Sunday 5 October 2014

Sunday with no sun

Hi everybody!

Today was a no-sun Sunday, but I still enjoyed my walks along the Rhine and through the fields. It is quieter when there's no sun, a lot of people stay home, and I always have the feeling that I have he world just for me.

I made a new page for Art Journal Journey yesterday. I had used the paper for trying out leaf printing and some home made sprays, and I think the leafy prints in the background look like trees. I drew the large tree on the right, and the small one on the left, and glued on a TH die-cut branch tree. The magpie on the pumpkin is a stamp from Gecko Galz. I glued on an image of Hänsel and Gretel, who are frightened of being alone in the forest, as it's getting dark. The witch is flying over and has seen them, but the big tree has seen what's going on, and has told the butterfly to fly off and get help, so let's hope the kids get saved on time. I used water colours, prismalo pencils and oil pastels. The leaves are die-cuts, and the toadstool has been painted.
I am linking to Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest.

The trees here are not deep in the forest but in the park of Schloss Kalkum

This little beauty fluttered onto the path for a rest this afternoon

I saw the heron again this morning, and crept up very slowly so as not to frighten him off. He looked rather cold and hugry

Have a good start in the new week, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is gorgeous, little S. Will love it, I will show her in the morning. Great photos, too. Have a good week , hugs, Sarah

  2. Great story, Valerie, I'm glad the big tree and the butterfly were there to help in time.
    Great picture too. I like the magpie, but I don't suppose he would help.
    Gorgeous photographs, good ones of the heron, and the pink castle always looks good through your camera.

  3. A forest with a lot of life!
    LG Barbara

  4. wonderful forest piece love the texture...and what an interesting bug!

  5. Fantastic face in the tree, its a magical forest scene.

  6. Moin Valerie,

    deine Hänsel und Gretel seite ist fantastisch,der Baum und das Schhwesterlein können ihm bestimmt helfen,ich finde du machst die besten Märchen Seiten,einfach großartig meine liebe.
    hab eine schöne neue woche,du liebe,über deine mail habe ich mich sehr gefreut,danke.
    deine bilder sind wieder traumhaft,ich freue mich jedes mal darauf wenn ich zu dir komme

    GLG Jeannette

  7. Begnadet schön ist die Seite Val! Das ist ein Märchen im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes !
    Deine Fotos sind so schön und passen auch so perfekt zu Deiner Seite...
    diese Libelle ist soo schön!
    Hab eine tolle neue Woche Valerie!
    dankt von ganzem ♥
    glg Susi

  8. What a wonderful Collage of goodies Valerie--just love the tree and I wanted to hug it.

    Great photographs and good that you managed to have a walk even with the weather.

    Strong winds and heavy rain for us today so not sure if I will be brave enough to venture out.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Gorgeous creations Valerie, love the colours,image and beauties added.. Our weather here is Australia was really hot and humid so guess you are well onto your new seasons.xx

    The Journey is the Start

    1. Yes, it's really autumn, the leaves are falling fast, and it's cold, wet and windy!

  10. Eine tolle, märchenhafte Seite ist da entstanden, Klasse! Deine Fotos sind auch wieder sehr schön, überall kann man nun den Herbst entdecken. Ich mag übrigens auch gern das trübe Wetter, wenn weniger Menschen unterwegs sind, dann kann man die Natur so schön ungestört und in Ruhe in ihrer ganzen Pracht genießen.
    lg Uli

  11. Ooh, this one's a bit creepier, not sure if I would enter into this forest! Weather here has turned very autumnal, it's blowing a hooley today! Xx

    1. You don't need to worry, the big tree will look after you!

  12. smashing fun page and love the photos. Annette x

  13. Fantastic journaling, Valerie! Love the scene you created! So imaginative! Lovely photos too! i do like to see them :) xx

  14. Love your collage Valerie! The butterfly is so gorgeous with it's vibrant coloured wings! Beautiful colours in your sky too! That dragonfly photo is amazing and I just love birds, so those photos really made my day! big hugs :)

  15. Excellent work! I like the little story that goes along with this piece! Great photos of the heron today (or yesterday)!

  16. I love the whimsy in your art journal page, as well as the beautiful forest shots you took. Blessings!

  17. WE must be on similar longitude because our tree color looks about the same. Quite walks are best, deep in your spooky forest. xox

    1. Yes, I think we are sailing along on the same wave!

  18. A wonderful journal page and fabulous photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Another magical forest and this time so funny too. I Love all elements on this great page. The tree looks fantastic. Great photographs too.
    Have a lovely week!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Dass du Märchen sehr liebst, sieht man an deinen letzten Arbeiten - aber bei dem Thema Wald muss man auch einfach an Märchen denken. Schöne, phantasievolle Seite!
    Ich bin etwas spät, weil ich gestern gar nicht mehr zum Schauen gekommen bin...
    LG Ulrike

  21. Märchenhaft schön!!!! So eine schön und fantasievolle Seite!
    LG, LonettA

  22. Love your Journal page and those photos are fantastic...Especially love the ones with the Heron ♥♥♥♥♥

  23. Valerie, I need some of your story telling talents. You always make your journal pages come alive with the background story here on your blog. Love it! We still are without WIFI so more catching up for today's post.


  24. Deine Hänsel und Gretel Seite ist traumhaft schön. Der Baum, der ist der absolute HIt, die Augen sind so was von klasse.

  25. Hi Valerie, your new journal page is amazing with the story to go with it. You always create art with interest. Love the walking pics today too. How's your arm doing?
    Have a great week.

  26. Very cool, love the corrugated tree! Big hugs, ~Diane


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