Wednesday 2 April 2014


Hi everybody!

Just a short post today, as I need to get ready for yet another appt at the doc's.
But the weather is still lovely, so I will be able to enjoy my walk there and back.

At Moo Mania and More the theme is 'Twosome'. I have used one of the photos I made last week to make a card. I printed the photo of the twosome onto matte photo paper and matted it with scraps of black and blue mirri-card, and some hand-painted paper in greens and blues. Those geese are always in double pack, and really seem to practise synchronised movement!

 And a few more impressions from my walk yesterday;

This rock used to be a fountain, I am hoping they will get it working again:

  And I would love to know what this is is! An old ice-cellar perhaps? Or the entry to an underground shelter left over from the war? Or? What are your ideas?

 The lovley lane from the park to the Rhine:

That's all for today, take care of yourselves, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Great idea to use one of your wonderful pics for the card, you should do this MUCH more often, please! Hugs, Sarah

  2. The couple is wonderful and I can imagin them walking syncronised. May be they are in love;) Beautifully made.
    Have a happy day, Valerie!

  3. Love your card and how you picked up the colours in the photo!

    Hope things go well at the appointment, - fingers crossed!!

  4. What a fab pic of the geese, they remind me of the two geese from The Aristocats, all they need is a couple of bonnets! Good luck for the docs. Take care xx

    1. Ny first thought as I saw them was that they look like the aristos! They turn their necks like them too!

  5. Wow,ein fabelhafte karte in wunderschönen Farben,gefällt mir seeehr gut.
    die Blumenwiesen auf deinen Bildern machen wieder lust auf die Natur,werde nachher raus gehen.
    hab einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Beautiful Valerie. A super use of your photo and you've matched the colours perfectly. x

  7. Ich hoffe beim Arzt war alles paletti -
    dieses Pärchen ist nicht nur wunderschön - Du hast sie zu echten Kunstwerken inszeniert mit Deiner Foto- und Kartenkunst! Mit diesen Farben liegst Du bei mir sowieso total richtig ..ich liebe Türkis und Petrol ... Deine Fotos sind eine wundervolle Ode an den Frühling....

    Hab einen schönen Tag -- hier wird es auch schön(er) und der Frühling breitet sein Band über unsere Gegend! Endlich!

    1. Freut mich dass Der Frühling nun auch zu Euch kommt!

  8. Mum and Dad put for a stroll. geese are so funny....Hope ypur doctor's appt went well. Lovely views of the Spring flowers. xox

  9. Best of luck with your appointment Valerie, thinking of you. Beautiful card, really sweet and I love spring flowers.

  10. Beautiful card! The colors frame those geese perfectly! Good luck at the dr!

  11. Great idea to turn your lovely photo's into cards Valerie, these geese really do look as if they are posing just for the camera, a great shot. Your walk looks lovely.


  12. Love your make and your colors as always are fabulous!!!!!
    Now just what is that beautiful brick work for ? I prefer to think of it as an entrance to a secret garden and not anything to do with WWII. Have you gone through the little entrance? Treasures on the other side I bet.
    My best wishes for you at the doctor today - do let us know Valerie. You have quite a fan club and a lot of friends!!
    Sandy xx

    1. You can go through the brickwork, and there is a sealed up door on one side leading to???

  13. Beautiful card with your lovely geese, you featured them beautifully! Lovely walk, I hope it all goes well for you today at the docs. Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. Your card is gorgeous and extra special because it shares your walk. As always great walking pics and I love that lane. Best wishes at the doctor today. I hope all goes well.
    Hugs and Blessings!

  15. Love your card and hope all goes well at the Doctors Valerie, Annette x

  16. Love how you used one of your fantastic photos for this project. Hope all went well with your appointments.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Die Karte ist wunderschön- das Foto ist toll und wie harmonisch du die Dar Entwicklung wieder aufgegriffen hast- die ist es wert an einer Wand zu hängen damit man sich immer daran erfreuen kann!!!
    Deine Fotos sind wieder so toll- ich beneide dich etwas um eure herrliche Gegend- bei uns ist eher langweiliges plattes Land und rundum bestellte Felder. Da müssen wir schon Richtung Harz, Heide oder Don fahren um es so schön zu haben :-)

  18. UPS- die Auto Korrektur hat wieder dazwischen gefunkt!
    Es sollte heißen:
    Wie harmonisch du die Farben wieder aufgegriffen hast

    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  19. Deine Karte ist wunderschön! Toll, wie du dieses schöne Foto des Gänsepaares auf deine Karte gezaubert hast! Schöne Farben!

  20. This is perfect Valerie, I agree you should use your photographs more often xx

  21. I feel like I'm walking in a magical kingdom when I view your beautiful photos plus I learn so much. You not only treat us with your art projects but a bit of history of your area. I enjoy it each morning. Best of luck at the doctor's office.


  22. Those photos are gorgeous! Wonderful to walk around this beautiful place!


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