Wednesday 27 June 2012

Seaside and Mini-Books

Hi everybody, hope you are all well and fit. We even had sunshine here yesterday, but we have been promised bad weather again - rain, wind, storms etc from tomorrow, so looks like it will be back to our summer like a *green painted winter*, as Heinrich Heine said. (He was a great German Poet, who was born in Düsseldorf at the end of the 18th century)

Yesterday I made a card for the challenge over at the Artful Times Blog, where the theme this week is *I do like to be beside the seaside*. I painted the background in a watery blue-green, stamped some shells, and added gold-glitter for sand. The wave has been fussy cut from some designer paper. I added 3 images from CI, and put some blue and green stickles on the waves. I mounted it onto a piece of greeny-blue paper, with some blue fibres, and added a little dolphin for fun.

And I finished my matchboxes, here they are, all four in a row. The first one I showed yesterday.

I have used scraps of designer paper to make the cover-side of the *books*, and have used the same text on the reverse of  all three. It is a quote from Ecclesiastes III, *To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.....*. It is quite addictive once you start on these little things, and anyway, there were 4 matchboxes in the packet....

Have a great day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Your seaside card is lovely, but those little books are all breathtaking! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Terrific work on all these. Just love the idea of a matchbox book

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous seaside card and Your little matchbox books are just stunning. Hugs Sandra XXX

  4. Just love the layout of your card Valerie and how the wave leap out of the frame :)
    More super matchbooks too :)
    Von x♥x
    Artful Times

  5. Absolutely gorgeous mini books Valerie and your seascape is fab. Alas, we have rain again today so not a day for going to the seaside! Take care. Suze xx

  6. Wonderful! Love the seaside card but am totally in awe of the matchbox minis - great work!
    Hugs xx

  7. The card is wonderful, but those boxes are out of this world fabulouso!!!

  8. wow, your matchboxes are so intricate and beautiful! Nice textured card too.

  9. Beautiful seaside card, Valerie! Love those matchboxes!

  10. Fabulous projects, the little boxes look gorgeous and the Sea side card is beautiful.
    Yvonne x

  11. Oh where to begin-? Your card is wonderful- I LOVE the way you added the waves and the dolphin- wonDERful!

    And I am drooling over those match box books; they are amazing!!! So VERY cool!

  12. Love the card the dolphin and the wave really make it! Your matchboxes are stunning! I must admit the one with the eye really caught my eye! Priceless!

  13. My goodness - what gorgeous work - all of it.

  14. I love all your beautiful projects! Great job!

  15. Oh Valerie! They are absolutely sumptuous! Love the one with the big eye. hugs, Donna

  16. These are ALL amazing, Valerie. I can see your attention to detail. Blessings!

  17. Oh Valerie I just love your work!!!Everything you do is magical :0) The seaside painting is great and those little bitty matchboxes are divine!

  18. love your card and the little match boxes are amazing!!

  19. These look wonderful my friend. Love seeing what you create..


  20. Wow - these little matchboxes are amazing. How cute is that, they each have a charming little book inside?! Even though I like working with small nitsy things, this may be too small for me.....but the result is just gorgeous - you must be proud of these little babies! :)

  21. WOW!!
    These are beautiful, Valerie! :]
    Very creative work.

  22. Really beautiful artwork Valerie and especially love the gorgeous seaside scene.
    Madly trying to catch up here so many apologies for not visiting as much.
    Hope you still have nice weather, we do here though I fear rain is on the way.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  23. What a lovely seaside scene and the little matchbooks are wonderful although the one with the eye gave me a bit of a scare! xx

  24. What a gorgeous card, and those mini books are amazing!

  25. The seaside card looks so tactile and there is a great sense of movement.
    Your mini books are wonderful.

  26. How do you do it? So much creative goodness on your blog!! I am loving the beach one with the waves and fibers and wonderful blues! Then I scrolled down to the little match box books- oh!!!!

  27. What pretty things you always make. You are so talented :)

  28. These little boxes are wonderful. Not sure what it is about small things but they get me every time!I love all the details and the fact that there is something in the boxes too. Gorgeous work.

  29. Fab card and great idea to use those CI images.

    Love your little matchbox books too - wonderful.

    Sam - Artful Times xxx

  30. Adore all those little books! Sweet!
    hugs Lynn

  31. The waves are fabulous on that amazing card I love it and the match boxes super wow. Such tiny weeny things and so much detail, especially love the one with the eye, how can you get so much detail on such a small space is beyond me .


  32. The waves are fabulous on that amazing card I love it and the match boxes super wow. Such tiny weeny things and so much detail, especially love the one with the eye, how can you get so much detail on such a small space is beyond me .


  33. Gorgeous card, love the colours. Great set of matchboxes as well.

  34. Incredible little books...what an amazing idea!

  35. Gorgeous card you made for the challenge at Artful Times, love the colour the images and that wave - well that wave is so inspirational.
    Thanks for joining us, Hugs, Neet xx


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