Tuesday 2 May 2017

Frida, flowers and more

Hi Everybody!

Here it was  wet and drippy today, but  I'm trying not
to complain as we need the rain. To add insult to
injury I was feeling sick and dizzy all day -
it can only get better!

Today I have another tag to share for Tag Tuesday,
hosted by dear Chrissie this time, with the theme of faces. I used 
a print out of a Frida face drawn with charcoal a couple of years back,
and digitally altered to give the lace effect. I mounted the tag on 
various coordinating papers and added 2 rows of sewing.
The gold lace scrap was sent to me by my lovely friend 
Jackie - thanks again, and I added 
the textile flowers to her crown. The bird is one of my 
balcony visitors. I added the Frida quote on a stamped
TH ticket. I am also linking to Go Tag Thursday, tickets:

At Digitally Made Challenges the theme is anything goes,
and at Art Journal Journey, our lovely Gill has chosen the theme
of 'grunge and elegance'. I made a digital journal page
using images from Mischief Circus, Serif and me:

The photos were from my morning walks at the weekend:

 The water rescue speeding along:

A pretty corner near the basilica:

In the grounds of the hospital:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What is it they say 'April showers bring the May flowers' - our water butts are empty as we've had hardly any rain for ages too - hope that doesn't mean we won't get any flowers in May then.
    Sorry to hear you aren't feeling too good today Valerie - hope you feel better very soon :)
    Love your tag - the digital lace effect is brilliant - fantastic face!
    Your AJJ piece is fabulous - love your grungy head especially (that sounds so wrong but you know what I mean).
    Take care and I hope you have a good evening... Gill xx

  2. das sind ja wunderbare Arbeiten von dir, was für kreativität da rin steckt super!
    Ich mag sie alle und das letzere mit dem Kopf und der Hintergrund ist faszinierend mit den Schwarzen Gestalten von Französinnen... das ist so toll da kann man eine weile drauf schauen das spricht so vieles aus diesem Bild!
    Und der Rhein was alles da gibt ach das erinnert mich als ich früher 5 Jahre dort wohnte, schön deine Aufnahmen. Dein Kaninchenheader ist süss!
    Schönen Abend wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  3. Lots of fantastic work again today, one lovelier than the other and all gorgeous! Friday is wonderful, love her lacy face. The digital piece is a dream, so much to see and enjoy, and your photos, as always are just splendid. Hope you feel better tomorrow, get some rest! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Amazing tag of Frida and your lacy image of her. Another wonderful addition to the faces challenge for sure. More beautiful neat sewing as well and that always catches my eye.

    An elegant journal page page and a great idea to put the words on the ticket as it stands out beautifully

    Wonderful photographs today and the standout one for me is the one of the opening leaf bud with such amazing colours. It made me look at all the leaves in our garden with a different eye and appreciate that most of them aren't green at all

    Hope your sickness is going away and you soon feel a lot better

    Really cold here still with a strong wind off the sea

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. What a wonderful Frida tag and a fantastic digital page for AJJ! Great!
    Amazing photos- feel better soon!

  6. Gorgeous Frida!!! Clever overlay of the lace!
    Thanks for the pictures, love the speed boat, vroomm!

  7. Love the hospital gardens! Beautiful and creative tag and a lovely digital piece.

  8. Your tag is wonderful and your journal page is just perfect for the prompt. Love your photographs. The one of the pigeon is stunning.

  9. Valerie, I do hope that you are feeling at least a little better 💕
    Your Frida tag is exquisite!!! Love the words and everything about it!!!
    Also...that gorgeous Paris journal page! Wow!
    Your photos are always high quality and beautiful!!!
    The hospital grounds photos are so lovely... especially the Madonna and Child statue.

    💕Big Hugs💕

  10. we both featured Frida (and birds) for faces! although yours is most magnificent! your journal page is also awesome. xo

  11. These are both amazing pieces Valerie, your lacy Frida is just stunning! I hope you are feeling better now xx

  12. Wow. Your Frida is fascinating! I am very drawn to it -- to the time it too to shape the lace to the feeling of it masking but not hiding her. Beautiful.

    I'm sorry you're feeling wretched today. I can relate. Hope it is short lived! You're right -- it can only get better.

  13. I love how you altered Frida and gave her a lacy face, its a great tag. The journal page is also fantastic and so were the photos.
    I hope you are feeling a bit better this evening, Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  14. Great lacy Frieda and a wonderfully elegant AJJ piece.
    There are such amazingly good photographs here, my special favourites today are the peaceful pigeon and the photo beneath with the bench.
    Look after yourself, and do get better soon.

  15. WOW, Frieda is exquisite, Valerie!

  16. I hope you feel better! I love the Frida, it's amazing. Your journal is so elegant and I love the photos too.

  17. Beautiful pictures from your walk. :)

    You amaze me with all the creative pieces you come up with and the way you piece things together.

  18. What a Tag..fabulous..love Frida's face on the lace..so clever and really so effective,it certainly grabbed my attention.
    Thank you so much for entering a 2nd tag in to our challenge this week at Go Tag Thursday..
    Plenty of rain in my area too..badly needed here too, but kind of messed with my plans over the weekend...x

  19. Two fabulous creations! Magical digi work, specially love lacy Frida! Great photos too! Hope you feel better soon!!

  20. WOW differently amazing.xx
    Get well my friend.xx ♥[aNNie]
    Thanks also for adding to our challenge, awesome support...♥[aNNie DT for Digitally Made Challenges]

  21. Gorgeous art Valerie. Making Freida fro lace is very very clever. :) And I always love when you use your heads. :) Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

  22. I absolutely love your art work, Valerie! I love both beautiful pieces that you made. Very creative!!! And your photos always blow me away. Just gorgeous! HUGS!!

  23. Fantastic post!
    Have a nice week!
    Gil Zetbase

  24. Beautiful! Unusual lace for Frida's face is gorgeous. I love the journal page silhouettes. Also, very cuddly bunny in your header!! I love it!

  25. As Always, an interesting post. I would not want to miss any of your pictures!
    sandy xx

  26. Wow Frida aus Spitze, toll das Gesicht auf der Spitze zu plazieren.Auch die restliche Gestaltung ist genial. Deine Journalseite gefällt mir mir auch sehr. Schöner Farbkontrast von Rost und Blau und die Texturen darin sind auch super, genau wie die hübschen Silhouetten.Na und die Fotos sind, wie immer, ein Träumchen.
    Hätte dich gerne mit nach Paris genommen.
    Liebe Grüße

  27. Wow both stunning pieces but that first one is exceptional. Love the photos too. Been out of town so catching up.

  28. You said you were "feeling sick and dizzy all day - it can only get better!"

    I sincerely hope it did ... sending my best thoughts and wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    PS I loved all the photographs you've included - I do always look forward to seeing them.

  29. Wonderful art pieces. Your Frida tag is just brilliant! The way you did her face with the doily design is so unique and just stunning! Love the zig zag stitching as well. Wonderful photos today, all the beautiful flowers and tree leaves springing to life, oh I can't wait for that to happen here!!

    I have missed so many of your posts Valerie, I'm sorry for that. I wish I had time to leave a comment on each and every one today, but I've just a short time for visiting. I hope you are having a wonderful spring time, sending hugs :)

  30. Such an awesome Frida tag!! I love how you did the lace - just incredible!!

  31. What a wonderful tag - you are so clever! I love the journal page! As ever your photos are brilliant!Chrisx

  32. Valerie!! What a stunning Frida! I love the lace technique- so clever!!
    OMGosh , again, your photos are beautiful! And I so love your bunny photo as your new banner!

  33. I am totally in love with the Frida art !!!! Such a perfect take on her image and I think even she would have appreciated it. Love the other page too and as always your photos are so beautiful ♥ I'm trying to catch up with everyone this week.

  34. Wow interesting and unique pieces...who would have thought to use that lace...wonderful work!! Feel better soon.

    Hugs Giggles

  35. I love your page for AJJ. You always create really interesting backgrounds which I find I have to really look for, then they jump out at me. Brilliant.

  36. I hope you are feeling better my friend! The tag you made is gorgeous! Love the quote and I love the digital art piece too! Lots of feeling in it! I cherish seeing your walk photos! They are so beautiful! Big Hugs!

  37. Two fabulous creations LOVE the Journal page. Thank you for joining our 1st challenge at Digitally Made. We hope to see you again soon.

    Sonia DT
    Making Memories Crafting
    Digitally Made

  38. Lovely work. Thank you for joining our challenge at Digitally Made. Hope to see you again next time.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely photos, unfortunately I can't get out for walks so love your photos.

  39. Your tag is stunning, especially that lace! I have never tried digital but the effects are so real. Beautiful!


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