Saturday 3 May 2014

This and that and the neighbour's cat

Hi everybody!

Hope you are having a great day whatever you are up to.
Here it was cold, 8°, but the sun shone all day, and I spent 7 hours outside walking around and visiting all my favourite places, sitting at the Rhine, watching the ships and reading on my Kindle - a lovely day!

This card is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz this month, and  my piece for the cross-promotion with 'Vintage for me', who are offering some beautiful vintage images and papers, available from GG this month. I combined the image with some paper from the GG set '-Floral symphony'.
I used some blue cardstock for matting, and some self adhesive paper lace. I added some flowers and net matting in coordinating colours.
Material list : 6" card blank, paper for matting, image from Vintage for me, BG paper floral symphony, flowers, netting and ribbon as embellishments.

Perhaps you remember this snail I photographed last week?

It must have inspired me, as I doodled this while watching a boring TV programme yesterday, and gave it a bit of colour with prismalos and gel pens.

This huge puddle got in my way today, we did have a lot of rain this week:

Is that a ghost?

The park at Schloss Kalkum was beautiful, as always:

I love the sharp contrasts between the light and the shadows:

And the neighbour's cat? 
Well, the neighbour a few doors down doesn't have a cat, but this lovely horse, who gives therapeutic riding lessons for the handicapped.

 That's enough for today. Have a good one, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such a beautiful place you live, always a new view and something glorious too look at. xox

  2. Love the card, very pretty and spring like, and the snail is fun! Great photos, as always! Hugs, Sarah

  3. What a beautiful card! Your snail, both the photograph and the painting are lovely too (not a word I thought I'd ever apply to a snail, but they both are)! Fabulous photos too.

    1. This was a new thing for me to crouch down and watch a snail and see that even snails can be lovely.

  4. Stunning card Valerie and such lovely pics too. Love the doodled snail.
    Have a good day tomorrow.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  5. Loving the mobile home, all fitted out inside I hope, got to have home comforts. Had a good chuckle at the washing line. Fabulous bird card and as always super photos.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Gorgeous use of the GG image especially paired with the Floral Symphony paper.
    Valerie, slap my wrists as it was only this evening saw me making my May DT samples!!!! The cross-promotion took me longer to create than I anticipated, setting me back with my actual DT samples. I also found myself using the Floral Symphony digi paper, one of the pink ones, now there's a surprise LOL.
    Love your snail, wonderfully quirky and certainly made me smile.

  7. Beautifully crafted card Valerie. Love all your layers and embellishments. Love your snail doodle also! Can't wait to see your other Gecko Galz projects!

  8. Wie genial. Deine Schneckenseite ist der Hit.

  9. Love the mobile home, so much fun. Great card and fab photos Valerie. The sun was out all day today, but the temps didn't get any further than 13.........enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  10. A cat that's a horse and a Queen snail who hangs out her washing for all to see! You're in a silly mood Valerie! Your card however is elegant and sophisticated! Lol. Xx

    1. Me silly?! Suze, how can you say a thing like that! If I had a heart it would be broken!

  11. I always loves your doodles and pictures. Your card for Gecko Galz is beautiful--I love the vibrant colors!

  12. Wow! No wonder you spent 4 hours outside yesterday with all the beautiful things you got to see and share with us. Love the ghost pic-she looks very scary to me :)

    The snail drawing is wonderful--if only they looked like that instead of the awful slimy grey that pops out of the shells in our garden.

    The piece you have made for Gecko Galz is beautiful and very eye catching with the vibrant colours and beautiful bird image.

    Have a great day again

    Love Chrissie x

  13. Your card is so bright and beautiful. Especially I love the flower setting
    Photos are stunningly gorgeous and tell how you are living in such a wonderful place.
    The snail drawing is cute!
    Have a happy Sunday, Valerie!

  14. Deine Karte ist traumhaft schön- die Farben so frühlingshaft und harmonisch.
    Die Fotos sind klasse - ich liebe deinen besonderen Blick für tolle Details oder Ansichten. Einen schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir, liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  15. Liebe Valerie! Dein Post zeugt wieder so viele wundervolle Dinge. Die schöne Karte und den schneckigen Herzensbrecher :) Ich gestehe, ich bin kein Fan von Gartenschnecken, doch Dein Bild ist zauberhaft und magisch und genau das, was mein Herz lächeln läßt. Ich mache keine Schneckenbilder, weil ich befürchte, dass sie dann scharenweise in den Garten einfallen, weil ich sie sozusagen gerufen habe. Upps! Ja, bin ein wenig abergläubig.
    Danke auch für Deine herrlichen Fotos mit Park und Geist. Es ist eine tolle Idee!
    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße zu Dir Erika

  16. Gorgeous card Valerie, I love the pretty netting and flowers too! Your snail is charming and your walk was beautiful. Have a good afternoon. Big hugs, ~Diane

  17. You always capture the most amazing places in your shots. As to your card, I love the glorious color scheme and the vintage illustration that you used in your design. Blessings!

  18. This and that and the neighbor's cat - you have me laughing already - not a bad way to start my day! Seven hours of walking - oh I don't think I could muster that at all Valerie. Will it get too hot later on in the summer to walk?
    Your card is lovely and the bird is gorgeous! I am a big bird watcher and have several feeders and a bird bath outside my craft room window. Notice that I did not say that I am a big bird!
    Your humor is fantastic and I wish you would let it show more - that mobile home is out of this world. Great doodle. Ahhh - it is a little girl snail - I wondered about that. And British to the core. Another great moment - the picture where I see your shadow and the bust is right there - where you head is. So now I know a little more about you - you have long hair!!!! A ghost indeed. Looks like a nice stout and sturdy horse for the people to ride.
    I love to read Valerie and always have a book going - right now I am reading one about WWI - British fighting in France. It is a novel. Not the best book I have ever read but certain not the worst either.
    Well it is evening where you are - sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I will quit rambling on for now kid!
    Sandy xx

  19. Outstanding work on your card, Valerie. It is beautiful. I missed the photo of the snail earlier so it was a treat to see your photo today. It is raining here so it is a gloomy day. Every time I treat the weeds, it rains and washes off the spray. DRATS!

  20. Amazing card! I Love the vivid colors and cute flowers...this is lovely but the "mobile home" is very very very fun and made me smile.. great doodle!

  21. Glad you had a good day, seven hours is a long time to be out and about.
    I really like your snail - is that a friendly monster snail?
    The Gecko Galz papers are really beautiful and the way you use them is beautiful too, I do like this one very much.
    Now I am feeling ever so slightly swindled here, so how about a picture of a cat one day to make up for it?

  22. Hi Valerie, Love your card creation and that little doodle is so cute and I love the little sign caption of mobile home!! Your mind is so creative. Lovely walk pics once again and the shadow has me guessing it has a name starting with a V. LOL
    Love the gorgeous flowers with the red tipped petals.
    It is in the 90's here. I wish I could send you some heat!!

    Thank you for stopping by Kathy's series and leaving a kind comment. It means so much and I appreciate you taking the time.
    Have a wonderful week.

  23. Ein wunderschöne Karte in Blau ... ich liebe Blau! Aber deine Schnecke ist wirklich ein Hit .... toll! Die gefällt mir sehr! Wunderbare Fotoimpressionen ... herzlichen Dank dafür!
    LG, LonettA

  24. Beautiful card Val so pretty, and the snail is pretty in a weird sort of way. I really love QE2 of snails, though why she needs all the washing I do not know -) xx

  25. Gorgeous photos ! Love the 'ghost' in the one and those flowers are beautiful. Cheers, Shirleyx ps... sorry almost forgot your card is beautiful too !

  26. Love the shade of blue on your card and the bird. Super pics. x

  27. Your snail doodle made me smile--so creative!


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