Monday 18 February 2013

Sunny Monday, Tag Tuesday and a Pig's Ear

Hi you all! Today we saw the sun again - what a wonderful feeling! It is still very cold, but it just did good to see the blue sky and the sun sparkling on the Rhine. I went for a nice walk, through the park and our little town, and really enjoyed being out in the fresh air without freezing stiff or trying to see through the mist! The weather will be worsening in the course of the week, we have icy winds and snow on its way from the north east, but it felt good to have a nice day today.

But first to Tag Tuesday. Our letter this week is 'G'. I had problems deciding again which word to take, and then I stuck my neck out and chose giraffe. I made a simple tag, long and narrow, using a scrap of printed paper mounted onto cardboard.. I added the giraffe at the bottom, and drew the 'G' at the top, before fitting a giraffe's head onto it. 

These are some of the pics I took here today, showing some of our narrow, cobbled  lanes:

the grammar school:

hazel catkins in the park:
(a sign that spring is on the way?)

a peep through a gate:

and another one:

one of the wider roads:

Another little alley:

Looking down Mill Lane:

And this statue of somebody parked high on the wall of a house:

And last, but definitely not least - When I got home, I met my neighbour, who had just come back from shopping. He had goodies in one of his bags - fresh 'pig's ears' from the baker's. They are giant pieces of very sugary and crispy puff pastry, dipped into chocolate to make sure you eat enough calories.....yummy! This was my reward after a lovely walk! I think it looks as though it is smiling!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Lovely cards, great pics and that pastry looks divine! Glad you had such a good day, about time that the sun showed itself! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great tag and very clever G too Valerie. Lovely photos as well and the pastry looks very yummy.
    Glad you had sunshine as we did.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Gorgeous pics, Valerie! Yummy looking pig's ear!

  4. Your tag is very clever ;0) and I love your photos (the bike looks fab) we have also had a cold day but it's wonderful to see the sun & blue sky.

    You made me laugh when you commented on how your tins fell as that's what happened to make me play with some of mine :) I look fwd to seeing your altered tin soon have a wonderful week Love Dawn xx

  5. Thanks for sharing your lovely sunny walk, and great choice for the letter G!

  6. Love your beautiful tag and wonderful pix!

  7. Forgot all about the tag as I wandered along the beautiful streets with you. You take amazing photographs and the one with the bicycle should be in a magazing I think--a really top of the range magazine.

    Oh now to the tag-this is equally brilliant--only you could have thought of a giraffes head on a G lol.

    Have a great day--we are back to cold and thick frost today--yuk

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Same weather here today - misty, frosty, cloudy - YUCK!

  9. Morning Valerie We are having another sunny day here too :) you need to come down south Chrissie lol
    clever idea miroring the giraffes head like that :)
    Here's to more sunshine
    Von ♥

  10. Just been on that walk with you, everything looks so fresh and clean. The cake looks yummy, bet you enjoyed it.
    Ooops, loved the giraffe especially the G with the head.
    Yvonne x

  11. Fabulous tag Valerie and beautiful photos - that pastry looks so yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Gorgeous bookmark and fab photo's I hope you enjoyed your sugary treat
    Lindsay xx

  13. I must say your 'G' tag gave me a good chuckle. Well done! Enjoyed the walk through town with you. Such a pretty place. What was the original purpose of the town - did it manufacture something? And then there is the pigs ear - YUM - I just love those! .... not to mention the blue and white plate underneath. If it goes missing, you will know where to look. Have a great day, hugs, Donna

  14. Very clever giraffe tag! I just loved seeing the area near to you. So your snow is totally gone now! Be careful if you venture out later in the week. I think I gained a few pounds just looking at that yummy pastry!

  15. Beautiful photos of your town,
    I love all the brick buildings and the cobblestone roads, you are a wonderful tour guide. Lovely tag, very clever to make your G out of the Giraffe, lol! The pigs ear looks so yummy, a well deserved treat! ~Diane

  16. I love your "G" giraffe. Beautiful images and colors. Thanks for the huge compliment on my blog today!

  17. Lovely tag Valerie and I think you deserved your pastry! It looks yum. x

  18. Pretty tag,Beautiful country...

  19. Well, I wondered what the pig's ear was going to be! I have seen those pastries before but didn't know what they were called! Lovely photos, it's so nice to see a part of your world. Oh and the giraffe tag is fab too. A lovely post. Xx

  20. What wonderful photos! Thanks for bringing us along on the walk.

  21. Love your giraffe tag Valerie, and your town looks idylic. Thank goodness I'm not a pastry lover, on top of the chocolate I'd be doomed lol x

  22. Hello Valerie
    Wonderful photos... absolutely adore the tag!!
    Creative and very clever artwork, "G" is for giraffe :]

  23. Your tag looks beautiful and Thanks so much for showing us photos of your town. I really enjoyed them. Such a lovely place. And that pigs ear look mighty yummy..


  24. What a nice visit I am having here at your lovely blog (thanks to Dawn's Journal Journey's). So much to enjoy!

    It is really nice seeing your photos of what looks like such a charming and beautiful place!

    Now you have me thinking I must check my contorted filbert bush to check for catkins here in Virginia, USA...

  25. That's for the tour of your ever so pretty town and the yummy pastry !!! how clever are you ! Your giraffe is brilliant I never would have thought of that in a million years.



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