Monday 29 May 2017

T stands for a sock that turned into a tag

Hi Everybody!
On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
Our lovely Michele is hosting this time, and has chosen
🐻'animals' 🐫
as her theme. The challenge runs for 2 weeks,
and as always, tags of all formats are welcome.
Karen of Lunagirl is kindly sponsoring a wonderful
image sheet for one lucky winner, so hop on over to the blog 
for more details.

I once was given a beautiful pair of tiger socks,
with half a tiger's head on each sock, so when you
put your feet together you had a whole tiger....
Well, the wicked washing machine ate one of the
socks, leaving me very sad. So I cut out the tiger
from the left sock and made a tiger-sock
commemoration tag. The wonderful words are
from William Blake, although he spelled tiger
'tyger'. The black card has been re-purposed from
an old calendar:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so I
would like to extend a warm welcome to all
the nice ladies of the T Gang.
I made some cup shapes from one of my photos, so
you are welcome to download the images to
use if you want.
JPEG version (for collage sheets):

 PNG Version (for digital crafting):

And can you imagine what this is? I got it recently for 1€ at
the thrift shop, new and still in its original packaging:

It's a cookie stamp!

And here are some home baked and stamped
chocolate chip cookies - help yourselves!

The hot weather allows us to enjoy coffee outside again:

There is an abundance of flowers everywhere just now:

On Sunday these strangely shaped dark clouds blew over the sky 
and brought a lot of rain, but it's back to 32° degrees again:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a lovely tiger tag and the coffee cups with your skies are so beautiful! The cookies look so yummy too.

  2. Another wonderful post. Love the sock commemoration tag, too funny! The digital cups etc look great, and I would love one of those biscuits with stamped message. Lovely photos, my faves today are the clouds. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your tiger sock tag is wonderful. Don't you just hate it when the washer eats one of your socks? Only the washer gods know where they end up. I really like your tiger. Your sewing is out of this world. I'm in AWE. And that quote is perfect, too.

    Gosh, I adore the beautiful handmade cookies you made and loved that you found it in a thrift store, too. How lucky, because it made those cookies look fantastic. And I would love to sit outside with you and drink a cappuccino.

    The clouds look ominous, especially after seeing the beautiful flowers in bloom.

    Thanks for sharing your tag, your digital pieces, your clouds, your stamp, and your cookies and coffee with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

  4. Awesome way to use the sock that was left! The TAG looks fantastic and the quote is perfect.

    I had no idea what the cookie stamp was! The cookies look tasty.

    The cloud shots look so fascinating. Love watching the sky!

    Hope you have a lovely day. :)s

  5. How amusing about the socks, putting your feet together to get a whole tiger. I would have loved these socks. What a very naughty washing machine. That's so creative to use the half tiger (tyger) in this way.
    I had no idea what that was - a solitaire game with one ball was my best guess. Fancy - a cookie stamp and there it is used. I tried to take one of your home-made(!) cookies but couldn't quite manage it, but I've used my imagination - yum, that was tasty.
    And these clouds with their imagined images, they are quite frightening in a very beautiful way.

  6. Neat sock tag and What a cute cookie stamp! Beautiful flowers!

  7. Amazing tag and only you could think of something as fantastic as using an old sock..Brilliant.

    Love the stamp thing and would never have guessed what it was.

    Amazing photographs and nice to see you can drink your coffee outside. We had rain all today .

    Have a happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Beautiful tag and such a lovely way to use the wonderful image from your tiger sock! Your cookie stamp is just the thing for those delicious looking cookies, I'd love to join you for one or two, well chocolate chip are so yummy! The cup shapes you created from one of your photos are amazing - Happy T Day! J :-)

  9. der Tag in Stoff ist ja so super geworden und die Kekse sind ja süss gestempelt..die Tassenparade ist fantastisch.
    Deine Wolken und - Blumenbilder wunderschön.
    Hoffentlich sind die Gewitter bei dir nicht so schlimm.
    Bei mir ist es so angenehm mit den Temperaturen gegen bei euch!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. The tag is wonderful - I love your way of recycling this one sock and the black paper. How creative! The result is gorgeous.
    I wish we had decent Eiscafes here in California, I would so enjoy it. How nice to sit outside with an Eiskaffee, some good Italian ice cream and watch the people. Sounds like heaven to me.

  11. your sock tag is super Valerie!! Yes, it is so nice to enjoy a beverage outdoors this time of year. Beautiful photos of the blooms and sky. Happy T day!

  12. What a great idea of a tag, but too bad about losing a sock. I would be sad too because those socks look really fun. And what a cool cookie stamp. I've never used one but would love to try one out. The flowers are so beautiful. I think if we ever warm up and see a little more sun some we'll get a lot of flowers, because so many things are getting buds. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  13. So sorry about your sock but love how you repurposed the one you had left-very clever.
    Such lovely photos!! very beautiful I just got back from my yellowstone park trip but Missouri is still getting way too much rain it my just float away lol
    Happy T Day Hugs Kathy

  14. Clever conversion of your sock, it looks fabulous and the photo's are just stunning.xx

  15. Dear and Sweet Valerie, such a splendid post!!!
    Love the recycled "tyger"/tiger sock tag!!! Those darned washing machines :)
    Great tea cups made from your lovely!
    I only took one cookie...honest 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
    Always and I do mean always... gorgeous and amazing photos!!!

    Big Hugs 💕💝💕

  16. what a good idea with the tyger sock, I love your cup photos and wonderful flowers

  17. Can you add Yvonne's post to the links? I don't know what's wrong, but I couldn't get it to link. Thanks, dear.

  18. A fabulous tag and a great idea to use your lonely sock. Beautiful photos and yummy cookies.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Great tag, love the stitching on it, Valerie! Thank you for the png of the pots, they are fantastic!

  20. Such a pretty tag Valerie and i love the quote! My maiden name is Tiger... spelled Tigar but pronounced tiger... I'm always trying to find out what nationality it is as i do not have much recorded family history...

    What a find with that cookie stamp!! I love it! Your cookies came out really well with it. And your digital work is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing. Happy T day hugs! deb

  21. Super tag and freebies! Great cookie stamp - delicious looking cookies! Happy T-Day! Susi

  22. Big kitty!
    Those cookies look fun and delish.
    The cutter was a great bargain!
    Don't flowers just brighten up everything?

  23. I'd be sad to lose that tiger sock, too, but you found a wonderful way to still enjoy a favorite pair of socks. Clever. I love the cookie stamp. Never would have guessed. i enjoyed looking at the clouds. On the right, there's a mother holding up her baby. He has her nose! The daughter is being a little mommy and singing to her hedgehog. Happy T Day.

    1. I love reading what people see in the clouds, your ideas are great!

  24. It may just be half a head but the tiger has made a fantastic keepsake tag for you.
    Washing machines have a lot to answer form eating up treasured items.
    I had no idea that was a cookie cutter, it could have been a new shape rubber stamp at first glance. The biscuits looked delicious.
    Loved the cloud photos, and my thoughts are a Punch and Judy show, especially the right side of the photo.
    Thank you Valerie for adding my post to Elizabeth's blog, we just got home about an hour ago and I am having a little blog browse while the washer is busy with its first load.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  25. What a nice idea to use a lonely sock for the tag. You always come up with the most creative ideas.
    I love this cookie stamp...a real bargain! Your chocolate chip cookies look yummy.
    Your photographs are amazing as usual. Love especially the one with the yellow flower and the bug!

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment you left on my blog!

    Fantastic header and have been enjoying looking at your previous posts!


  26. Wow Valerie! Your tag made me smile - you are so clever! It is good to have coffee outdoors , although here too it is raining! The cloud photos make me think people queuing! Love the bargain biscuit stamper! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Just look at all that luscious stitch work! I love your tag and the story behind it, Valerie. What a clever way to re-purpose that poor lonely sock. And the quote is perfect!

    Chocolate chip - my favorite cookies! Thank you so much ;-)

    I can see Punch and Judy in those unusual clouds - lol.

    What a fun post. Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

  28. Köstlich, eine Socken-Tag und es sieht total klasse aus, wie du den halben Tiger montiert hast. Das blaue Auge leuchtet so schön. Die Tassenparade ist auch sehr gelungen, tolle Idee. Kekse und leckeren Cappuccino würde ich auch nehmen,lecker.
    Deine Blütenfotos sind ein Träumchen und die dicken Wolken sehen tatsächlich wie Figuren aus, wie Eileen auch schön bemerkt hat. Alles wieder ein Augenschmaus.
    Liebe Grüße

  29. Very cool cat tag. I like how you used those stitches to emulate claws. What a neat idea to cut shapes out of your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Hi Valerie, How creative to make a tag from the one sock left. It turned out very special and now a keepsake of the pair. Your photo shapes are awesome. Thank you for sharing them. Love your town photos and the wonderful blooms you are enjoying. Glad you can be outside and enjoy your coffee. Love the cookie stamp too.
    Have a great week and happy creating. xo

  31. Homemade cookies with coffee? Yes please! Lovely photos of sky, and a very cute tyger tag! Happy T day!

  32. I love how you've used the one sock - it makes a fabulous tag!! Great photos too!

  33. Don't you just hate it when the washing machine eats something up !!!
    But great how you've used the sock.

    Lovely selection of photo's again.

    All the best Jan

  34. Aahh the curse of the washing machine lol. What a brilliant tag, I love how you've used your sock here, just perfect xx

  35. Your tiger tag is amazing. The tiger's eye is quite real looking and so menacing.
    Perfect cookie stamp and don't your cookies look good!
    As always, wonderful pictures.
    sandy xx

  36. Darn washer! But what a clever idea to use on your tag that way! Adorable!
    Thank you for the download!! I just love the coffee cups!! I'll let you know how I use these!

  37. I love your tiger sock tag! Too bad that one got damaged!!
    Your tea cup images are excellent! I love your cookie stamp! I would love a cookie right now to eat! LOL!
    Gorgeous pictures! Love the stormy sky! Big Hugs!

  38. oh what a nasty washing machine doing that to that lovely tiger Valerie - but what a brilliant idea to use the remaining sock on the beautiful tag you have created - love all the stitch work of course :) and that great poem... I know it more as it was used in a song years ago by Tangerine Dream - so I'll be humming that all day now.
    Love the cookie cutter and the yummy cookies you made. Great photos of the clouds and thanks for the use of the pngs - I didn't realise it was possible to download a png like that - so learnt something new - thanks :)
    Hope all ok with you - I'm catching up from last month still ha ha
    Gill xx

  39. your tiger tag is magnificent! i love wm blake and i've had that poem memorized since college. thanks for the generous morning sunshine images! xo


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