Tuesday 21 October 2014

Nice weather for the ducks....

Hi everybody!

It was a cold, wet and windy day here, I would not have got far without my beloved wellies! The night will be stormy too, so hope that it will quieten down a bit tomorrow.

This is a mixed media painting I made last week, where I tried some new techniques, and where everything went wrong. And to add insult to injury, I had to cut off the bottom part of the picture where the table should be as I poured coffee on it. Not much, but enough to make a nasty mess! The background was made with various old papers, glued on with mod podge, and then given a thin coat of gesso. I painted the suares with thinned down acrylics. The vase and the tulips were drawn with pastel chalks, which I then tried to paint over with water colours to see if it would get better. It didn't. Anyway, I made it for Conny's Mix it monthly, 'still-life', so here it is!
And I am linking to Simon Says Monday Challenge, anything goes and Moo Mania and more, bright and cheerful.

This morning was wet, but I enjoyed my walk along the deserted Rhine, and even the ducks were trying to keep their feet dry!

This afternoon it was really wet, this is not a stream, it is the footpath.

I love my wellies!

Have a nice day, whatever the weather, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautifully colourful artwork Valerie and great photos too.
    Very cold here today as well and we had a mix of hailstones and sunshine.
    Fliss xx

  2. We're not having good weather either, catching the tail end of a storm but at the moment all is quiet.
    The tulips are fabulous, in fact the artwork as a whole is beautiful - you should consider framing this.

  3. I don't know what you don't like about it, but I would be very happy if I could make something nearly as good as this! Very wet here, too! I stayed home! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful vase of flowers, I do love tulips. Great photos, looks like you needed those wellies.
    Yvonne xx

  5. A wonderful painting Valerie, I love how you can see the stems through the glass vase. Do you know the Billy Connolly song, "if it wisnae for yer wellies, far would you be ......" xx

  6. Your tulips look fine to me, maybe you'll like it better when you've got over the trauma of making it.

  7. yes only ducks would enjoy this weather! It's what we are having this week too. Beautiful mixed media, you recovered well from that mishap!

  8. A smashing still life Valerie and photos. Annette x


  9. I LOVE your MM painting. I think your Tulips look wonderful.. And I always enjoy seeing your photos..


  10. What great talent you have Valerie. Gorgeous painting. So stormy and wet here I never ventured out yesterday. Have a Good Day, but take care of yourself too. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. Beautiful! I love your painting, Valerie. Thanks for nice photos, too.
    Have a wonderful day,
    hugs xxx

  12. Ein wunderschönes Bild! Genau das richtige bei dem Wetter - hier ist es auch nass und stürmisch. Ich muss gleich nach Braunschweig zum Gyn - Basteltisch wäre mir lieber :-) Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  13. Diesem tollen Stillleben sind man aber bei Gott nicht an wie viele Unfälle es überstanden hat Val... super gelungen finde ich es! Oh ja... das Wetter spielt mal wieder verrückt!
    Hab trotzdem einen schönen Tag liebe Valerie!
    Knuddel Dich!
    MOO MANIA & MORE dankt ♥lichts !!!!

  14. Oh, sehr fein, liebe Valerie. Ich mag Stillleben und Deines ist so frühlingshaft trotz des Wetters bei Euch :) Na ja, hier geht es jetzt auch los mit Regen ... Nicht meine Favoritzeit.
    Schicke Dir viele liebe Grüße und Sonne

  15. Looks fabulous Valerie! Though shame about the table.....

  16. Love the painting of the tulips it made Spring feel nearer. Looks like you had a lot of wet to contend with yesterday but it does add a wonderful texture to your photographs and to the shiny, black wellies.

    We set off to go for a walk yesterday but the wind was too strong and the trees look dangerous so we didn't get past the end of our road.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie x

  17. A wonderful painting and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. Love your painting Valerie, such wonderful colours and your flowers turned out fantastic! We had some serious flooding here too, parts of the roads were even closed down. Yipes!! Have a great day! hugs :)

  19. Sometimes it is nice to just experiment even if things don't come out as planned! Your piece has wonderful texture!

  20. I love this mixed media painting, Valerie. I Iike the vase, the tulips and the fabulous colours, really super! Very wet photos but so great. Hugs, Mar

  21. So gorgeous, love this creation and the most gorgeous image/stamp and colours.love the journey too...xx oh and your wellies..
    My blog candy ends soon..
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  22. Love your mixed media painting. The tulips are gorgeous and love how they pop! Your walk looks so peaceful and I too love your Wellies! Hugs!

  23. Lovely work, you did a good job rescuing it too. Lovin your Wellies too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. You are like the postman not letting wind or rain or snow stop you!
    The tulips you painted are beautiful.
    You are a very versatile artist Valerie ♥

  25. Hi Valerie, you created a beautiful work even with the miss hap of spilled coffee. Love your Wellies for the rainy weather. Have a great Wednesday.

  26. wow,ein wunderschönes stilleben und tolle farben,hier regnet es auch,aber ich geh trotzdem raus,hab ja meine wellis,deine sehen meinen verdambt ähnlich.
    hab immer kiopfweh,nun muss ich zu verscheidene ärzte und gucken was da los ist,hab angst.
    drück mir mal die daumen.
    schönen abend noch.


  27. Ja, ich drück Dir die Daumen, pass auf dich auf Süsse, und gute Besserung!

  28. I for one think your mixed media is fantastic, I want me some rubber boots!
    Sandy xx

  29. Pretty art and I like the book pages in your art!

  30. WOW - this is gorgeous! LOVING the colors! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog! - Ashli :)

  31. Ein Hauch von Frühling ... ein wunderbares Bild! Schöne, frische Farben!
    LG, Annette

  32. I quite like your tulips, and think your painting a success as it turned out. Lovely layers! Stay dry on your walks!

  33. Sounds like you had a bit of a struggle with this one but it turned out lovely in the end.

  34. Beautiful - love the way you can see though the vase, just a bit - perfection!

  35. Hahaaa...your tulips make me long for Springtime already. Lovely. And I love your Wellies, too. I have a pair out by the back door for when I go slogging through the rain sogged yard. Lovely photos of the ducks, too.

  36. This is a wonderful painting....quite print and greeting card worthy!! We had that kind of rain this week too...some flash floods here and there too! Stay dry!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. Great photos and awesome tulips. Happy rain boots!!

  38. Great still life! I love to see the tulip stamps through the vase...and the yellow frame looks like a window into the blue sky....ich bin so hingerissen, dass ich schon in Englisch schreibe..hah ;) Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  39. ... auch in Dänemark hatte wir in dieser Wochen so gut wie jeden Tag Regen - hatte auch meine Gummistiefel mit!

    Tulpen sind meine Lieblingsfrühlingsblumen - deine bunten Tulpen sind ganz toll gelungen - Vorfreude auf den Frühling!
    Doch dazwischen liegt ja leider noch der lange Winter...
    LG Ulrike

  40. Your flowers a just as pretty w/o the table. I like the highlight you put on the vase too. What is the story with the anchor? Beautiful pic with the tugboat in the background of the anchor. Blessings, Janet PPF


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