Wednesday 21 March 2018

Once you have tasted flight....

Hi Everybody!

My first piece today is a hybrid collage, made using elements from me, Mischief Circus and Serif. The portrait of Leonardo and the Vitruvian man were stamped and then digitalised. The quote from Leonardo is one of my all time faves:

And I have an A3 doodled quill done some weeks ago and lost under a pile of other stuff. I collaged it onto a gessoed and collaged background:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

On Monday I woke up to this wonderful morning sky:

It was sunny but cold, so I was able to get out for a walk:

the daffodils are very hardy, but look rather straggly after the snow dumped on them in the days before:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Wow Valerie your work is awesome friend,well done and love your pics especially the sky ones xx

  2. Hi Val, both pieces are fantastic today, love the quill - that must have taken ages. Great page with da Vinci, too, I know how you admire him. Those sky photos are amazing!It's very cold here, too. Keep warm, have a fun day, hugs, Sarah

  3. oh wow what a stunning sky photo I could see that in a paining or a dye project. Your doodling is fabulous and I really love this feather pen and ink-very neat. and Da Vinci is very good too.I love the daffodils happy wednesday

  4. Beautiful hybrid piece and your doodles are fabulous! I loved seeing the morning skies and Easter cheer, thanks 😁. Have a wonderful day! J 😊

  5. Beautiful pieces today your doodled quill is so creative. Enjoyed your stunning photos today.

    1. That quote made me think, he couldn't have experienced flight, yet so beautiful what he imagined it to be...unless he meant flight in a different sense...thanks for sharing!

    2. Da Vinci made drawings of flying machines, and evidently dreamed from flight.

  6. Those pieces are wonderful. I especially love the pen and quill. that sky is just awesome. So nice to see the daffodils even if you think they are a bit scraggly. Ours are still buried under a foot of snow. More snow coming today. Your shop windows are just so pretty though it looks a bit chilly to be sitting outside. Oh wait, that's the weather here. Have a wonderful day!

  7. Your photos are amazing, and that cloud formation, wow...
    Love your page and your doodling is awesome...big hugs.xx
    💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]
    [it is still pouring but def not cold, our pool is brown now and not the nice clear blue as it should be....]

  8. Hello dear Valerie!
    Your hybrid collage is sooo beautiful!!!! Love it!!
    Like your doodle quill very much!
    Superb pictures of the blue sky and from your walk in your sunny town!
    Spring is in the air at last!! Wishing you a lovely week ahead!Hugs!

  9. Love those cheery flowers and bunnies in the last two photos. And your doodles seem far more than doodles to me!

  10. One of my favorite stamps is Vitruvian Man. Mine is quite small, but I truly love it. You certainly paid homage to Leonardo with this incredible entry. It is fabulous and moving.

    WOW on the quill drawing. I am totally impressed. Truly and totally.

    So glad it was dry enough you could get out for a walk today. My favorite photo is the tree branch. Hope your day is going well. BTW, I just got a new keyboard a few months ago. This one is doing the same as the previous one. Scott says the only way to get around the problem is to buy one you have to hardwire to the CPU, but I still prefer wireless.

    1. I had similar problems with my wireless mouse. Now I have a hard wired one and everything works. Strange and annoying.

  11. Fabulous artwork today Valerie, your doodling looks wonderful.
    Lovely photos of your walk, the sunshine makes all the difference.
    Avril xx

  12. I love the sentiment, make someone happy write a letter today. I fear letter writing is going out of fashion and it is always so nice to receive a handwritten card or letter.

    Your photographs are just fabulous - we too have had blue skies today, and it's been wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  13. Your collage page looks awesome Valerie, I really like that quote as well, its a great tribute page to Leonardo.
    The quill looks fantastic, it must have taken you ages to add all those details. I still have a penfriend, who cannot get internet where she lives in a remote area on the Isle of Skye, we both look forward to getting regular letters.
    Wonderful photos again today, I loved the first ones of the morning sky.
    Yvonne xx

  14. wahnsinn hybrid collage ist das und mit der Feder und Tintenfass grossartig der Hintergund dazu! WunderschĂśn sind alle zwei!
    Die Fotos von den Wolken sind so schĂśn und die Sonne scheint schon so frĂźhlingshaft bei dir und so grĂźn alles mit den Narzissen...
    SchĂśne Restwoche wĂźnsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  15. Gorgeous collage Valerie and love your doodled quill, so striking.
    The sky photo is amazing too and glad you got out for a walk. I did the same this morning with a walk along the seafront which was very cold but it was sunny.
    Fliss xx

  16. I have never heard that LD quote before but I agree with you-it is a fantastic one. Those LD stamps make great images on your flying page. I used to have some of those stamps-well maybe I still do, but I haven't pulled them out for so long I need to look and see if I have them or cleaned them out last time a did a big cleaning-like 2 or 3 years ago. And that is a beautiful sunrise.:) Cold but at least no snow and bright. Happy late Wednesday in your world-or maybe early Thursday when you read this. Hugs-Erika

  17. That last picture looks so springy.
    The sky is simply amazing.
    I love both Leonardo and your doodle quill.
    Poor daffies.
    Have a pleasant evening.

  18. Your digital page is so cool but I really love the zentangle quill! What a great work of art. And the quote is perfect. I love writing and receiving letters.

  19. A wonderful collage - great images and I love your doodled quill. Your photos are beautiful, I especially liked the ones of the sky
    xxx Hazel.

  20. beautiful meaningful art! xo

  21. Such wonderful art, and what an amazing quote! I love the colourful Easter display in your final photo too!
    Happy week to you!
    Alison xxx

  22. Those cloud photos are Amazing Valerie! How beautiful!!
    I really am digging your first piece as well...I don't know that I ever read that quote before, but surely will remember it now!
    And your doodling...well you inspire me with it every time!
    hugs and wishes for warm weather! xo

  23. Hallo Valerie, das ist eine wunderbare Leaonardo-Komposition, gefällt mir sehr. Aber auch deine gedoodelte Feder ist ein echter Hingucker,klasse gemacht. Deine Himmelsfotos sind so schÜn und auch den alten Baumstamm hast du wieder gekonnt abgelichtet. Und jetzt bestell mal schÜnes wärmeres Wetter, kannst du doch sicher auch gut oder? Ich hab keine Lust mehr auf Frieren und Erkältung. ;)
    Hoffe dir geht es gut.
    Alles Liebe

  24. Love your collage. It has a very vintage feel to it. Your doodle is wonderful.

  25. Love this collage - you have a great eye for what to put on your collages! Your zentangled quill is fabulous too! Those sky pics are wonderful and I loved your Spring walk too! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. Your artwork is gorgeous, as always, but your photographs never fail to make my heart sing. I can imagine a coffee table book of your photos... along with inspirational quotations or verses from the Bible.

    The sky photos always captivate me, but I really like the pics of the rotten branch and moss-covered wall, too. They're atmospheric, for one thing, but I have a distinct weakness for the beauty of wood.

  27. Lovely works of art and beautiful photos of your walk!

  28. Really loved the collage! And such beautiful, inspiring photos.

  29. What beautiful doodles! I love how you did the collage--and your photos are, as always, inspiring. <3

  30. Thanks for sharing your photos and art. Luv your sky. The fountain pen/leaf doodle is my favourite today

    Happy You dropped by my blog this week

    much love...

  31. You are so creative with your art pieces! Love them both!
    Gorgeous photos! WOW! Beautiful skies!! That wood photo is cool! Big Hugs!

  32. That sky!!!! How lucky you are to have caught it! Your collage and doodles are lovely this week!
    ~~ Irene

  33. The quill is fascinating. I love the pictures so very different than here. Gorgeous clouds. Blessings, Janet


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