Tuesday 13 May 2014

Double Tuesday, Wind and Rain

Hi everybody!

The day started out damp and windy, but I still got out for my walk along the Rhine, and enjoyed looking at the stones, shells and other things on the beach. I got home just on time to save getting soaked, then it rained non-stop for 2 hours. After the rain had stopped I was able to do another round of puddle hopping - everything is really wet. But I'm hopeful that the weather will soon get better as 'they' have promised us!

Today is time for a new tag at Tag Tuesday, and a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday. At TT our theme this week is metal. I had fun playing with cardboard and trying to make it look like metal. I embossed a tag cut from corrugated cardboard in a TH embossing folder, then rubbed it with Inka gold in gold and gun-metal. Then I used embossing ink to add some metallic EPs and Perfect Pearls in gold, copper and metallic blue. The key has also been cut from the same cardboard using an ancient sizzix die, the first one I ever had. The heart and anchor were plastic embellies from my button box.  They got the same treatment with Inka gold as the tag, and were then embossed with EPs and Perfect Pearls. The plastic did not smell good when I heated it, but at least it stayed in form! The eyelet and chain are actually made of metal....

 I am also linking to the Craftroom Challenge, recycling, using recycled cardboard, chain and buttons.
At Try it on Tuesday the new challenge is 'It's in the mail', which gives lots of scope for mail art envelopes or mail themed tags and cards etc. You have, as always, 2 weeks to join in, so hope to see lots of you over there!
I made an airmail-envelope. I gave the paper a coat of gesso, and when it was dry, decorated with stamps - which all have a mail theme here - an owl (Hogwarts post), a little boy going to school, tissue tape, and some stamped images .

The reverse has been decorated with my fave stamp - 'art is not a thing, it is a way', and more stamped images and tissue tape. I will use this as a voucher pocket sooner or later.

I am also linking to  Moo Mania (mail) and Artful Times (mail).

I always find it very calming and relaxing to walk along the beach, and every time I am there some of those stones and shells seem to find their way into my pockets.

I always see faces or other things in the stones, here I can see several faces and a stone that looks like a chopped off finger compete with finger-nail! What can you see?

I really had to paddle through the puddles along the wall this afternoon, thank goodness for Wellies!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning tag, the textures and colours are fantastic. The bottom photo is so gorgeous. I hope the weather clears up for you. We've had a few beautiful days, spring has arrived ! But it's going to rain a lot this week. Take care, Shirleyx

  2. Good Morning Valerie. You have done again, bringing out such wonderful textures and colours. Stunning Tag. Yesterday was rain on and off for us too, with sunshine in between. Hope you have a good day. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Fantastic tag and mailart piece. Love the metallic colours on the tag. Great photos, too. I can see the faces and finger! Hugs, S arah

  4. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Herrliche Dinge zeigst Du in Deinem schönen Post. Die herrliche Karte, der traumschöne Brief und nicht zu vergessen die Steine. Irgendwie passt alles auf eine nicht gleich sichtbare Weise zueinander. Vielleicht aber auch, weil ich alle diese Dinge sehr liebe. Steine und Briefe und Karten. Perfekt!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche, viele schöne Motive und grüße Dich ganz herzlich

  5. I am picturing you there stamping in the puddles on your beautiful walk Hope you saw lots of happy faces in the pebbles-I love to do the same thing when I look at clouds :)

    The tag is stunning and took my breath away. The background embossing is amazing and even better after you enhanced it.

    Love the Mail piece with the wonderful striking images.

    Have a great day with some sun hopefully

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Wow, wow, wow, really LOVE the ancient metal effects on the tag!!! Both sides of your mail art envie look fab too and the photos are lush! Here the sun is shining for once and there is a bright blue sky!!

  7. Definitely faces either side of the first shell in the first pic! Your tag is fabulous, it really does look ancient, great metallic effects. We have blue sky here today, here's hoping it lasts. Hope the weather is fair for your walks. Have a nice day. Xx

  8. Stunning creations, fabulous metal effects.
    Beautiful photos, saw faces too, I collect stones too.
    Thank you for sharing your creativity at Craft-Room Challenge, welcome again;-))m

  9. Fabulous makes Valerie and lovely photo's - I saw ET, a child's face and it took me a while but I managed to find your chopped of finger. Thank you for sharing your brilliant tag with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Hi Valerie! Both works are fantastic and different. The airmail-envelope is terrific with fabulous stamps and images. Another great works!

  11. Great tag Valerie, I love all the texture. You are the official Queen of envelope decoration and this is proof, it looks magnificent! ~Diane

  12. Loving the metalwork tag, great effects anf the mail art is fantastic as well. I have looked in your puddles, but kept getting drawn to the bottle top, that would have been in my pocket to rust up over time.
    Yvonne xx

    1. I have to admit that the bottle top also found its way into my pocket, along with a few others, and they are busy rusting on my balcony now!

  13. Put my other hat on to say thank you for joining as at Artful Times with upur stunning Mail Art

    Just got back from a very long walk

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Marvelous metal tag; you did an extraordinary job on it, Valerie. Your mail art is equally fantastic. In your photo of the shells, I see a bottle cap and next to it a rock in the shape of a fish. I need more imagination to see faces. Great photo!


  15. I think my pockets would be weighed down, too. I saw the faces, finger, and an elephant seal head! Your tag reminded me of Davy Jones' Locker for some reason--looks like it came up from the bottom of the sea!

  16. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous Tag. Love the color and texture. Sort of looks wet and rained on perfect to go along with your wind and rainy days. Love your mail art and the verse is perfect.
    I see the faces and the finger with the nail!! I see a face with a long chin and a monkey in one of the rocks. I do this also with car fronts. When I was a little girl, I could see my mom's smile in the front of a 57 chevy. LOL
    Great walking pics and loved the shells and rocks.

  17. sagenhaft genial dieses Tag Valerie und Deine Mail ART ist allererster Güte!

    Tolle Bilder!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von

  18. Your metal tag is stupendous, it looks like really fine metals.
    So you are out and about again, that's good to hear. We had a very noisy thunderstorm this afternoon, it didn't last long but was fun while it lasted.

  19. Deine beiden Tags sind wunderschön. Total verschieden aber beide klasse. Die Fotos gefallen mir super gut, ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass die Spaziergänge am Rhein Spaß machen. Obwohl es heute früh teilweise bei uns geregnet hat bin ich zu meiner Joggingrunde (im Kriechgang heute) aufgebrochen und nur ganz wenig nass geworden ;)

  20. Beautiful tag and mail art and thank you for sharing your wonderful photos Valerie, Annette x

  21. Love the combination of images and stamps on this envelope Valerie, and such a great theme.
    Fabulous metallic look on your tag.
    Lovely pics from your walk, thanks for sharing.
    Avril xx

  22. Oh that tag is a textural work of art! I love the colors. Your airmail envelope is so detailed and just wonderful! Beautiful walk again! Hugs!

  23. I agree with Terry - I just am loving all that rich texture and color. What a beauty!

  24. Beautiful creations - I love how you've achieved that metallic finish on your tag, and great use of recycled cardboard. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Craft-Room...Esther xx

  25. Wow, grandiose Tags und tolle Fotos, Valerie

  26. WOW that tag has a wonderful metallic appearance fantastic work and so brave using ep on the plastic. Weather certainly improved here today hope it did for you as well. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room XOXO Zoe

  27. A great tag i love everything about it.Love you pic's as well.
    Becky x

  28. Love your tag, gorgeous colours. The mail art is lovely and just right for our Artful Times challenge. Thank you for joining us.

  29. Stunning tag Valerie and love the mail art :)
    Thank you for sharing another with us at Artful Times
    Von x♥x

  30. Your tag is brilliant and so is your envelope thanks for sharing.


  31. Gorgeous tag- looks perfectly metal :-) I love the colours ! thanks for sharing with us at Craft Room Challenge, Debi x

  32. An airmail envelope - I would never have thought of that. Great artwork.
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Times, Neet x


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