Tuesday 13 May 2014

Raindrops and circles

Hi you all!

We had another very rainy day here, I think I will soon have webbed feet like the ducks. But this evening the sky is clear, so perhaps the good weather we have been promised will be coming nearer! I still enjoyed walking about in the rain, having the world around me just for me, and enjoying the beauty of the raindrops.

This journal page is not quite finished, as once again I could not do the journaling on it as my fingers are still too shaky for tidy writing. I made it for the circles challenge at AJJ and for the 'circle the globe' challenge at FSC. This piece of shaped cardboard was part of some packaging, so I left it as it was to fit the theme. I sprayed the background, and stamped the sun with my Hein-design block stamp, using pigment ink.  I stamped the squares using the ink-pads directly onto the paper, and then stamped the dragonfly from Lawrence and Morgan over them using archival ink. I coloured the wings with Stickles. The water lilies and irises are also stamps from L and M., coloured with gel-pens. I drew round the edge of the circle using a lid and a fine liner, and drew in a few little circles round the splashes from the spray. The text  will be written round the inside of the circle sooner or later, and is a quote from the Lion King - 
'And so we are all connected in the great circle of life' (Mufasa)

And here are some of the raindrops from today's walk:

I love this view of the Church seen from the tow-path:

All the benches were empty, and not even the ducks showed their little beaks....

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Stunning journal page, Valerie! I love the globe and that shimmer on the dragonfly and lilies! Your walk looks amazing even in the rain! Hugs!

  2. Love your dragonfly circle piece, and the quote you have used. The rain pics are lovely, it all looks so soft and green. Did you sit on one of those empty benches? Hugs, Sarah

  3. Die Journalseite sieht schon sehr vielversprechend aus, tolle Farben. Die Libellenflügel gefallen mir gut. Schöne Fotos hast du wieder gemacht, so kann man selbst dem Regenwetter etwas abgewinnen ;) NIchts desto trotz mag ich Sonnenschein viel lieber und hoffe, dass wir jetzt in den Genuss des britischen Hochs kommen.

  4. Lovely, I love all in this gorgeous artwork. The dragonfly is stunningly beautiful and well done. Absolutely beautiful piece.
    Hugs xxx

  5. Awesome design. Love your choice of stamps and colors!

  6. Stunning journal page, the dragon fly looks amazing. Super photos, not weather for ducks today here either. More thunder and even hailstones tonight.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Well you certainly would have had a wet bum if you'd stopped for a rest today! Your dragonfly art is beautiful, reminds me of an embroidery ring. Xx

  8. Really beautiful and also so beautifully coloured. I am slightly afraid of lily pads, they are beautiful but they can also be a favourite resting spot for certain F$%&S which I actually have an irrational fear/phobia about. In fact I am moving swiftly off the subject and will finish by saying thank you for sharing your art and your photographs.
    We had thunderstorms today.

  9. Wow! Wow! Wow! That is a stunning page! Beautiful elements and color all tied together with the circle! Thanks for taking us on your walk today!

  10. What a gorgeous piece of art! A bit art deco, I love it! Beautiful photos too.

  11. Lovely piece of work. the transparency of the dragonfly is beautiful. Nice walk - yes you did have the world to yourself - just you and the raindrops. hugs, Donna

  12. Soggy, but i don't think your dragonfly will mind in all it's shimmering goodness. xox

  13. Oh Valerie, I totally love your journal page!!! We have rain in this part of the world too and are supposed to have it the rest of the week. I'm really not complaining because we need the rain for all the zillions of plants and seeds that went in the ground here. Well maybe not zillions but an awful lot :) Have a great week!!!

  14. Eine begnadete Arbeit ist das wieder Valerie! Himmlisch schön und die Impressionen im Regen -herrlich!
    danke für Deine wunderbare Unterstützung jeden Monat bei den Challenges liebe Valerie!
    Du bist ein Schatz!
    Sei (" bärtig" ) **** umknuddelt .....


    1. Bärtig stört mich nicht, mein Mann war immer Bartträger!

  15. oohh valerie,ich finde es wieder superschön was du gewerkelt hast,einfach zauberhaft,die impressionen wieder sind traumhaft,du hast wirklich ein händchen fürs schöne.
    heute regnet es mal nicht,und ich werde nachher wieder raus gehen,ich mache das zur zeit regelmäßig und mir geht es gesundheitlich etwas besser.
    hab noch einen tollen tag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  16. A really beautiful journal page Valerie. So sorry your hands are still shaky as I do love to see the personal touch of your very own writing.

    Amazing photographs of the rain drops though I am hoping it is sunny for you today

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Fantastic circle piece, Valerie! I love the design and so lovely coloured. The dragonfly is amazing.
    I like your beautifull photos!

  18. Stunning piece Valerie, your dragonfly is gorgeous and so is the whole composition of the page! Lovely walk, even the rain is pretty when I see it through your eyes. ~Diane

  19. Your circle art reminds me of a snow globe containing beautiful objects. What a fantastic piece of art.
    Wet, wet, wet. However, you were able to enjoy your walk and the small things that bring joy like the raindrops. Loved the photos too.

  20. Wow, so beautiful. You did that with stamps? It looks hand painted.

    It's been raining a lot here, too. I rather enjoy it, tho. Now I don't have to wash my car. :)

  21. Hi Valerie, I love your creation and the dragon fly is gorgeous. The quote is perfect for it too. Looks hand painted. The rainy day walk pics are so refreshing. Hope you feel better soon!!
    Hugs and Blessings

  22. This is wonderful Val, love the inkpad stamping - great idea. That rain look very familiar, though the sun did shine today xx

  23. HI Valerie, Fabulous journal page, love the images caught inside the globe, and such gorgeous colours.
    Thanks for sharing with us at FSC
    Avril xx

  24. Gorgeous journal page Valerie, beautiful and delicate! Lovely photos too,. Thanks for joining us at FSC this time
    Claire xx


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