Sunday 26 October 2014

Narnia revisited

Hi everybody!

Today we were blessed with better weather. Not exactly sunshine and blue skies, but not too cold, no rain, and occasionally a glimpse of the sun which was hiding behind curtains of cloud.

This is a photo I took here a few years back when we had a lot of snow. It is part of the old moat, which is a park today. It always reminded me of 'Lantern Waste' in Narnia (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, from C.S. Lewis). And that gave me the idea to a little alteration:

I digitally removed one of the lanterns and the waste paper basket:

After printing it out I did some colouring with prismalos, gel-pens and oil pastels, and added Lucy and Mr Tumnus, ( a faun) and a glittery sleigh for the White Queen. Lucy is just going home with Mr Tumnus for tea.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, deep in the forest

I saw these huge sunflowers in a garden today, well over 3 meters high.

A few steps further along the street I met these nice cows:

This little, old house is at the corner of the old village square: 

I went to the dilapidated villa with the sculpture park. Actually, you are warned to keep out just now, as there was terrible damage there in the huge storm in June, and not all of the trees have been checked. Still, what's life without a little risk? But is was hard to see some of the damaged areas, they looked really bad, and I did not take any photos of them. The beautiful old cedars have all disappeared, so sad.

The chapel has been renovated and the scaffolding removed:

You can see a tree with a red 'x' on it here, these are the trees which are endangered (and dangerous!)

The path between the park and the Rhine embankment was beautiful as always

I love this  lemon yellow toadstool, it was so delicate:

And the heron was raiding the fields today instead of fishing. Sorry, the photo is not really clear as I was a long way off:

Have a good week you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. This is a lovely idea for a page. I have been reading it to the grandkids recently. Lovely photos as always! Hugs. Sarah

  2. I loved all the Narnia films Valerie. Beautiful scene with your own little character's . Love today's pictures. Always so special and perfect. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Ui, Du hast Deinen Blog ja so so schön "herbstlich hergerichtet" Das sieht absolut toll aus! Und Deine Fotos sind auch wieder so wunderschön! Ganz vielen lieben Dank für den schönen virtuellen Spaziergang bei Dir "um die Ecke". Herrliche Gegend!

  4. I read the Narnia series out loud to my kids. Wonderful project Valerie - I don't know how in the world you accomplished it but I had no doubts that you were (and are) smart. Love all your pictures especially the couple sitting on the bench - fairy tale world. The little chapel is wonderful!
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, they are wonderful stories, I grew up with them.

  5. what a beautiful image and creation, it does remind me of Narnia, its so sad you lost so many trees in that storm. it was a doozy, I remember you telling us of it,

  6. lovely digital rendering! Enjoyed your photos today as well!

  7. Was für eine märchenhaft schöne Idee mit dem Foto Valerie! Toll sieht das aus und der virtuelle Sonntagsausflug hat mir grade richtig gut gefallen... beeindruckende Gegend wo Du wohnst kann ich nur immer wieder feststellen!
    Danke Valerie für die tollen Fotos und D A N K E für einen weiteren wunderschönen Beitrag für Art Journal Journey!
    Hab eine angenhem Woche !

  8. Tolle Herbstimpressionen und ein wunderschönes Waldfoto, liebe Valerie. Es sieht absolut märchenhaft aus.
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Oh yes, I can see Narnia in your original photo. Finally made a visit to the Rhine. The river was very busy with barges. I look forward to going back to another part of it sometime. Hope you have a sunny week, I have sunshine and fog this morning.

  10. Such joyful photographs of your beautiful walk Valerie--love the couple sitting on the Inn bench-it all looks very German if my memory serves me well.

    Your art piece is wonderful and it is so good that you used one of your own photographs as the base to make it. Great colours and techniques to make it special

    Have a wonderful day--I have lost my reading glasses so I limping along with the bifocals that I don't like at all:(

    Love Chrissie x

  11. wow,eine traumhafte märchenhafte waldseite,gefällt mir ganz,ganz fantastisch,hat so eine tolle stimmung,ich liibe den winter auch seehr.
    tolle bilder auch wider,du wohnst in einer tollen gegend.
    muss nachher zum HNO,hoffe die findet den grund für die kopfbeschwerden,das linke ohr ist auch schon ganz lange kaputt und tut immer weh,drück mal die daumen.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.


    1. Ich drücke Dir wieder die Daumen, Süsse! Gute Besserung!

  12. Ha Valerie, I had to laugh when yu said my card was creepy....haha...not as creepy as what you can make but glad you liked it....this is one awesome creation and super photos.
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  13. You gave me a shock there Valerie, I thought you had snow! Beautiful photos, you would make a good tourist guide for your town! Xx

  14. I love your Narnia piece and I love that you've used one of your own photos - I have so many snowy photos stored on my computer perhaps I'll have to start using them.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Your Narnia page came out beautiful! I don't want to even think of snow yet, though! It is sad to see all the damage from storms--we have lost quite a few trees around the lake in the last few years due to lightening, storms or just old age.

  16. Good work with the removal of the lamp and waste-basket, and lovely addition of your drawings.
    Yes, nice cows safely behind a fence.
    I love this little house with the old couple enjoying watching the world go by and the chapel is seriously beautiful, and what a lovely walking path just afterwards.
    Hope you have a good day and another pleasant walk.

  17. Wow, amazing job on the image Valerie! Love your autumn shots and the dewdrops! hugs :)

  18. Outstanding work altering your photo and removing objects. You are full of interesting fairy tales and stories to make your art special. Enjoyed the walk in the park today.


  19. Great journal page and marvelous photos again ♥

  20. Gorgeous photo, love how you digitally altered it into a real masterpiece! Glad you had walking weather, lovely photos, love the sunflowers! Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Gorgeous project, it looks magical, loved the Nania stories as well.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Wonderful make, love the idea! Lovely photos too, as always! :) thanks! xx


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