Thursday 14 February 2013

Playing with words and colours

Hi you all, warm greetings from freezing Germany! This week has flown by again, and I was busy doing lots of different projects, some of which I even got finished. I am following Carolyn's course 'Use your words' just now. Although I have done my pages differently, and used the stuff I have here, I have concentrated on words. Both journal pages have been painted, sprayed and dripped in many layers - I do like getting messy! - before adding my text.

Here I used metallic paint in yellow and pink as basis, and sprayed and dripped various colours onto it, before giving it a dusting of gold perfect pearls. The shine does not show up well in the photos, it has been a really dark day here, not ideal for taking pics! As I write there is a snow blizzard outside, which makes me happy to be inside! I chose the words aspire, soar, live and fly. Live has been made using the waste from a die-cut, and the other words using a template, the only one I have for large letters. The 'flying' person has been made from a home-made template. I used the sparkly flourishes as templates, too, before sticking them down. I quite like the emptiness on the pages, so I don't know if I will do some more here or not; time will tell!

Here I have used my heads again, in conversation with each other, and a typical dialogue!

Round about the heads I have written a quote from Hillel, a Rabbi who lived about the same time as Jesus. On the left I have written it in English, on the right in Hebrew. It reads: 'If I am not for myself, who will be? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?

I am not sure here whether or not I want to add to these pages. Sometimes I like to have some free space in my head(s)!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Simon Says Stamp and Show, where the theme is to get messy - I did; my kitchen, too!

Have a good weekend you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. I love both of your journal spreads, great colours, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Ganz, ganz großartige Seiten sind das geworden, Valerie. So schöne Farben, super

  3. The heads talking to each other made me laugh out loud, Valerie. Why not, indeed! Love your pages, especially that soaring person on the left.

  4. wonderful pieces Valerie. Adding words to them give them so much more meaning and pause for thought. It's 5 weeks till it's officially spring!

  5. These are both beautiful Valerie! I love how you get messy, it always turns out beautifully when you do! The quotes are quite beautiful and I love the way the flourish looks to have hold of your character, splendid! ~Diane

  6. love these pages especially the brown orange ones..I wouldnt add anything else as it will detract away from the wonderful textures and layers

  7. Great weather to be inside with your journal!! Love your pages, Valerie, especially the browns with the glitter.
    stay warm :)

  8. na das sind Kopfstücke Valerie..bemerkenswert ausgeklügelt und sehr beeindruckend! wow!

  9. Great journal pages! I do like a bit of empty head myself, LOL! More thinking room! Stay safe, warm and out of the blizzard. Our few inches melted as did much of the foot snowfall we had last week.

  10. Your first set of pages have the most amazing sense of freedom and also joy - love them.

  11. Fabulous pages Valerie, I love your soaring person, and your talking heads are brilliant xx

  12. Fantastic sets of pages, I loved the 'talking heads'.
    Yvonne x

  13. Yes, Valerie, we all need to clear our heads one in a while, we sometimes store some awful rubbish up there! I love your flying person, as Lynne says, a real sense of joy and freedom. We actually had a glimpse of spring sunshine today, does wonders for the spirit! Keep cozy. Xx

  14. Love both of your fab spreads Valerie. Have just seen them both on Flickr and left comments.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  15. both spreads are pretty wonderful and I love the simplicity of the bottom one... but the colours in the top one are simply gorgeous...xx

  16. Beautiful pages! Simple yet very effective!

  17. Wonderful pages!! Love the one for Carolyn course...well done!!
    Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. All clever pages Valerie but I just love the effects on the Live pages-they are stunning.

    Hope it has turned warmer today.

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. you have played so nicely with words and colours.Beautiful pages, especially first one is my favourite. thank you for sharing and have a happy PPF!!!

  20. I love the warm colours of the first journal spread - like you Scotland is freezing right now and that gorgeous burnt orange makes me long for summer!
    I like the wording of the second journal spread and the cool blue works well with the analytical nature of the questions.

  21. Love these both, Valerie! Your journal pages are always fabulous, but I just love those heads! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  22. Love your head. The colors in the first one are awesome. I love color and this is very neat. Yay for the kitchen part, now do mone.:) Have a wonderful day Valerie and stay healthy.

  23. Lovely spreads, Valerie!!
    Beautiful combination of colors and text!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  24. Lovely journal creations ~ great colors and design ^_^

  25. Lovely journal creations ~ great colors and design ^_^

  26. Comfort with your journal. saludos

  27. Love your first page, beautiful image and color! HPPF!

  28. ha ha .... I have a lot of free space in my head!

    great work Valerie... indoors is the right place to be in a snow blizzard!!!

    Love your lettering in the first piece.... great drips!!!

    Karen x

  29. Sorry you are freezing.. but really to be able to spend the time inside making art seems pretty warming in itself. Beautiful work. I love the colors in the first one. So rich.

  30. AWESOME journal pages !!!! I am head over heals in love with the backgrounds and love how you have arranged everything else....sometimes less is best :0)

  31. your pages are wonderful to see.

  32. Love your backgrounds, lovely journal pages

  33. I love your brown pages! The gold perfect pearl- I wondered if it had some sparkle to it! Your drip mountains are such a great way to pop out your person and lettering! Very resourceful of you by the way!

  34. both fab val and as for getting messy, the more the merrier, lol...

    hope the weather is kind to you over the weekend,

    maria xx

  35. Valerie, first, I love the blue pages with the heads and the quote written as it is. I wouldn't add anything else. It looks fabulous simple and clean. Next, your top journal pages are wonderful. I am so envious of your getting to play and dribble with paints and sparkly stuff. My knee is having physical therapy so I am not going upstairs for a while. That's where all those wonderful drippy things are. I can tell your pages are loaded with shine. They are so gorgeous.

  36. Your journal page looks a bit like an oriental landscape with mountains in the background. x

  37. Ich liebe die Textur im ersten Bild, dass es aussieht wie Berge, wunderschön! LG von Conny

  38. I love what you're doing with all this Valerie :0) Mo x

  39. adore these pages, I love the empty space on both journal spreads. And the techniques you have used xx

  40. Gorgeous Work! Thanks so much for joining us this week at SImon Says Stamp and Show!!! - Ashli :)

  41. Hi there! I love the pages as they are - such a bold contrast - it really gets the message across. And I love that metallic paint on the first pages - really beautiful, xoxo

  42. Hi there! I love the pages as they are - such a bold contrast - it really gets the message across. And I love that metallic paint on the first pages - really beautiful, xoxo

  43. Your journal pages have me smiling. They look wonderful.

    Stay warm my friend.


  44. Love your pages, just wonderful! <3

  45. WOW!!!
    Love all these pages you created.
    It is so much fun, playing with words, letters, and colors. Very well displayed here...
    Wonderful work, Valerie! ~xx

  46. Love the quote from Hillel and that you wrote in Hebrew!
    Wonderful pages all.

  47. Great pages! I especially love the Why/WhyNot pages. The simplicity makes it really compelling.


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