Sunday 11 March 2018

At the Flea-Market

Hi Everybody!

We've been enjoying mild, springlike weather these past days, which is a great change to the icy weather we had till the beginning of March.
Yesterday I met up with G in the neighbouring town of Neuss and we visited a
flea-market which is situated in old train halls behind the main railway.

But first a little spring greeting:

 We had a great sunrise yesterday:

The old train-halls had high roofs, open wooden beams, whitewashed brick-walls and large windows, and were hung with crystal chandeliers, giving a rather surreal effect:

Smoking prohibited!

This was my fave booth:

And I fell in love with that HMV dog!

 There was also a cafe there, with very individual furnishings, but I will show that in my TSFT Post!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val! Glad you had a nice day out with G yesterday, looks like a fun place to visit, those train-sheds remind me of old churches with the open beams. Love the tulips with the blackbird, too, so springlike. It's Sunday so we're off to visit my mum again this afternoon, the kids always make her happy. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  2. I am in love with your tulips. They certainly speak spring to me. They are fabulous, and it was good to see a little bird with them, too.

    Loved seeing those sunrise shots, but the flea market really impressed me. I liked the chandeliers that hung from the rafters in the first few shots. Although I was impressed with a few places, I also liked that booth that was your favorite. I loved the old globes, the dog, the suitcases, and the kitsch. Thanks for taking me with you.

  3. Magical post and that radio looks similar to what my mum and dad your journey in these pics, always amaze me..xx đź’– [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    What an interesting flea market with all those beautiful things to buy!
    Love your Spring creation with the gorgeous tulips!
    Great captures of the sunrise and spectacular colors!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy week!Hugs!

  5. Love the tulips with the blackbird! That flea market looks very inviting!

  6. Gorgeous spring page, glad the weather has improved. I love flea markets great photos.

  7. Such a lovely post.
    I always enjoy seeing your art work and your photographs.
    Your page and those words are just perfect :)

    Happy Sunday.

    All the best Jan

  8. beautiful tulips! That looks like an amazing Flea market, so many beautiful things,, I really love the pop of blue in the items in the one photo,, I really like that blue color,

  9. I'm glad for your tulips as we're expecting another round of snow. The sunrise pictures are gorgeous! I'm painting an sunrise picture and your photos are such an inspiration. The flea market looks like lots of fun. I especially loved the booth with all the cobalt blue crockery. The HMV dog's name is Nipper. He was the trademark logo for the RCA Corporation. And his little buddy, Chipper is with him, too. How cute! Did you take Nipper home?

  10. No, Nipper was made of cast iron and I couldn't pick him up....

  11. Did you find anything good to take home? Did the pup go home with you? That looks like a fun shop. I love poking around and finding good deals. :) And your tulip art is just gorgeous! Oh spring. Winter has come back our way and my tulips went kaput finally so I am really enjoying seeing yours! Hope it's been a great weekend in every way. Hugs-Erika

  12. Your tulips are gorgeous Valerie. Lets hope winter is now over and spring finally here :)
    That looked a fun day out - chandeliers certainly were unusual.
    Have a great Sunday... Gill x

  13. wie schön dein Bild mit den Tulpen!!!
    der Fohmarkt ist in diesen alten Eisenbahnhallen immer toll ich war damals einmal noch drinnen bevor ich umgezogen bin. Der Sonnenaufgang ist ja wundervoll, du hast wunderschönes sonniges warmes Wetter!
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Reststonntag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  14. I love you Spring page - very uplifting as were the photos of the sunrise! The Flea market looks a great place to spend some time! I love poking around old items - wish hubby did!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. It's a lovely Spring piece Valerie, and it's even nicer if it's brought the Spring weather! Have a very happy week, I hope it stays warm, Sue xx

  16. beautiful spring page,so wonderful looks the red tulips with the black it so much!
    the photos of the flomarket looks super,many old beautiful things there is.
    happy weekend,dear valerie.

    hugs jenny

  17. What a great flea market, and in old train halls on top of it! I love the setting and judging from the photos I would have found quite some things there. Good thing it's so far away. As a child I often went to Neuss because my cousins lived there and I stayed for a week and then later one of them would stay for a week at our place. Nice memories!

  18. Your Spring art is refreshing and I love the quote you used too. I also love a good flea market ♥ I've been without a computer for over a week now so I am very far behind on everything :( Hopefully it is all good now and I don't have to buy a new one.

  19. Dein Tulpengruß sieht sehr schön aus liebe Valerie und die Sonnenaufgangsphotos sind ein Traum, immer wieder anders und schön.
    Die Flohmarktimpressionen sehen verlockend aus, da wäre ich auch gerne durchgelaufen.
    Der kleine Hund hätte mir auch gefallen und dieser Kristall-Leuchter auch.
    Liebe Grüße und schöne neue Woche.

  20. A beautiful bunch of tulips and a great quote on your fantastic spring page.
    The photos from your visit to the Flea Market look awesome, my kind of destination, with loads to see and look at. Were you tempted to take something home with you?
    I look forward to seeing your photos of the Cafe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I was tempted, but didn't give in - I already have too much!

  21. What a gorgeous page, Valerie! And I love your beautiful sunrises! I am glad you had great time at the Flea Market. Kisses, my friend.

  22. I just love your mixed media piece but that flee market is amazing! I love flea markets and all the wonderful treasures that you can find. Thank your for sharing the photos.

  23. i'm in love with your journal page -- such a bright happy feeling. neuss looks like great fun! xo

  24. I loved your art page and wow those sunset photos were beautiful
    What an amazing flea market-loved the space. are those permanent booths or do they have reset up each time. The chandeliers are perfect too. I could get lost in there-thanks for sharing all the photos

  25. The booths are permanent. There is room in between for people who want to sell things occasionally, too.

  26. Thank you for the bright Spring greeting, and I totally agree. I really love going to yard sales, flea markets and thrift stores, but I really wish I could enjoy a flea market like this in another country. Some of the things pictures, I would love to have. Those suitcases, and some of the artwork and dishes are literally calling my name Valarie! Happy Monday and Hugs...RO

  27. Your tulips are so bright and cheery, they make me smile. And that market makes me smile, too. Oh, it's a good thing I wasn't there -- my luggage would be way over limit on my return home!

  28. Gorgeous tulips Valerie! They appear so lifelike!!
    Thank you for taking us to the flea with you! How much fun! What a beautiful building to house the market! What did you buy?? Can't wait for more!

  29. Beautiful tulips and great photos! It's a wonderful building! xx

  30. So happy the temperatures are getting better for you! I love your Spring art piece! Great quote! Gorgeous pictures! Love that market for shopping! How fun! I love that dog too! Big Hugs!

  31. Sweet spring greeting and photos! Such a cool flea market! Lots of fun looking through those goodies!

    Peace Giggles


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