Tuesday 6 May 2014

Coffee, Circles and a Historical Event.

Hi everybody!

The weather here was changeable today, but I am happy to say I still managed to get out for my walks and to do my errands.

At Mix it Monthly the theme is 'Coffee', and at AJJ, 'Circles'.
I have combined them both here, as I have a lot of circle stamps with coffee themes in my stash - and the big miracle is, that I actually found them!
I used a sheet of designer paper 12x12" for the background, and stenciled the ple of cups with blue metallic paint using a foam pouncer. The paint is just very difficult to photograph, and the colours change from image to image - sorry!
The round stamps were stamped onto some hand-painted paper and punched or cut out. I used my white gel-pen for the white circles, outlining and the text. The poem is one I wrote back in 2011, and for those of you who got a crick in their necks trying to read my round writing last time, here it is as NORMAL text - I am so good to you all!

Give me coffee, but no tea- Tea is not the drink for me!
Coffee, frothy, brown and hot . I can always drink a lot.
Coffee topped with whipped-up cream,
This with joy will make me scream.
Café au lait with chocolate sprinkles,
Makes me happy, stops my wrinkles.
And if the point you have not seen,
A day without COFFEE makes me mean!

And now to more serious matters!

Today I want to show some pictures of a place I pass by everyday, the Spee Epitaph by the Düsseldorfer artist Bert Gerresheim. It is a bronze relief on the East side of the Church, made in 1991 to celebrate the 400th birthday of  Friedrich Spee, who was born here in Kaiserswerth.  He was a Jesuit and a Catholic theologian, and wrote several books, the most famous of which was the *Cautio Criminalis* (Precautions for Prosecutors) against the persecution and torture of witches. He argued that one cannot obtain truth by torture.

He is shown here supporting one of the persecuted women with his right arm, and is holding a copy of his book in the left hand. He was a man who tried to end the awful treatment of those women who were suspected of being witches, and deserves to be remembered for this at a time when it was quite 'normal' to burn those who for some reason seemed to be suspicious. He died in 1635 while caring for soldiers who had plague.

Last year two women from Düsseldorf-Gerresheim,  Helena Kurtens and Agnes Olemanns, who were burnt as witches in 1738, were officially rehabilitated. The process was instigated by a citizen of the town, who wanted their names cleared. This couldn't change what happened, but it was a sign to give them back their good names.

I love the clarity of the faces, and the buildings, which can still be seen today.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loved your coffee circles and your poem! Your tribute to Friedrich Spee was so moving and interesting, and what a beautiful tribute by the artist too. Have a good evening, big hugs, ~Diane

  2. Val, I love this, and it is so you! A wonderful page, love the fun stamps and quotes, and of course, your witty poem. The article about friedrich Spee is most interesting, thanks for bringing it! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fab artwork Valerie which really made me smile. Rather interesting pics today too.
    Fliss xx

  4. What a fascinating story Valerie, those faces are quite creepy though but isn't it great that history lives on and those two women are still remembered today. Love your stack of cups, I will need to start drinking more coffee if your theory about the wrinkles is correct! Xx

  5. That was a powerful story Valerie, good to know wrongs can be put right even centuries later.
    I appreciate reading your super poem , with my head upright, think its a bit late to solve the wrinkles for me.Love your page and the stack of cups.
    Yvonne x

  6. As others have said, an amazing story! Frierich Spee was truly a man after my own heart! Amazing photos of those statues too! As to your poem and the coffee cup piece, - think they are both fantastic! Like you I am a total coffee addict ( hasn't helped my wrinkles tho...) Really love those cups though and how you stenciled them. One day I'll come to visit and we can have a cuppa together somewhere along your beautiful Rhine river!!

  7. Ich bin zwar ein Tee-Junkie, aber deine Kaffee-Seite ist ein absoluter Knaller - gefällt mir irre gut. Die Fotos sind sehr beeindruckend, habe gleich mal Wiki bemüht.

  8. What a wonderful page Valerie! I love the design and the effect with the emboss, it is so beautifully done.
    A great poem...Café au lait with chocolate sprinkles...Mmm
    Interesting story.

  9. Love your Coffee page and the wonderful rhyme that goes with it. Golly Gosh Valerie, these pictures are so amazing. Never seen anything like them before. Truly magnificent work. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Fun page. I love the little poem you added too.

  11. Was für eine geniale Kaffee Seite Valerie! Und welch spektakulären kulturellen Ausflug Du mit uns machst? Spitze!
    Danke für den tollen Beitrag zu Art Journal Challenge Valerie!
    Lieben, lieben Gruß

  12. This is superb, Valerie! So fun text and fabulous illustration. Cream is wonderful. Love this!
    Have a great day, my friend :)

  13. A really wonderful post Valerie with awesome photographs. I am sure that every time you look at the sculptures you find something new to admire.

    Your coffee page is wonderful and I love the colour combination you selected.

    Have a lovely day

    Chrissie x

  14. Wonderful Valerie :) and amazing photos
    Von ♥

  15. I think your artwork on coffee is absolutely wonderful, one of your best. I like the split cup effect and the froth and all your circular and other sayings about coffee.

  16. eine wunderbare kaffee seite und einen tollen kulturellen ausflug machst du mit uns heute,herrlich.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Love coffee and love your page and super poem! x

  18. Love the coffee art work! Great page and I am enjoying my coffee while reading! Hugs!

  19. Great humor in your coffee art piece today, Valerie. I am a coffee drinker and have attempted to switch to tea with unsatisfactory results. It is strange, because my daughter favours tea.

  20. Wonderful - absolutely grande!! Would you believe I sent you that forward before I ever saw this post!!! Love the texture on the coffee cups. I have always loved the colors you use.
    Your walk - What beautiful sculptures. The first one reminds me of Michelangelo's Pieta in the Cathedral in Florence. Beautifully done and so sad to see the world continuing on in a path of hatred, pain and fear.
    Sandy xx

  21. Dein Kaffee-Layout hat mich sehr schmunzeln lassen und obwohl ich Teetrinker bin doch auch ein wenig Lust auf Kaffee gemacht;) Es ist eine wunderschöne Aufteilung und wieder hast Du diese kleinen gezeichneten Kreise eingesetzt, gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Vielen Dank für die Hintergrundgeschichte zu Friedrich Spee und die ausdrucksstarken Fotos!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  22. Love your coffee piece...the page design is fabulous...Love the poem....The photos of the sculptures are quite amazing....Hugs May x x

  23. That's an awesome dedication to Spee! So much rich detail in the sculpture. I chuckled at your coffee poem....make mine tea, though!

    1. Thanks for playing catch up and for all the nice comments - glad your finger has healed!

  24. I agree! What amazing faces there - and such a wonderful way to honor him. AND I love your coffee piece - I would be mean without a day of coffee too ;) xoxo

  25. Your coffee piece is just fabulous, I love it!

  26. Deine Seite ist fabelhaft und wunderbar humorvoll! Großartig sind auch die Skulpturen auf deinen Fotos!
    GLG, LonettA

  27. Hi Valerie, Your coffee creation is wonderful and I love all the little verses among the design.
    Love the photos of the sculptures and the amazing story. Wishing you a great day.

  28. Haha das ist sehr witzig, ganz nach meinem Geschmack! Diese blauen Farben ziehen mich magisch an, und ich kann mir lebhaft vorstellen, wie genial das erst in echt aussieht!!
    Das DU Kaffee liebst, ist hier echt offensichtlich ;) Ganz klasse auch Deine Geschichte und die vielen interessanten Figuren und wie schön,
    dass es wenigstens die Rehabilitiation der Namen gibt, besser spät als nie ;) Danke für Deinen Kaffee zu Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  29. Your ode to coffee is wonderful in every detail!
    I enjoy both coffee and tea and that's alot of drinking ;)

  30. Interesting juxtaposition of your humorous coffee/circles and your carved faces.....xox

  31. Oh my! I might have to walk the other way if I saw that... creepy! But love your journal page and thanks for the chuckle :-)

  32. Great image, and I love the sentiment conveying the 10 minutes of agony ~ too funny!
    And thanks for sharing the history and art ~ amazing, beautiful and interesting.

  33. I love your coffee art and especially enjoyed the poem! That art at the church is stunning. So glad you shared it with us.

  34. I really enjoyed your Coffee! Thanks! Great stencils - I love to work with my own stencils too!


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