Friday 1 February 2013

It's Friday already....

Hi you all! Where did the week go? Time has been flying by this week as fast as the clouds chased each other over the sky - with wind, rain, a little sun and plenty of storms blowing over us. At least it wasn't boring!

For Paint Party Friday - hosted as always by Eva and Kristin - I started this painting, but it is not yet finished. The background has been painted, sprayed and dripped with metallic yellow, spiced marmalade ink and a dark red Adirondack spray, plus a few drops of gold ink. The flowers have been stamped and painted, but need to be worked on. The blue is a lovely metallic colour, the photo does not do justice to it. I am not yet sure how I will finish this - time will tell. I am calling it 'If you are going to San Francisco'.

This piece has been made for the Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn. I chose 'C' for clock. I used too much paint and spray, and the dictionary page has almost disappeared from view, so I typed the definition and added it. The background has been painted with turquoise metallic paint, then sprayed with Adirondack ink. The clock motives have been stamped and embossed with white EP.  I have started a second page but do not know if I will get it finished in time!

Here's wishing you all a great weekend, take care, and thanks  a lot for coming by!


  1. "Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"! Love it. The flowers look so vibrant already! The clock piece is striking (full of puns tonight, LOL!) in blue & white!

  2. Love both of these, Valerie! The misting on the time one is mesmerizing... fabulous!

  3. Wow, your work just keeps getting better and better Valerie. Love these pieces. Yes, flowers in your hair.:) Have a great weekend that is coming up.

  4. Oh I like where your painting is going loving flowers for hair ;0)

  5. Two super interesting pieces. The first one just takes you back doesn't it? Love the clocks too - always been fascinated by the workings. Can't wait to see them finished. That blue sky is looking pretty nice. hugs donna

  6. The others have said it all - striking clocks and blooming flowers! I love them both, but the flower piece is my fave today! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Lovely bright flower picture to brighten my morning Valerie and also wonderful photos of your blue sky as well. Makes me feel Spring is just around the corner.

    Your 'C' page is spectacular and a great idea to type out the word and meaning as an extra.

    Hope your aches from the fall have now gone

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. blue and orange is my favourite colour combination and your work with the flowers is stunning... so is the colour of the sky in that top photo... such a clear blue... perfect...xx

  9. Lovely!

    Nice to see one of your 'heads' again!

    Great timepieces.

    No blue skies here today it is grey, wet and pretty miserable - not indoors though :) Going to have to put the digging off (again!!!)


  10. I love the flowers in her hair and can't wait to see it finished! The clock piece looks good -I've not heard of the alpha challenge-so many blog hops I'd love to participate in!

  11. You are so talented and creative. Well done you. Your works are always so positive and full of colours. Thank you for sharing and thank you for inspirations.

  12. Deine Arbeiten sehen fantastisch aus, Valerie.

    Vielen Dank für Deinen Kommentar auf meinem Blog. Du schreibst, dass Du immer noch nachdenkst. Worüber denn blo???? Kann ich Dir behilflich sein???

    Schönes Wochenende

  13. Such rich colors on both pieces! I especially like your palette on the San Francisco piece: lovely combination, and the background is simply DELICIOUS.

  14. Your cog page is stunning! Thank you for joining in again over at The Craft Barn!

    p.s. Your painting is amazing too x

  15. Lovely pieces, lush and vibrant! <3

  16. Hi Valerie,
    I LOVE the colors and the vibe in flowers piece so far! Gorgeous work on that! [love the title, too! ;)] And your clock piece is fantastic! Perfect use of the theme. LOVE that effect with the background! Hugs to you, my friend!!

  17. I love them both Valerie, wonderful colours and beautifully assembled. Thanks for the photos too.

  18. Both are gorgeous - love the colors.

  19. Beautiful landscape photos!
    And I love the patterning and metallics and blues in these pieces!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  20. Stunning page = love the turquoise, blue and white together and the clocks!!

  21. Loving your 'flowers in your hair', cannot stop thinking of that tune, those 'were the days my friend', is another. Fabulous dictionary page as well. Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  22. This is a beautiful page for the letter C !!
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  23. Wow Valerie, these are both amazing! You are so very talented, your work just gets better and better and these are no exception to that rule! Take care, love the winter sky too. ~Diane

  24. Loving the stamped flower painting, full of the joys of spring and the piece for the Craft Barn - Clocks is superb. Happy PPF, Annette x

  25. #You're gonna meet, some gentle people there#
    What a wonderful painting Valerie!! I also love your clock piece for the Alpha challenge, that is one seriously fAb shade of blue!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Mo :0)

  26. Valerie, I can see the shimmer in the blue color and the gorgeous shine in the gold. I know this must be absolutely stunning in real life. Very beautiful. I wonder if you'd allow me to use one of your lovely sky photo to try to paint? I'd love to try to do it justice. Leave me a yes or no on my blog, please. Faye

  27. Amazing! I do believe she should be going to San Francisco!

  28. I love the beautiful colors and textures in the background of your painting.

  29. Wow....these are both stunning Valerie :)

  30. Your photography is so very beautiful, what wonderful scenes! I also love you art pages! HPPF!

  31. Great page. Love the blue and the clocks

  32. Wow you've really surpassed yourself this time Valerie! The flower girl is beautiful, and the clock piece is stunning. I can't believe you havn't had Hob Nobs, they're like oaty digestives and they're wonderful lol. Have a fab weekend xx

  33. great pages- but I am REALLY loving th flower girl-can't wait to see her finished!! Happy PPF!

  34. Such lovely bright and cheerful flowers Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  35. I love these two pieces!! The clocks and the color awesome and those flower for hair...loving it!!

    Hugs Giggles

  36. alls das ist zauberhaft für mich Valerie!

  37. Loving the flowers in your hair and the clocks against the blue look fab. x

  38. Such a great alpha challenge "clock" page! Cool how you spelled out clock with the clock for the "o"! Really fun.

  39. Both of these pages look great. That background on your clock page looks fabulous..


  40. Great title choice for your gorgeous picture.
    And I love, love the clocks...great images and wonderful colours!
    Hugs xx

  41. Both are fabulous , I love the clocks and those gorgeous blue and white tones, as for the flowers ah reminds me that spring will soon be here. Hope you are feeling ok after your fall.

  42. Valerie, this week I got out my new acrylic paints and tried your gorgeous sky photo in a new for me medium. You can see it here.

  43. Oops, not acrylics but water soluble oil paints. I am new at both acrylics and water soluble oils.

  44. very creative mixed media pieces!

  45. I love the way you used the stamps and the paints. What is the metallic? Blessings, Janet PPF


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