Sunday 4 May 2014

Circles, cattle, ducks and geese

Hi everybody!

We had ground frost in the night, and when I got up this morning it was just 2°, but wonderfully sunny. It warmed up to 7° by the time I went out, and I spent some pleasant hours wandering around, visiting my favourite corners and enjoying the beautiful nature around me.

At AJJ the theme this month is circles, and this is my first interpretation of the theme. For me it is important to try to incorporate words - journalling - into the page, and this time I have tried to write them in circles. The background has been painted with acrylics in blues, greens and purple, and then stamped with various BG stamps. I used a CWS stencil and gesso to make the circle / cog patterns, which I then partly outlined with green gel-pen. The lady has been cut from a magazine, and the the circle images are from the Gecko Galz vintage visions circle sheet. I then started drawing the little circles with white gel-pen and had trouble stopping....In the end I did, wrote the circle-texts and then it was done.
I am also linking to Take a word - circles.

And here are some impressions from my walk today:

The cattle appeared on the meadow overnight, it was lovely to watch them, and to know that not all animals are shut into cowsheds all the time:

At Schloss Kalkum the park was full of light and shadow, the water lilies are starting to bloom, and the ducks and geese were all swimming lazily. I love how the reflections make it hard to see what is above and what underneath:

Here's wishing you lots of light and sunshine on your journeys!
Take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful journal page, and love the photos today. The cattle remind me of pictures from Constable, so peaceful! Glad you had a good weekend. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Gorgeously colourful page Valerie and glad you had a good day. Lovely pics too.
    Fliss xx

  3. What a brilliant page! I love what you did with those circles ad the hand doodling really looks amazing! Stunning photos too! Here it was a warmer day but much greyer too sadly and to night it has started to rain again...

  4. A fantastic journal page, loved looking at every part of it especially the words round the circles, can you imaging the state I was in reading in the round.
    Yvonne x

    1. You just need to keep turning the computer!

  5. Deine Seite gefällt mir mega gut, da gibt es eine Menge zu entdecken.

  6. Such fabulous Art. I love the colours Valerie. The cows in the meadow look so content, I love your photos. Hugs Rita xxx

  7. Yes Valerie, the wheels just keep on turning! A super journal page and lovely pics. It struck me that German cows are very pale in colour! Have a happy Monday! Xx

    1. Yes, well, I suppose if they are out on the meadow everyday they will soon get nice and brown!?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Fantastic art journal page! I especially like how you made the textures of circles.
    Cows make a lovely landscape.

  9. Marvelous cut out circles, doodles in white and words....might have to pull out some punches xox

  10. Wow...beautiful journal work. Love how you used the Gecko Galz Circles. I will have to look into obtaining that sheet. Great colors and texture. I am sharing this with the other GG teamies.

  11. Fantastisch liebe Valerie! Die Seite ist umwerfend schön gemacht und die Fotos auch!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt und bedankt von

  12. Fantastic colage , Val!
    TFS the beautiful pics of Park!

  13. Amazing photographs and very lucky cows to have the lush grass to graze on.

    Your page has so many wonderful circles ideas Valerie and terrific images--very inspiring.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie x

  14. There are so much interesting to look at in your fabulous AJ-page. Even Leonardo is one of them.
    Have a wonderful, hopefully sunny week, Valerie!

  15. fantastische seite,gefällt mir seeeehr.
    wunderbare bilder,du hast echt ein paradies um dich herum,einfach herrlich.
    wünsch dir noch einen tollen tag,ich muss nachher mit dem finger zum Arzt.

    GLG Jeannertte

  16. Großartige Seite mit diesen vielen schönen Details! Eine tolle Komposition! Die Fotos sind auch wieder sehr schön. Mir gefällt das vorletzte mit diesen tollen Spiegelungen auf der Wasseroberfläche sehr!
    LG, Grüße LonettA

  17. Love your page Valerie, though I must admit I did look weird turning my head upside down to read your circles lol. You and GG are working so well together. Lucky cows with all that green grass - how on Earth can you get to be the size of a cow and only eat grass :-) xx

  18. That is a COOL journal page. LOVE it. Thanks for taking me for a walk too. ADORE the watery photo with the wonderful reflection.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  19. WOW was für eine tolle Kombinination von Kreisen udn die Lady im Vordergrund ist ein echter Hingucker!
    Und die Fotos sind wieder zum Dahinschmelzen.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Wochenstart,
    lG Anja

  20. Deine Journalseite ist wunderbar! Ich liebe einfach alles daran, die Textur, die Farbe und die kleinen gezeichneten Kreise haben es mir ganz besonders angetan.
    Deine Fotos sind ganz fantastisch! Besonders wie Du das Licht in denen mit dem Wasser eingefangen hast - magisch!
    Vielleicht hast Du ja mal Lust bei meiner wöchentlichen Fotochallenge mitzumachen, die Themen findest Du auf meinem Blog Mikrokosmos. Würde mich sehr freuen.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  21. Very beautiful collage for your AJ page, the theme is fantastic and I like your printing of the words. The photos of your walk are also beautiful. I have trouble viewing your blog at times with all the photos, sorry that sometimes I cannot see them my system is slow. Today I waited while it downloaded so will catch up :) Have a wonderful week, Shirley

  22. A brilliant artistic page, Valerie, and your hand-writing is always so neat and attractive. Your close-ups show the beautiful textures and patterns so well.
    Your countryside is so green just now.

  23. Wow, gorgeous page Valerie, You are so clever with feeding the right images and right words all together to make the most amazing pages! This is no exception, it was well thought out and beautifully put together. Big hugs, ~Diane

  24. All your artwork is amazing I especially love the background on you circles piece magical beautiful work.

  25. Wonderful circle art, and I enjoyed the peaceful country scenes!

  26. looks great I like your photos too remind me of Monet

  27. beautiful page and great pictures!
    Groetjes Karin

  28. Hi Valerie, Your pages are always so interesting and thought provoking. You are such a talent. Beautiful walking pics. The cows look like they are enjoying the sunshine.
    Have a great day.

  29. How wonderful! I love your circles, I feel like I could get lost in them and your photographs are beautiful as well!

  30. Love your colours and circles. A thoughtful page. x

  31. einfach toll, dein kreisbild! und was ist zur zeit schöner als all die grüntöne in der natur... herrliche fotos!

  32. Another wonderful journal page! Your little hand drawn circles are wonderful - quite meditative I would imagine.
    Longhorn beef cattle? and one Oreo!
    Your pond pictures are beautiful.
    My e-mail service has been down for a couple of days --- plus the fact I am not well as of lately. So moving very slowly!
    Sandy xx

    1. Sorry about your email. Others have been having problems, too. I am impressed that you know about cattle - I can just say which colour they are, how many legs etc! Hope you soon feel better!

  33. This circle piece is very striking! You put so much into everything you do! And still have time to wow us with gorgeous photos!

  34. What a fun journal page - I especially enjoyed the lion in the circle!


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