Wednesday 2 April 2014

Happiness is....

Hi everybody!

I'm happy to say that the nice weather is still with us, and that spring is springing all around us. I am making the best of it as long as it lasts. Hope you are all having some good weather too.

I made something different for Paint Party Friday this week. I have based my characters on those of the Street Artist Thierry Noir, who was one of the artists back in the 1980s who painted the awful wall dividing Berlin. The wall has long since fallen,  but parts of it have been preserved as the 'East Side Gallery' and is now a national monument.  He will be having an exhibition of his works at the Howard Griffin Gallery in Shoreditch soon, so if any of you live nearby you might be lucky enough to get there.

The East Side Gallery / Berlin
(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)
I painted 2 creatures like his, and  have made mine face each other. And they are smiling, and carrying a flower - the artists has painted his 'people' carrying this sort of flowers often. I think I am wanting to show that meeting someone, smiling, perhaps giving a flower or a small present, is a way of giving and experiencing a moment of happiness. I have painted mine onto a sheet of paper with the brick pattern, which has been in my stash for ages. I just distressed the wall a bit. I used portfolio oil pastels, painted over with water to stop the colours smudging. The quote is from the Dalai Lama, 'Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from our own actions.'

I am also linking to AJJ - moments of happiness and Moo Mania and More - Twosome
and to Simon Monday Blog - anything goes

And finally a few pictures from today's walk:

Here you can see the pathway I showed yesterday taken from the other direction, and to the left, what used to be the old moat, and is now a part of the park.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This piece has blown me away Valerie because I can vividly recall when the wall finally came down. Maybe I was less cynical in those days but I truly believed that it would change attitudes so much politically and also socially.

  2. Love this Val, and I admire the work of Thierry Noir very much. I hope we will be in London in May, so perhaps we wil be able to visit the exhibition. Great quote, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Enjoyed your post Valerie. Nice walk. Hope your doctor visit went well. ::hugs::

  4. Oh, Valerie, I like this so much, the two exchanging a flower and the way you have drawn and painted the couple are all so touching and so happy. I love their boots and their lips and their sweet faces and their hands and the newly grouted wall. This definitely gets an A**.

  5. A special moment in time which you have captured beautifully, Valerie. Annette x
    Happy PPF

  6. Your neighborhood is so beautiful, love that dirt path. The painting is marvelous and you are so right, our own must be amazing. xox

  7. what a beautiful place to walk, an i love your creatures, they are so cute, fun and brilliant color!!

  8. wonderful interpretation, happy PPF! and loving your spring photos!

  9. Diese beiden sind einfach nur K*L*A*S*S*E Valerie... ich liebe sie ... und wie Du sie gekonnt auf das distresste Papier gebracht hast.... die Mauer, die ewig da war... lol hast Du verbraten in einem HAPPY MOMENT und gibst mir damit einen glücklichen Morgen, es ist eine glückliche Begebenheit Dich zu kennen...
    tolle Bilder...sowieso ...
    ich schenk Dir heute auch ein virtuelles Blümchen Valerie..
    werd auch an Dich denken wenn ich jetzt ne Waldrunde mit meinen zwei Miniponys dreh!
    Ich werd heute mal den Fotoapparat einstecken....

    und danke....
    Thierry Noir
    hab ich noch nie was von gehört - muss ich mal googeln und gucken und lesen!

    DANKE Du LIEBE, dass Du wieder beide Challenges bedient hast ... Herrlich!
    schon mal verfrühtes HAPY PPF
    für Dich und alle lieben Blogfreunde da draußen!

  10. hallo valerie,also deine Zeichnug ist einfach großartig und so gekonnt,ich bin auch ganz begeistert,diesen künstler kannte ich auch nicht,da muss ich mal googeln gehen,die wand sieht irre genial aus,Berlin ist eine schöne Stadt und hat soviele schöne kunstecken,war schon lange nicht mehr dort,ein paar freunde von mir wohnen dort.
    ich schicke dir auch ein paar Blümchen,die ich ganz frisch für dich gepflückt habe,werde heute meine Osterdeko weiter machen,wollte noch einen kranz binden mit lavendel und Buxbaum und schleierkraut,habe da einen tollen Dekoblog endeckt,dort gibt es sooo schöne Sachen zu gucken.
    wünsch dir heute einen schönen sonnigen tag,meine liebe.

    GLG Jeannette

  11. These two really made me smile Valerie. Wishing you a fabulous Friday! Xx

  12. Oops, senior moment - it's only Thursday! ROFL xxxxx

  13. Das ist so wahr, liebe Valerie! Wir sind immer auch selbst verantwortlich für unser Glück und unser Wohlergehen. Deine beiden Schönheiten machen das mit ihrer Unbekümmertheit auch sichtbar!
    Wir genießen hier auch schönes Frühlingswetter. Gestern Abend reichte es für das Abendbrot auf der Terrasse. Hmm ein Genuss und auch eine Form von Glück.
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße zu Dir von Erika
    (PS: Wie geht es Deinem Auge?)

  14. Love your take on the wall art Valerie, such vibrant colours and so true quote
    Von ♥

  15. Einfach großartig! Eine so wunderbare Idee und das Ergebnis ist grandios!! Ganz toll!

  16. Yes, Valerie, it's good to remind the past that same does not happend. The wall is fantastic and your painting great and effective. The wall background is so natural and the quote includes a great adwise to everybody.
    Happy day to you!

  17. Wow I love your take on this Valerie,the colours are wonderful and the sentiment is perfect. I hope Spring continues to Spring xx

  18. Beautiful piece, beautiful sentiment, beautiful walk, beautiful you! Hugs my friend!

  19. Great sentiment to go along with those adorable painted characters! Love the colors! Beautiful walk and glad you are enjoying wonderful weather. Hugs.

  20. Beautiful tribute Valerie, I love how the feet are made of hearts too, excellent piece! Beautiful walk with you today. Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Hi Valerie, Just sent an email and then here your post was in my inbox. What a fabulous wall of characters. Love your verse to go with the pair you painted. Love the heart shape feet and the tulip hands. You are amazing.
    Lovely walking pics today too.
    Enjoy the warm weather.

  22. Beautiful take on the wall art, Valerie. I was excited to see that I got one of your postcards from Kat's swap in my mailbox the other day. Lucky me! Also, thanks for being my number three - I sent you off an email. Marji.x

  23. love the gallery and your turn on it, love your tt too, so true... wow fab photos again of your walks again, thanks for sharing xx

  24. Fabulous take on the wall art. I love the characters and those words are so meaningful. I will keep a watch for the better weather you are sending my way.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Tolle Idee, daß Du Dich durch die Berliner Mauer hast inspirieren lassen. Auf sowas wäre ich nie gekommen! Und die abstrakten Figuren sind total gut gelungen und so schön bunt! Dir auch schöne Frühlingstage! Morgen ist ja schon Freitag :)

  26. I LOVE your painting, Valerie! Awesome and made me very happy looking at it. Beautiful photos, too! :-)
    Hugs to you!

  27. Love this style of painting! It's good that the wall is gone, but it's a pity that the art is gone as well ... It's good that they saved part of it.

  28. A great post Valerie, I didn't know parts of the wall were still standing and turned into art as a monument. sometimes it is good to remember so that the same mistakes are not made again. It looks a great place to visit.

  29. Gorgeous photos... That green almost looks fake it is so vivid... Just wonderful and I think you captured the street art vibe beautifully... Xx

  30. Like the naive abstract style of your paintings and your photos are great too!

  31. Beautiful post and beautiful quote! thank you for sharing happiness. Big hugs to you, Valerie from very rainy :) Scotland!!!

  32. Beautiful post, and I can see the spring is the same as here in Norway. Always such a good time of year, this. Have a lovely weekend.

  33. Happiness definitely comes from our actions. Your artwork and inspirational walks definitely reflect the feeling. Blessings!

  34. Great happiness quote and it was very interesting to read about your inspiration for your cool art creation.
    Spring is looking lovely where you are :)

  35. What an amazing quote for a beautiful piece. I love that what was once a wall dividing inspired you to create art with people connecting. and your photos are gorgeously lush. Happy PPF!

  36. Cool! I love the quote. It is so true, isn't it? Your paintings would fit right in with the wall. Also, thanks for sharing your walk with us. That looks so peaceful.

  37. Hi Val,
    Adore the quote and painting, very well done!
    I think Spring brings on Happiness , doesn't it?
    All the flowers and art and beautiful trails to walk and hear the bird song, love it!
    And you have brought Spring a little earlier to Canada, thanks Val!
    Now I can't wait to walk trails like these but first the snow has to melt!
    Have a lovely weekend Val!

    Annabelle : )

  38. Love what you've done and seeing your inspiration too. Happy PPF.

  39. I LOVE your "wall art" Valerie!!! Your walking trails are resplendent with lush greens-really beautiful. We're starting to get there albeit very slowly. Happy PPF!

  40. The Thierry Noir wall art gave me a real double-take! When I was doing my art degree, my main subject being sculpture, I created two six-foot high by 1 ft thick figures very like this. With Dev's help I carried them round to all sorts of places, because I am interested in the interaction between the public and sculpture, particularly works out in the community. Strangely, people would talk to them and have fun, and when I took them to a children's nursery I laid them down and the children climbed all over them and had fun. I'll have to dig out a couple of photos, if I can remember which sketchbook they are in.
    I love your two lively people, interacting with each other, and bringing happiness. In fact I think I like your version better. Lovely photos as always. Hope things are going well for you. XX

  41. Beautiful photos and such funky art, wonderful!

  42. Neat colors! Fun to pick an inspiration like that. Cool idea! Nice walk you had. Beautiful :)

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  43. Powerful Peace People. May it rain as such world round. HPPF!

  44. Love your cute paintings with the bright colors, and love their expressions! Your photos are amazing as well. I enjoyed your quote, as I too believe we should choose happiness every day! Xo

  45. Your painting brought so much happiness, smiles and giggles out loud

  46. great your tree photos too

  47. They are very sweet!! I love the views from your walk - I am eagerly awaiting some green around here :D

  48. I was in Berlin last year so this bought back memories of being at the wall. I was not familiar with the street artist but will look him up. I love the raw expressive quality that street art often has. Your painting has a sweet feel of offering friendship and i think hope.

  49. Nice quote and great journal page, Valerie


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