Tuesday 14 October 2014

This and that on Wednesday

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit.

We had another nice day here, rather windy, but a nice mix of sun and clouds, blue skies and grey. We are expecting wet weather again tomorrow, so it's always good to be able to make the best of the good days.

This Tag (8") is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz this month. The background paper is  'Province Town harbour' from the 'Mayflower' paper pack. I inked the edges with wild honey and rusty hinge DIs. The image is from the 'Be thankful' stamp set, printed onto acetate. I kept the embellishments simple, using just burlap, a horn button, an embossed leaf and seed pods.  The background paper and digi stamps can be printed out to any size, which makes them very flexible. I am linking to Moo Mania and more, bright and cheerful.

I love these trees growing rather wild behind the little lakes here. It is a nice, overgrown area where I like to wander.

I saw this strange fungus along the bank of the stream. Was rather hard to take a photo, as I did not want to slip down the slope into the stream. It looked furry, and had a diameter of good 6". Perhaps someone knows what it is?

The clouds scudded along all day, blown by a very stiff breeze. 

Recently I have often seen crows down by the Rhine, they seem to find food there. Perhaps they go fishing?

He's definitely got something in his beak.

And the horses were partying....

Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Eine herrlich stimmungsvolle Komposition hast Du geschaffen. Mit dem Pärchen wird man direkt in eine andere Zeit versetzt.
    Der link führte mich aber auf einen Seitenladefehler, schau mal nach. Herrliche Fotos wieder, heute hatten wir auch viel Sonne und strahlend blauen Himmel nur zeitweise weiße Wolken. Der Bovist ist ja ein stattliches Exemplar, die können riesig werden.
    Gut's nächtle :-)
    LG Anja

    1. Der Website wird neu gemacht und ist momentan nicht erreichbar!

  2. I love your tag, and the image is very pretty in its simplicity, just right for thanksgiving. Lovely photos too. Are the crows eating fish? Hugs, Sarah

  3. You make the best autumn creations that I have ever seen! Your techniques with the leaves is so amazing and you always add some real nature to your makes! Love that! Gorgeous pics today, that mushroom is something really unique to me! have a great day! hugs :)

  4. Super tag and image, they look like they bring the harvest home. Loved the photos especially those horses enjoying the hay.
    Yvonne x

  5. No clue on the fungus? Love the American Pilgrim image. xox

  6. Lovely Mayflower tag. And the horses are so beautiful!

  7. Your Tag has a wonderful Autumn feel to it.. I LOVE it. Such beautiful photos my friend.


  8. Oh Valerie..das Tag ist ein Traum.. das hat nicht nur herrliche Farben es ist auch so schwungvoll und ynamisch! Super! Von den Naturaufnahmen heute kann ich gar nicht genug kriegen!!!!!
    Ich hab mir eines der Krähenphotos geklaut ....

    Hab einen schönen Tag Val!

  9. Fabulous tag, Valerie! And of course love seeing all the photos :)

  10. Very beautiful tag and a lovely image to use.

    The photographs are so bright and cheerful and I hope the weather is ok for you today as well--we are off on our secret mission again ;0)while the weather is fine

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Good luck and have fun with the secret mission!

  11. A gorgeous Autumnal tag - love the embelishments.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Love your tag, the leaf with the embellishments is gorgeous.
    Photos are beautiful, especially the big tree is wonderful.
    Have a great day xxx

  13. Great Autumn tag today! The glittery leaves really make it! Wow! Love that huge mushroom! It looks kind of furry! We have a cloudy rainy day here today, too!

  14. This is SO well done! And your photos are so vibrant and full of like! Bravo!

  15. Valerie, your this and thats are just fantastic...love them all and your adventurous photos.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  16. A stunning take on harvesting. Just adore the sparkle on those scrumptious leaves. And of course its always delightful looking what you have been up to during your walk.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 1,000 Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  17. Hello Dear Valerie ~ At first glance I thought you wrote "and the horses were praying" :-) then I saw they were party horses *ggg*
    Crows are clever birds and handsome too. They get into trouble with our mockingbirds sometimes and you can see the smaller birds chasing the big ole crows in the air from rooftop to tree branch...
    Your card is really lovely!
    I popped a little surprise in the mail to you yesterday...hope it makes its way to you in a speedy fashion.
    Happy Wednesday from rainy Virginia

    1. Well, perhaps they are praying as well - for hay every day! Looking forward to my surprise!

  18. Very lovely tag and fantastic image, I love the autumnal embellishments. Beautiful photographs, specially the horses. Hugs, Mar

  19. Terrific Thanksgiving Day tag, Valerie. I really like the image. Enjoyed your walk today and the fungus that grows in your area is certainly interesting. Our poor dog ate one of the wild mushrooms in the yard next door and was really ill for several days. I have to watch her carefully so she doesn't repeat her bad choice. Dogs like to pick up everything and put it in their mouths. We expect rain today in our area. Stay dry.

  20. Great Tag!!!! Love the subtle coloring that gives it that warm fall feeling ♥ More great photos and a very interesting fungus . We have so many different ones around here... I have no idea what they are but I"m always taking pictures of them :)

  21. Wonderful image and autumn colors are always so pretty. I enjoyed your pictures Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  22. Was für ein schöner und eleganter Anhänger! Wunderbare Fotos ... danke dafür!
    LG, LonettA

  23. Hi Valerie, so nice to catch up with you today as I make my way back from traveling.
    Your tag is beautiful and perfect for the season. I am always inspired by your use of accents.
    Lovely walking pics. Not sure what that mushroom is, but it's interesting. The crows look happy to find something to nibble and I always love the gorgeous horses.
    Have a great day!!

  24. Lovely dt piece, I did not even notice this print, but you really made it pop here! Big hugs, ~Diane


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