Sunday 3 June 2012

Happy Mail galore and more....

Hi everybody, hope you are enjoying your weekend. Had a quiet day yesterday, crafting a bit of this and that, but not really getting started on the things I wanted to do - but the main thing is, that it was fun! I also cleaned out the fridge, because while I was searching for the margarine, which I later discovered on my working space, surrounded by crafty bits and pieces, I discovered lots of UFOs - unidentifiable fouling objects. And strangely enough,2 pencils and my well chilled scissors, which should have been in the drawer of the table....Somebody must have muddled things up again, darn those fairies!
And I have had a great post week. Apart from the lovely goodies from Diane that I have already shown, I got 2 cards from the Inspiration Avenue Postcard Swap, one from Terrie and the other one from Gemma. Terrie made a pretty mail-art envelope, too.

Thanks both of you for the beautiful postcards, they will be treasured!

And I won a stamp from Blockheads (link on my sidebar), who do a draw each week, and last Sunday I was lucky!

Yesterday I couldn't resist the temptation and made some more grungy postcards, with blended paper backgrounds, vintage images and image transfers, and some stamping.

Here are the *backsides*:

And last but not least I did another double page in my journal. This time my prompt was London, so had to put a little Queen and Union Jack into it for the celebrations. I have painted the Thames, and tried to put in a few landmarks, which have been stamped and/or printed onto acetate, and a few little pictures I got from the local paper here. I just pulled the next prompt while I was thinking about it, and I don't believe it - Marx and Lenin!!! Well, I had better start knitting a thinking cap to get some inspiration for this one! But now, here is London:

That's all for today. Hope to see you again tomorrow, thanks for dropping in and take care!


  1. Oh my goodness just look at all the yummy things to look at on this post.
    Love seeing your happy mail. And the postcards you made are FABULOUS!
    And looks like you were having some fun in your journal. Such great pages. Hope your enjoying your weekend.


  2. Hi Val, love what you have made and received. Thanks for R's birthday card, I have hidden it till the day! Take care, hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh my goodness... So inspiring to see!!
    Look at all the creativity and artwork, this really makes me happy!
    Mail art, image transfers, collage artwork, winning a rubber stamp, and journal pages... ((sigh))
    Thank you for sharing.
    Happy "arting" Valerie. :]

  4. Morning Valerie, your journal pages are great fun but I'm going to be singing "maybe it's because ..." all day! Beautiful grungy vintage cards and lovely postcards too. Are you going to watch the Thames pageant this afternoon, hopefully the sun will make an appearance! Have a nice Sunday. xx

  5. I hope they will show some of it on our news this evening at least!

  6. Hi.....

    Great stuff, especially loving those grungy postcards and of course the London pages.....


  7. Lovely mail art and your journal pages are great.
    My favourites though have to be your postcards...such wonderful images and quotes.
    Enjoy your Sunday.
    Hugs xx

  8. My goodness you have been busy. Its a good job you cleared out your fridge wasn't Loving the mail art swops and the fab stamp you won. Loving your postcards and your fab journal spread. Hugs Annette x

  9. Lovely gifts, and lovely vintage postcards you made. Your London journal pages are so nice too!

    Glad you got the fridge cleaned out lol.

  10. congratulations on the win, thats a beauty of a stamp,you are so creative, such an inspiration you are, you really love what you do don';t you, it shines through each piece.

  11. Oh isn't it lovely when you get pretty things and goodies in the post. I absolutely love your grungy postcards, just so stunning
    Lindsay xx

  12. WOW, what a post, Val! Love it all and those bird cards and that journal are amazing! And what wonderful surprises in your mail!!!

    Sending ((((hugs))) your way,

  13. I think I want to adopt your mailman cause your mail is awesome! :) Great postcards!

  14. Great postcards. Especially like the ones you made. Glad you recieved the LOVE from me.

  15. Lovely postcards sent and received, and great pages about London! Hugs, Barb

  16. well what a lot of lovely goodies... lucky you with the mail art, postcards and winning the stamp, look forward to seeing what you make with it...

    love your london pages, and your postcards, hope all is well with you val...

    maria xx

  17. Oh My!!! So much eye candy to look at here! You have had an amazing week :0)
    Hope you are feeling well and have another great week!

  18. Love your nature inspired postcards. Super journalling pages too. I saw part of the Thames pageant today. It was super even with the rain! x

  19. Valerie, please don't let me dissuade you from reading the books. Those were just my thoughts. I'm sorry if it caused you to "double think" reading the books. Sorry. Nice journal work.

  20. Love your postcards and journal pages, Valerie!

  21. So much fun going on here...enjoy popping by!

  22. Oh my! It has been such a long time between visits and look at all you have been up to LOL All the cards are terrific - both incoming and outgoing. I love that you found art supplies in the fridge - it's a bit like spraying hairspray under the arms! Now wasn't that a few years ago now :)

  23. I forgot to say - I am really looking forward to those Marx and Lennin pages...what a prompt! Your London pages are great fun. Hugs,

  24. Wow - you've been busy! Glad you like the p/c and I got one from Gemma too that was equally fab. Lucky you to win that stamp .... it looks like a fun one. Last but not least your tags are so great - I love your use of vintage and transfer images. I've yet to try any transfer images, but I'm eager to try....

  25. Fabulous post Valerie! Love the pretty postcards from the gals! Your journal is lovely as always and and I am tickled with all the lovely quotes on your post cards! I have been known to keep salt and pepper in the refrigerator but not scissors and pencils, lol.

  26. Hi Valerie. I am so pleased the fairies have left my craft room and are now visiting yours!! LOL! Lovely post. What wonderful treasures you have received. Adore your postcards. TFS. Fabulous journal pages.
    Regards Florence xxxxxxxxxxxx


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