Sunday 6 April 2014

Signs of Spring and Happy Mail

Hi everybody!
Spring is really springing here. The past 2 days have been a bit cooler, with a little rain, and that has really done the plants and flowers good. At SOARTFUL Challenge the theme is signs of spring, with shades of green and other colours.  I have made a collage of some of my photos and paintings of the past few days which I  then gave a springlike frame online, and now love it. I think I will print this one out and hang it up.

Today I discovered that my little Samsung camera has a video button,and tried it. I think I need to find the instruction booklet, as my filmed duck looks like it is on speed. Hope it is at least good for a laugh!


Same problem with the geese and the goslings!

I hope to soon be able to make a video which doesn't look like it has been left over from the early 1900s....

And I recently got Happy Mail. This card was sent from Diane. She sent it early, as the other cards she sent took loooooooong weeks to get here, so this one arrived in 3 days! Thanks Diane!

Christine sent me a get well card and present which was also on its way for four weeks. I think the customs are to blame, as they hold the stuff there for weeks before they put their little stamp on it and decide that it is really just a normal letter. I will have fun using all these nice embellishments, and the card she made is gorgeous. Thanks Christine!

That's all for today, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your springcollage is adorable and joyful. I too love the colourful frame. And thanks for the big smile I got from your videos. They are really like from the past.
    Wish you a great next week, Valerie xxx

  2. The collage is beautiful, and the viideos really made me smile - kept expecting Charlie Chaplin to stroll in! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Those videos made me have a real giggle! Your collage is lovely too and you certainly got some amazing gifts!

  4. Oh yes, great collage with my faves, the black bird and the Gentle Men with flowers and a super Spring frame, lovely work and it's always good to see you at Soartful.
    Thanks for the videos, good fun and good exercise for the ducks.

    1. Glad you like the collage, and those vdeos seem to have made a lot of people smile - I'm still looking for the instruction booklet!

  5. Your videos put a smile on my face today! Wow, beautiful cards....and lots of new embellishments to play with!

  6. Your collage is lovely and what lovely mail you received from your dear friends.

  7. What a vibrant and beautiful collage, very filled with spring beauty. Your art is intriguing. Sweet mail too!

  8. I have had such a good smile at those geese, super videos. The collage looks fantastic as well, it would make a lovely wall picture,
    Yvonne xx

  9. beautiful spring collage Valerie! I laughed at your discovery of the video button, great that you found it. You're most welcome!

  10. Die vidoes sind witzig,und schöne Sachen hast du bekommen,klasse.
    das frühlingsbild mit deinen Figuren sieht toll aus.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue Woche :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  11. The collage is fantastic Valerie and I am sure you will love the goodies and the beautiful card.

    How wonderful that you can now do videos as well as your amazing photographs. Clever girl.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Yes, your collage makes me smile - and your videos make me laugh out loud. Perhaps you should not change the button. Great happy mail. People are so lovely. hugs, Donna

  13. Ha, ha, isn't technology wonderful (when you can work it out!), really enjoyed your little videos. A beautiful spring collage and wonderful goodies, you'll have a fun time using them. Xx

  14. Beautiful collage and love the videos, really made me laugh! Beautiful gifts and Christines card is gorgeous too!

  15. Your collage is beautiful and I love your fun videos.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Hi Valerie, Love your gorgeous collage using your past paintings from last week. The videos are priceless. Those sweet ducks are very good swimmers. LOL They did make me laugh. Your gifts are perfect for many projects to follow and the Easter card from your friend is beautiful.

  17. Your collage looks wonderful. And I enjoyed watching your video. Enjoy spring my friend.


  18. Deine farbenfrohe Kollage gefällt mit sehr gut und beim Anschauen deiner kleinen Videos kann ich mir ein Lächeln nicht verkneifen! Sehr schöner Post!
    GLG, LonettA

    1. Die Videos waren zumindest gut zum Lachen! Ich habe auch gelacht!

  19. A great framed piece for Spring and I love your dancing goslings - so funny xx

  20. Love your ducks - you are well loved to get such happy mail!
    Sandy xx

  21. So many signs of spring!!! Thank you for sharing these


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