Wednesday 1 October 2014

The forest is dark and deep

Hi everybody!

I have a scheduled post today for my first entry for the new challenge at Susi's  Art Journal Journey, 'Deep in the forest', co-hosted this time by Sheila.
I worked hard last week preparing stuff in advance because of the OP.


The OP went well, thanks to all who left comments with good wishes. The 'nasty bits' have all been removed, and now it just needs to heal.

For me forests are dark, deep and magical. As a child I loved the fairy tales, and all the creatures who lived in the forest, and was quite disappointed later when I learnt that not all forests were populated by fairies and witches, families of talking animals, elves and gnomes. The background of my picture was painted with left over colours from other projects, and then repeatedly sprayed, dripped and dried, to give many colours and layers. I stamped over part of it with a crackle stamp to give the semblance of foliage. Then I outlined the drips using an electric blue gel-pen. The small leaves falling from the trees have been stamped, and then outlined with a black fine-writer. I drew and painted the little toadstools, and then added my 'inhabitants'. I think I have stayed a child at heart, and still love making magical pictures.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

Some autumn impressions from the past days:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Beautiful piece Val, love how you have made this, with all the magical colours and little animals and fairies. Don't forget to rest a bit, will you?! Hugs, Sarah

  2. So utterly beautiful this page Val!
    Einfach toll ..und so schöne Fotos , die so gut zur Journal Seite passen!

    Sei behutsam mit Deinem Arm liebe Valerie!
    Gute Besserung!
    Einen schönen Abend!
    Danke dass Du schon vorgearbeitet hast liebe Valeri!

  3. What fabulous effects you have achieved here, seen clearly in the close-ups. Love the tall trees, the dragonflies and all the magical people and creatures below. Love the two fairies and the red bird singing too.

    1. Thanks, but there are 3 fairies!

    2. Sorry to other fairy on the left-hand side but you are playing at being invisible!

    3. Of course, she's wearing her leaf camouflage outfit.

  4. So good to hear that all went well! I was surprised when I saw your comments on my posts which I hope means that your arm is not too sore!

    I never believed in all the little creatures as a child, but I sure do enjoy creating art about them now, LOL!

  5. Beautiful creations Valerie and would be really nice in a children's book. Love your pictures too. Take it easy and I'm so glad the op went well. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Your forest looks truly magical Valerie as do the pics of the solitary apple and the mushrooms. Glad to hear all went well. Take good care. Xx

  7. tolle Seite,gefällt mir gut.
    schön das die OP vorbei ist,gut Genesung und gute Besserung.
    schönen abend.

    GLG Jeannette

  8. Huhu, durch diese violetten Farben sieht es tatsächlich etwas unheimlich aus, aber die Waldbewohner fühlen sich wohl!
    Bald kommen sicher wieder Bilder mit Links kreiert von dir...
    Alles Gute von Ulrike

  9. I really love your magical forest and all the most enchanting forest animals and fairy creatures. I adore your great skills to draw, paint and create these fabulous art works.
    I'm glad your hand is getting better. Take care and be well, Valerie.
    Hugs xxx

  10. these are such beautiful creations and photos, the dragon flies pop right off the canvas!! I am switching to a voice activated program for the visually challenged , I might be missing while we transferr things, but I will be visiting, see you soon,

  11. Love the magical backdrop to your scene Valerie, am pleased to hear all went well with the 'op. Hugs Annette x

  12. Tolles Kontrastprogramm, moderne Gestaltung plus nostalgische Glanzbildchen. Gefällt mir megagut. WOW!
    Liebe Grüße

  13. Wonderful magical background Valerie and I love the little nostalgic fairy tale characters at the bottom of the page! So much fun, I have always loved Fairytales! So glad to hear the Op went well too!

  14. Einfach wunderschön und bezaubernd!! Deine Seite ist so schöööön ... ich entdecke immer noch mehr Details! Tolle Farben!
    Gute Besserung für deinen Arm ... pass gut auf dich auf!
    Ganz liebe Grüße, LonettA

  15. Wow!!! This forest is really magical and full of fantasy, I love the amazing trees, the fairies, the dragonflies... all fabulous creatures. This page is a great treasure!
    I glad to hear that all went well, and take care of yourself, Valerie.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. magical forest piece! Glad you are healing. Happy PPF!

  17. Love your forest scene and your autumnal photographs.

    Heal soon :)

    Karen x

  18. Love the magical feeling, on looking at this wonderful page. gorgeous colours.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Great colours and effects making a magical scene, lovely photos too.


  20. What a gorgeous piece Valerie, fabulous colours and I love the drips. So glad your op went well, get well soon! xx

  21. Deep and dark with lots of mystical creatures. Lovely. So glad the op went well. xox

  22. Great work, love the fall Picts too. Hope you are feeling better.

  23. Such beautiful colours and delightfully sweet characters inhabit your forest Valerie. What a lovely start to the month's crafting.
    I'm glad the op went well and I wish you speedy healing and a complete recovery ((hugs))

  24. Glad the op went well, hope you are back to full creativity soon. Love the forest, especially the purple. I've noticed some scary looking mushrooms about in the woods - there's something fascinating about them though.

  25. Stunning piece of art Valerie with a real feeling of the forest depths

    Beautiful photographs too

    Best of all. Great news that the Op went well and I hope it heals soon

    Love Chrissie x

  26. So gorgeous, Valerie.
    So gorgeous, Valerie - love the colours. What do you mean the forests are not inhabited by faeries and talking animals? !! I'm stunned you would allow someone to tell you such tall tales. Hope all goes well getting the dressing changed. Take good care of yourself. hugs, Donna


    1. Thanks for the confirmation of the talking animals and fairy theory, I am sure they are there!

  27. Glad to hear the OP went well... x x Love the forest it is Beautiful, Fabulous colours & so much beauty to look at...Brilliant creation... Love the photos too.... Hugs May x x

  28. Wow wow wow! Valerie, this is just stunning! I can't stop looking at all the gorgeous colours and your fabulous animals! What a beautiful scene you have created! Your photos are amazing as always! Hope you feel better soon! hugs :)

  29. Wow that is a stunning forest Valerie! Such vibrant colours and textures. Your photos are also gorgeous. I'm glad to read that your OP went well. I hope you heal quickly. Take care, Shirleyx

  30. Valerie, we are never too old to believe like a child. Your journal page is pure magic and the row at the bottom with the animals, fairy and red riding hood verify the magical atmosphere. Take care of that arm so it heals quickly.


  31. So pretty Valerie - really quite beautiful. I notice that a lot of your makes have people or objects floating - not really flying as much as floating. Love the journal page especially the background!
    Sandy -- glad everything went well!! xx

  32. Oh this is a magical piece Valerie, it certainly captures and enchants, very special! I'm happy your operation went well, all the best for the healing process!

  33. Truly a magical piece, I love all the rich colors and magical creatures you have placed in your wonderland, truly gorgeous! Glad all wen well and you are home resting. Big hugs, ~Diane

  34. Amazing art work. exceptional attention to the details. Your creations are always that way. Your photography is too. Both are amazing. - Jim

  35. Hi Valerie, So glad your OP went well and you will be on the mend now. Gorgeous work in your forest. It looks just magical and like a photo in a fairy tale.
    I know your many walking pics must have a creative influence on your works of art!

    Get well wishes for speedy recovery!

  36. Oh my goodness! This is gorgeous! I too loved fairy tales and such when I was a child ;) So glad to hear your feeling better and thank you for your sweet comment! xo

  37. This is so beautiful!! Colors are Fab!! I love fairy tales too. Glad you feel better!!

  38. Oh my gosh, this is so fantastic! And so glad to find a fellow Susi's art journal participant!! Happy PPF!

  39. What a beautiful magical forest. I would love to wander there and take in all it's beauty. Glad to hear the op went ok.

  40. A magical forest to be sure!! Beautiful work! Glad you're onto recovery!

    Hugs Giggles

  41. WOW, this is....amazing! Lovely colors, beautiful details, well done!
    Happy PPF!

  42. Beautiful! Love the little creatures, as a child I reread Hans Anderson and the Grimm Brothers Fairy tale over and over!

  43. Beautiful and magical Forest and gorgeous autumn on the photos. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely and creative week!

  44. I love the way you made those drips into a forest.

  45. Oh, du hattest ein OP.....gute Besserung.
    Die Seite ist toll, gefällt mir sehr gut. Und deine Fotos sind wie immer sehr schön.
    LG Carola

  46. So beautiful and magical! Definitely makes me think of my childhood when I was pretending to be a fairy with my friends. haha!

  47. It is lovely to see all the detail pictures. There are so many things going on in your piece, and the colours are fantastic!

  48. I read your post then slowly scrolled down. This piece gives me chills. It is stunning. I mean truly stunning. Your photos are showing that fall is coming your way. Beautiful. I am so glad that you are healing. OMG 11 Ops on your eyes. Blessing to you my friend.
    Have a great weekend

  49. I, too, love the forests, fairytales and the like. I was sure fairies, elves and the like were real. I would dream about them and in the morning, those dreams were so real, I thought they were. LOL Your artwork is so lovely. I especially loved today's post, too. You and I are kindred spirits.

  50. Ooooh, was für eine traumhaft schöne Seite - da gefällt mir einfach alles. Ich lese gerade, dass es mit deiner Hand aufwärts geht :) Da drücke ich mal weiterhin die Daumen :)

  51. Your forest is intriguing and vibrant. Enjoyed and thanks for sharing! Happy PPF

  52. I agree, so beautiful work! I am glad you are recovering. Happy PPF!

  53. Wonderful Val! I love all the colors and the whimsical feel of it. Beautiful!

  54. What a delightful post and artwork Valerie,
    I need to look closely at the forest behind my house and love the idea of fairies, gnomes and elves living there. I know the deer are there because I see them regularly.
    Gorgeous autumnal photographs too.
    I wish you a speedy recovery... now take care and rest ;D

  55. Wow! This is so lovely. so magical.........Love the colors.

  56. Hello Valerie, I enjoyed scrolling slowly down the post and being delighted by how your painting transformed. I took a little gasp when I saw the charming figures at the bottom. It's all so magical.

  57. Gorgeous piece of art!

    Enjoy the Journal Journey!


  58. Oh - gosh - I love that page so much. I was very into fairy tales when I was a kid - your piece embodies all the beauty in that magic world. The effects are just stunning.

  59. A magical journey. This is amazing artwork, thanks for sharing!

  60. Truly a magical forest ♥ Love all of the wonderful color and layers. So glad that everything went well and you are on the road to recovery.

  61. Your painting is magical. Thank you for sharing your techniques. hugs, Teresa

  62. What enchanted forest with all the animals of the forest. Like a Grimms fairytale. Love the colors.

  63. I am happy to read that your hand is doing well, take good care of you !! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and this lovely piece of art!! Best wishes to you.

  64. I love the colors. . . and all the little ones you put in the forest. Truly a creative piece of art that stuns my mind. Blessings, Janet PPF

  65. Wow, wow and WOW... I love it all, Valerie - Both your painting / journal page and your photos - there are so much mystical magic in there that you will get lost for hours. Wow.. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post!!!

    Kind regards


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