Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tag Tuesday 'W' tag and a journal page

Hi you all!
Before I forget, here is my tag for Tag Tuesday. We are almost finished with our ABC tags, it's 'w' already. I chose W for wild, and made a simple tag using some small animal stencils which I got in a super sale for next to nothing. I used some scraps of dark brown and animal print for the matting.

At Art Journal journey the theme is still 'home', so I made another spread about London. I used my stone stamp over a background of grey and blue, and added a bit of colour with some sprays. This time I have concentrated on the writing on the walls. London - and most other towns - are full of graffiti, posters, announcements etc. When I was small I remember getting very upset over a poster which said 'Bill Stickers will be prosecuted'.  I asked my uncle what prosecuted meant, and he told me that it meant that people would be taken to court and perhaps put in prison. I though Bill Stickers was the name of a person, and felt very sorry for him, as he was mentioned on every bill-board in London! The keep calm and carry on is a war time poster, but was still hanging on a lot of walls and stations after the war. 'Coughs and sneezes spread diseases' is another war time poster, but it was pasted in every loo at school. The 'all you need is love' was written on a wall near where my aunt used to live.

Graffiti are not a new phenomenon - there are many in the Tower of London, carved by prisoners in long bygone days. 
I wrote my text in English and in Hebrew, as the writing on the walls reminded me of the 'Mene, mene tekel upharsin' on the walls of King Nebuchadnezzar, as described in the book of Daniel. (You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting). The art of writing the graffiti and the style have changed, but it has evidently been part of our lives for thousands of years.

Here you can see one of the graffiti from the Tower of London, written by the Earl of Arundel.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Fab tag Valerie and just love your graffiti pages. Great crackle effect and gorgeous paint effects too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Hello Valerie! :]
    ** what a fun tag, love the tiny lizard **
    Also... "WOW!" look at your journal pages, "great effect".
    Excellent artwork ~xx

  3. Love the cracked background, Valerie! such pretty colours, and your tag is gorgeous :)

  4. Hi Val, I remember those London signs too! Lovely page, with lots of great memories. Your tag is beautiful, very quirky! Hugs, Sarah

  5. A very interesting post Valerie about the wall and love the way you have illustrated it.

    The 'Wild' work is wonderful and reminded me of way back when with all the stencils I used to loved to use.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Love the tag and the journal pages. They are really interesting!

    The Earl had great hand writing didn't he :)

    Karen x

  7. boah das ist eine tolle Doppelseite Valerie ! WOW...
    und das Tag mag ich auch!

    Ich bin begeistert wie toll Du immer arbeitest!
    Sei mir leib gegrüßt!
    Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut...
    bei uns heute Sonnenschein..endlich mal!

    lg Susi

  8. Love the animals and great cracked background. .)

  9. smashing tag and totally love your journal pages Valerie. Hugs Annette x

  10. Sweet tag, love the stencils! Wow, your journal pages are awesome! I never knew keep calm and carry on was a war time saying (I must be living under a rock, ha ha!) I just love all the wonderful graffiti you have included here. ~Diane

  11. Lovely wild-life tag, simple but effective. Your collage of London is so interesting, especially the graffiti by the Earl of Arundel.

  12. Lovely work, your graffiti pages are really interesting. Your new blog look is great, too! Hugs, Barb

  13. Your wild life tag is wonderful and colorful but your graffiti is out of this world. Memories of history and how lucky you are to have seen what you have seen! As you know, I love the text in Hebrew - it's very own art form for sure.

    1. Thanks Sandy! I love Graffiti, and some of them are totally coooool!

  14. Beautiful animal stencils, you had a real special bargain I think.
    The pages are awesome, great graffiti and posters. Its many years since I've been to London and I have the same memories of the walls.
    Yvonne x

  15. Excellent tag, Valerie--I really like the animal theme! The background on your graffiti pages is interesting-nice crackle effect. Yes, graffiti is all over!

  16. Oh I just love what you've done! I remember all the theatre posters in the west end on poles - wish I had snitched some! And now they are selling all the red telephone boxes I am so in love with. Honestly it I had enough 'bread' I would buy one and have it shipped over. I adored those boxes. Times change! Alas. Love your pages, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  17. I would love one of them, too! I don't know why they don't keep them, they are so much nicer than the modern ones!

  18. Hi Valerie. Love your wild tag and love these phone you have going on you blog. Tee hee. It's awesome, love the reds. Your graffiti wall is awesome. You rock as always.:)

  19. Boah valerie,das ist eine geniale doppelseite,absolut grandios,WOW,und das tag ist auch gaaanz klasse.

    GLG Jeannette

  20. A fabulous tag and your pages are wonderful.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. How beautiful!! Love the combo of photos and handwriting and of course that gorgeous base with all the texture.

  22. beautiful pages and the background is gorgeous!

  23. I love your "home" pages! The stone stamp worked perfectly to provide part of the background for your clever! Very creative and unique


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