet keeps going offline, and my keyboard works about half the time.

    I realize I’m not a very good host, but want to thank you for sharing T with us this Tuesday.

  23. Nice cheery posting (love flea market poster) convincing me winter is on its way out!

  24. Oh my gosh. Everything on the post today is wondrous.
    Any café that has homemade cookie offerings on their tables shoots to #1 spot in my book:)
    What a wonderful, poetic saying from Sitting Bull. Purrfect for your piece.
    Stay warm.

  25. What beautiful Spring artwork, and tags. I always enjoy looking at your wonderful posts. The sayings are delightful! Espxpecially the one about the cake being a cookie if it is less than 300 grams! Beautiful Spring photos from your balcony! I wish I had a view like that! Happy T Day!

  26. Wonderful spring art and photos Valerie! Xx

  27. I love all your art today and your teatime pix look just wonderful! Hope it warms up for you soon. here, too!

  28. Here I am thinking what a cold day it is here with rain and a high of 50F. I'm always surprised to hear some folks are still getting snow.

    I love your spring art: those daffodils and Easter eggs especially. I love the cafe. I like a brightly lit place with windows :) Those cups are little treasures, so much fun and each piece different. And I wouldn't say no to one of those tasty-looking cookies. I've never heard of cold dog's nose, but choosing between that and the cherry crumble would've been hard. The notices are perfect! You have such a nice view from your balcony!

    Happy T Tuesday!

  29. I just love the spring theme in your post. We are supposed to get a lot of snow today so for us, sadly, Spring is not here. I love the beautiful foliage photos and the yummy treats and cappuccino from the cafe. Your journal card and tag definitely say spring with those lovely flowers and pastels.
    Happy Tea Day,

  30. A lovely page Valery and the Mood Board was fabulous inspiration. Love the Spring Tag, with those colourful flowers. Your cappuccinos would bring a smile to anyone's face, and cake would definitely be on the menu after reading those signs .
    Avril xx

  31. A beautiful page with those lovely flowers, love the spring tag too. You make me quite jealous showing lovely photos of cake, yum !


  32. What a beautiful page - the colours are Spring for sure! I love the tag too- I hope the Winter hasn't harmed the bees! What a great contrast the cafe was and I love the smiley faced cappucinos! It's good to see the buds on the bushes- it must mean that Spring really will begin on Wednesday!Happy T day!Chrisx

  33. So beautiful, love the spring palette and the silhouetted birds. Gorgeous tag too. So odd that you are still getting snow, and we still haven't had a single snowflake!

  34. Is stunning page Valerie and a lovely tag, the photos of the cakes are making my mouth water.
    xxx Hazel.

  35. You've made my day happier with your beautiful art and photos! I can see why Elizabeth was inspired by this mood board-such pretty images and cheerful color. Your mixed media piece is stunning-love the sentiment! and your tags...lovely! wish I had some cake right now...what cute quotes, and now I'm hungry! happy T day a bit late!

  36. What a gorgeous post Valerie! from top to bottom! I just love your piece with the quote from Sitting Bull and your tag is absolutely beautiful! Your photos and delicious cake have put me in the best of spirits...thank you for sharing all of this goodness!

  37. awesoem cards, luv the backgrounds! I am so glad you played along with us at simon says stamp wednesday challenge!

    blog-paperie blooms

    sparkle & shine, kindness *~*

  38. I'm sorry you're back in winter!!!
    Truly love all your art pieces!! So beautiful, each and everyone of them!!
    Love that grungy gate too! You find the coolest things!
    Love the place you had your treats and coffee! The cake advice was excellent! LOL!
    Big Hugs!

  39. I love the mood board you made and also the mixed media piece! My favorite, tho, is the gorgeous tag!! Love, love, love it!!!!!


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