Wednesday 29 October 2014

Fear no more....

Hi everybody!

We had a cold, damp and misty day here. I couldn't find my gloves, so had to keep my hands in my pockets on my walks. Winter is coming nearer!

In the past few days I had a song from Shakespeare, the 'Dirge for Fidele' (Cymbeline) going round and round in my head, with the lovely music from Ralph Vaughn Williams, which you can hear here.

Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone and ta'en thy wages;
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers, come to dust.

Fear no more the frown o' th' great;
Thou art past the tyrant's stroke:
Care no more to clothe and eat;
To thee the reed is as the oak:
The sceptre, learning, physic, must
all follow this, and come to dust.

Fear no more the lightning flash,
The all dreaded thunder stone;
Fear no slander, censure rash;
Thou has finished joy and moan.
All lovers young, all lovers must
consign to thee, and come to dust.

No exorcisor harm thee,
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee,
Nothing ill come near thee.
Quiet consummation have,
And renowned be thy grave!

Anyway, it prompted me to make this page in my giant journal. The background was painted with a mix of rust and red, and then I stamped into it with the background stamp from Chrissie, without using colour - the dry stamp just pulls colour off and leaves a negative pattern, which gives a great texture. I sprinkled some fairy dust over it while it was still wet. I used some of my stencils, bought and home made to make the figures, which I painted with gold acrylics, and outlined in white. I did the same with the text. I used the rest of the gold paint to fill in the gaps around the edges.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

Today the sheep were back again. The grass is lush and green after so much rain, so they have plenty to eat! I love how the bridge in the background has faded into the mist.

Close behind Mama

Along the Rhine everything was grey in grey, but I enjoyed my walk along the shore, scuffing through the stones and sand.

Wonder what they are all looking at?

The red leaves lit up the grey day.

Have a lovely day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your 'fear no more' piece, Valerie!

  2. wonderful inspired art. It is looking colder. I always keep little gloves in every coat pocket!

  3. Val, this is so lovely. I remember singing that song at school with Miss Braitch! Great photos, too, he kids will love the pics of the sheep. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Your art here is quite frightening, as are the words. Are they meant to be comforting, I wonder? Terrific art piece though, very individual.
    Glad to see the calm sheep, but I haven't seen this long-eared variety before, I wonder if they are a special German breed.
    Also very much like the photo of the bridge in the mist.

    1. I think you will have to ask Shakespeare what he meant. But I do not find the words frightening at all. Cymbeline is a rather untypical piece from Shakespeare.

  5. The sheep look oh so wooly and comfy in the grass. Cold coming back here tomorrow after a 70F day. How big is your giant journal, nice sunny people, but they will need coats and gloves soon. xox

  6. I haven't heard that poem Valerie, I'm glad it wasn't going around in my head! Your golden figures are much cheerier and those sheep made me smile, I've never seen such long ears on a sheep! Xx

    1. I can't seem to get it out of my head, I was hoping that doing the journal page would get rid of it. The sheep are funny with their long ears.

  7. A stunning hot coloured page, goes so well with the words you used. Super photos again today, its like going on your walk with you.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Beautiful words and beautiful music Valerie--a lovely way to start the day--thank you for the link. Your page is glorious and also gladdens my heart on this rainy, dark and misty morning.

    Love the photographs and the Autumn colours stand out so well. The lambs are very early aren't they, we never see any here until February at the earliest

    Have lovely day today

    Chrissie xxx

    1. I'm not sure if they are early or late, but unusual at this time of year, yes!

  9. wow,eine ganz grandiose seite hast du gemacht,so voller liebe und sonne,das gefällt mir richtig gut.
    ich hab coch ein leztes mal eine waldseite gemacht,das thema hat mich so gepackt,weil ich den wald so liebe
    deine naturbilder sind wieder traumhaft,es bekommt mir sehr gut wenn ich die bilder sehe,danke dafür.
    hab einen schönen tag,du liebe,icg geh heute mittag raus radel fahren.

    GLG Jeannette

  10. Fabulous once again, I am always lost for words...a great journey into your wonderful world again today....needed that journey, thanks..xx
    The Journey is the Start

  11. Wonderful photos and an amazing page, I love it.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Ein so wunderschöne Seite mit diesen warmen Farben! Läßt mich die Wärme der Sonne spüren!
    Wunderbare Fotos ... die beiden Lämmchen sind so süß!!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  13. Great word inspiration and a fabulous spread!

  14. Fabulous page today Valerie, the colours are just wonderful! Love your photos, the colours of the trees are really turning now. hugs :)

  15. Love the colors in your giant journal piece! Not quite cold enough here for gloves, but the weather forecast says we could have snow mixed with rain Saturday night!

  16. Ah, ich liebe Schafe und ich liebe Möwen und Deine Fotos haben sie alle einfach perfekt eingefangen. Auch die nebelige Stimmung gefällt mir richtig gut!
    Genauso gefällt mir Deine Journalseite und die Entstehungsgeschichte mit dem Lied. Vielen Dank für diese Inspiration!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  17. Beautiful poem, great page inspired by it. Very colourful! Your photos are wonderful, I love the sheep, especially with the bridge in fog.... take care, Shirleyxx

  18. LOVED LISTENING TO THE MUSIC ♥ The sheep look all warm in cozy in their winter wool and such a dreary looking day it is . we are having much the same type of weather here this week. I must get out and get the last flower pictures of the season as it's supposed to freeze tomorrow night :(

  19. Deine Journalseite mit den goldfarbenen Silhouetten und dem rostroten Hintergrund ist super gelungen - die Musik gerade verklungen...
    Die süßen weißen Lämmchen sind aber spät geboren! Hoffentlich kommen sie gut durch den Winter.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike - auch noch handschuhlos

  20. Was für eine herrlich Seite Valerie!
    Und die Bilder von den Schafen sind sooo schön.. tolle Tiere!
    Hab einen schönen Abend Valerie!

  21. Hi Valerie, thank you for sharing the link to the music. The boys choir was special. Love your pics and the sheep look like they are enjoying the day. Your creation is incredible as always.

  22. Nein, Angst for Sonnenschein sollte man wirklich nicht haben, ganz besonders nicht bei diesem trüben Wetter. Deine Seite gefällt mir gut, tolle Farben. Ich bin gerade mal wieder am Nachholen meiner Blogrunde, bei dir gibt es wie immer eine Menge nachzulesen und nachzugucken.

  23. I love my walks along the water each day as well, although my walks are not along an huge river, but a creek near my home. Beautiful, inspirational pictures and I love how you took the idea from shakespeare for your art page!

  24. I like Cymbelline with Loreena Mckennit although her song doesn't include the whole poem. But I do think Master Shakespeare doesn't mind.The last stanza of the poem holds such a beauty and strength that makes me shiver.Shakespeare is inspiring for any Literature teacher. Love your journal page and your amazing photos. It is interesting to see others people's lands.

    1. Yes, it is a beautiful song, which we learned at school many, many years ago!

  25. Oh, the winter is coming strongly and the yearn of sun is becoming even stronger! Loved your piece and those sheep are just adorable!

  26. Beautiful journal page and gorgeous pictures of the sheep too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. Great art page, Valerie. Love those fall trees in your photos. Your sheep look so serene too.


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