Thursday 28 February 2013

Friday is party time

Hi you all, once again it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin. Today I am sharing a little water-colour picture I made  many years ago in Israel. I painted it from an old postcard of Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem. It is very small, as I didn't have many paints or much paper in those days, and I could not see well enough today to paint such a lot of detail on such a small scale (3x2"). I discovered a few such pics whilst clearing up, so perhaps it is quite good to have a sort out here and then!

The second piece is for the alpha challenge, letter 'H' over at The craft Barn. I chose Hedgehog as my word, and have once again let Mrs Tiggy-Winkle be the star. I printed her onto tissue paper, which I mod-podged onto my page, after giving it a quick coat of gesso. When it was dry, I coloured the image and surroundings using prismalo water-colour pencils and a water pen. The hedge-kids have been stamped with a LaBlanche stamp, one that I like very much, but never use....The eyes have been highlighted with glossy accents. This was fun to make, it takes me back many years!

I am also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show, who want to see a stamp we don't much use.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Wow! You are indeed "Thee" artist Valerie. Your watercolors are beautiful. I love the little hedgehog too. You never cease to amaze me with your work. Awesome!! Happy PPF!

  2. Lovely work, Val. The painting of Rachel's tomb is beautiful, and Mrs T is always a sight for sore eyes! Hugs, Sarah

  3. A beautiful alpha challenge entry.

  4. your painting is beautiful Valerie, and cute hedgehog!

  5. The tiny ones you did when you were little are real treasures. they would be so beautiful framed. The Hedgehog is fun. Always enjoy your work, Valerie. Hugs, Donna

  6. klasse Seite Valerie und Dein Bild von seienrzeit.. wow... superschön!

    hab ein schönes Wochenende!

    ganz liebe Grüße


  7. The painting is wonderful Valerie and it is always more difficult to paint small pieces that have a large canvas.So pleased that you found it and shared it with us.

    The page is adorable.Love the little picture of the hedgehog where the word is on the page.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Amazing pieces Valerie, you are such and artist, and Mrs T is looking as gorgeous as always. Have a fab weekend. Sue xx

  9. A beautiful watercolour and Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is gorgeous.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Wow, das erste Bild ist umwerfend schön gemalt. Hach, wenn ich das doch nur könnte.
    Tja, und die Seite ist großartige geworden. Toll

    Hab ein schönes Wochenende, Valerie

  11. Morning Valerie. Your painting is so fabulous and loving Mrs Tiggy Winkle.
    Happy PPF, Annette

  12. Wow, can't believe that watercolour is so small! all the details in there! Great work!

  13. Your watercolor is gorgeous and so many details, especially in something that small! I love your hedge kids, they are so sweet looking! Great piece for the challenges! ~Diane

  14. Wow these are both very good Love them :0)

  15. Beautiful watercolors, very well done and the Mrs Tiggy-Winkle is just adorable!

  16. Fridays are always interesting to step outside my comfort zone to see what others are creating in the art world. Thanks so much for giving me a glimpse into your fabulous imagination and creative world.

  17. What an amazing picture you painted- there is loads of detail in it! Your hedgehogs are so cute! Happy PPF!

  18. Both art works are so lovely ~ very different each one ~ yet well done! ^_^ ~ Happy PPF

  19. I LOVE your little hedgehog momma, what a wonderful subject for a painting! Hppf!

  20. Your painting is beautiful! Reminds me of our trip to Israel. The hedgehogs are so cute.

  21. Totally loving your artwork this week!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  22. Oh, Valerie, I really love the painting of Rachel's tomb. How beautiful! And the hedgehog art is adorable What a cute hedgehog stamp, colored beautifully.

  23. Your little water colour is fabulous Valerie and Mrs Tiggy-Winkle was a favourite of mine. We used to go to the library every Saturday morning and I always took out a Beatrix Potter. Xx

  24. I laughed at you guessing the animal for my Monday post - think smaller!!
    Your watercolour is beautiful - I don't think I've seen this style of art from you before but it's really lovely.

  25. What treasures you found Valerie! Your watercolour is super. I am not familiar with the HedgeFamily but certainly like them today! Hugs,

  26. Beautiful work! I read the book The Elegance of the Hedgehog and also saw the movie (french). Made me think of it when I saw your lovely hedgehog. Great work this week.

  27. Your comment on my blog made me chuckle "mooing all day" will be back to see tomorrow Dxx

  28. what a really beautiful painting of Rachel's Tomb. I live in Bethlehem-but not the city in Israel-I'm in PA :)Love your whimsical hedgies too.Happy PPF!

  29. Great makes! Love that top painting, especially. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Valerie.

  30. Beautiful art. Big pleasure to see it, thank you very much for sharing. Have a great PPF!!

  31. Such wonderful works of art my friend.


  32. Das Gemälde von Israel ist ja wunderschön in all seinen Details und ich mag das hellblaue Licht so gern! ...ach und danke der Nachfrage, das Flügelchen lasst sich langsam etwas besser bewegen und einsetzen... LG Conny

  33. both pieces are a joy to see.

  34. Wow, fantastic miniature painting, you have so much wonderful detail.
    I love the page with with the hedgehogs.
    Yvonne x

  35. Snap on the hedgehogs, I love yours though.

  36. Wowzers Valerie, your paintings are absolutely GORgeous! Love them :0)
    Your H page is super cute and Mrs Tiggy looks like she has her hands full, those wee ones are upto mischief for sure, hehe :0) Mo x

  37. I just love the watercolors - so much interest with the people in them. Your hedgehog is very sweet.

  38. What a lovely rendition of Mrs.Tiggy-Winkle. It's like a storybook come alive. The detail on your piece from Israel is amazing.

  39. Great page Valerie Mrs Tiggywinkle looks pleased to see the children go out to play lol; your painting is Fabulous too


  40. Wonderful Valerie, simply wonderful!
    The painting from Israel is fabulous...awesome work!
    And Mrs Tiggywinkle....perfect!
    Hugs xx

  41. Love your hedgehog pages, fantastic!

    Sylv xx

  42. Your painting is gorgeous - you have quite a talent!! Your Dictionary page is delightful. I love doing this and we will have quite a keepsake when it is all done.

  43. Loving Mrs T. and both projects are just fantastic! You make me want to pull out my paintbrushes! Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

  44. Wow you are one talented lady!Thanks so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show :)

  45. I love the Israeli art! So small, a true wonder!

    The hedgehog is adorable!

  46. Beautiful work! You are an artist! Love your painting completely!!!!! The hedgehog is adorable as well. Thanks for stamping with us this week at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

  47. This is great. I just bought water color pencils. . . I haven't tried them yet, trying to get my sketching practicing down. Blessings, Janet PPF

  48. Beautiful page for the challenge.
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn


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