Friday 15 June 2012

PPF and Postcard Challenge

Hi everybody, welcome to another week of Paint Party Fridayhosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challengeweek 24, where we are off to Italy, which for me means ROME, which is my third favourite town in this world!

Jason and Shannon loved the T-shirts from Lviv. The wedding is going to take place in August, and Cissie and Thelma spend a lot of time squabbling over the arrangements, each determined to outdo the ideas of the other one. But Jason and Shannon both have other ideas. Shannon wants a romantic wedding in white. Jason wants a cool event with all of his mates. Cissie and Thelma at least agree over the fact that their kids have no clue about how to organise things, and decide to send them off to Rome for a few days, to make up for the holiday Jason was not allowed to take in Thailand.
On the day before their departure, they go to the Chippie for their usual meal, and then to Cissie’s for their afternoon tea and cakes. Jason has a list of friends he wants to invite, and Shannon a list of her's. The *Oldies* promise to think about it if there is enough room at the reception. Jason is cross, and says, *’Ang on, it’s my weddin’, ain’t it, so why don’t I get to choose?* Shannon buts in and says, *Your wedding? What about me? It’s just as much MY wedding!!* Cissie and Thelma seem to have been practising chorus speaking, for they say, *And we’re paying!! * Cissie adds, *Anyway, we have to invite the neighbours and their families, they always invite us!* Jason asks, *Do you know that Latif and Munah have got 9 kids?* They’ll fill up the reception themselves!* *What?* Asks Cissie, They have 9 kids already? I swear she gets pregnant every time she irons his trousers! Reminds me of my great uncle Joseph – He had so many kids he couldn’t keep track of how many, let alone the names!* *And I hope you learn to keep your trousers buttoned!* says Thelma, *I don’t want no 9 grandchildren!*
On this happy note, Shannon and Jason decide to go home and get packed….
The flight to Rome is pleasant, and when they arrive  it is hot and sunny, a pleasant change after cold and rainy London. They are staying at a little hotel on the Via Pinerola, near the Piazza Re di Roma, which is very central. They are delighted to find lots of cafés, bars and pubs directly nearby. On the first day they do a round tour with a bus, and then spend the next days visiting the famous sights one by one– the Vatican, the Via Appia Antika, the Colosseum, the Pantheum, the Tiber, the Roman Forum, the Trevi Fountain,the Castel Sant’Angelo, the Baths of Caracalla, and many, many more. Every time Jason looks at one of the pretty girls he gets a sharp dig in his ribs from Shannon, and is told to look at something else!
Shannon has read the wonderful novel  in which the two protagonists promise eternal love by placing a lock on the third streetlight of Ponte Milvio and launching the key in the River Tiber.This ritual has become one of the new symbols of the city.The padlocks of love became hundreds, then thousands, were even stolen! Eventually  padlocks were put on the streetlight to stop it being stolen, which unfortunately fell apart because the locks weighed too much! But this does not deter Jason and Shannon from placing a lock there! The authorities have placed chains there now, specially to accommodate the love-locks!

Some of the famous sights: 

Some Panorama Views:

The Trevi Fountain was Shannon's fave place; Jason enjoyed sitting on the Spanish Steps and ogling the girls as they went past in their mini-skirts....

(Photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

And this is the postcard they send home, taken on the famous Ponte Milvio, after they have sworn eternal love and fixed their padlock to the chain. Jason is lifting his *scrawny bird*, as he likes to call her, clean off her little  feet....

And for Paint Party Friday I would like to share another of my 'ancient' nudes, painted in 1995.

Here's wishing you all a good day, take care, have fun and thanks for looking in!


  1. Loving the ancient nudes and the scrawny bird comment cracked me up that is what's Matt's Dad calls his mum... an affectionate phrase, but she hates it after hearing it for 50 years!!! have a great week...xx

  2. I really like your work, the ancient nudes! :]
    There is no limits to your talents, Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing your gifts, always.

  3. Beautiful work, Valerie, and I love your *scrawny bird* too! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Fabulous work, Valerie.

    Have a lovely weekend!
    Gaby xo

  5. Your 'ancient' nude looks like she has a good body (for her age!!!) ha ha

    Loved your postcard update.... it made me smile.

    So if Rome is one of your three favourite places what are your other two?

    I loved Rome... didn't quite make it to all the places you mentioned but ticked off quite a few :)

    Have a great weekend, I wore boots yesterday as well!

    Will answer your email later...


  6. Ha, I bet Jason had a severe case of 'wandering eyes' in Rome! You're nude is fab, I'm sure Jason would love to have that hanging in his flat! xx

  7. Great idea, Suze! I would send it as a wedding present, but I wonder what Shannon would say?

  8. Smashing work Valerie. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Happy PPF! Such nice color in the nude.

  10. What a lovely cheerful post! Great episode of your story and the nude is wonderful!
    Hugs and have a great weekend. xx

  11. They are such a cute couple! I love this! :)

  12. Jason has brought back so many memories for me of my trips to Rome! Another great adventure!

  13. Delightful and creative work! ~namaste, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  14. the comment about ironing his trousers made me laugh!! I love Rome it was were my husband took me for our first anniversary of dating and it was so beautiful! I love these adventures - so funny!

  15. Aaaaaw...never had Jason down as such a romantic :D Can't wait for the wedding feast :DXXX

  16. Love your traveling postcard story - it seems many have given this up, but I'm still lovin' your travelers!

  17. BEST card...loving the story and especially love the locks of love. We saw them all over Russia!!! Such a cool idea...I've never seen them in the U.S.

    Rock On,

  18. Yay a wedding- I can't wait to read on! And I love the post card too- so FUN! Also, thanks for sharing another of your "ancient" nudes, I just love them so much!

  19. Well one thing is for sure, there will be no shortage of food at a reception hosted by Aunt Cissie! The shops will be cleaned out for miles around.

    Can't wait to see what she wears to the wedding!

  20. HPPF, what a fun array of things to grab our interest this morning!
    Makes one long to travel.

  21. Rome - a lifetime is not enough to plumb its depths - reminded me of my own ancient times traveling :D beautiful nude and it's funny to me the idea of 1995 being ancient but I guess that's the way it is!

  22. LoL what a shot - all hugged up & smoochy.

    <3 <3 <3

  23. Great story and I loved hearing about the locks of love, how interesting! Loved your comment on how she gets pregnant just ironing his trousers, lol, you crack me up. Your story was witty and full of great information, thanks for taking time to research this and put it all together for us to read.

  24. Is the chippy big enough to hold the reception? Super postcard, loving the story.

    Janet xx

  25. I am sure it would be Cissie's first choice, but the ladies have other plans....

  26. Hi my friend,
    I just wanted to pop by and say hello as i dont get enough chances to do so. Loving your Ancient nude, that fun and so very arty. Love the beautiful images and story, so fun :)
    Have a lovely weekend Valerie and thanks again for your support and comments
    hugs June x

  27. omg I love the padlocks of love, that is such an amazing bit of info. I want to go and do that one day.

  28. wonderful painting, the nude. I've been to Rome, nice photos too!

  29. What a fun trip through all the postcards and comments. Loved traveling with you.

  30. Great painting and postcard. An August wedding to look forward to, those two will have some fun organising that feast.
    Yvonne x

  31. What an active imagination you have!:-) Those padlocks are the funniest thing! Who knew!

  32. Love the card of them smooching! Cute!
    Great paint party this week.

  33. Great smooch, story and nude!

    You are doing such a great job on these postcards!

  34. Go Jason!, love is in the air and just the place for it too! Fab card M

  35. Once again you made me chuckle with your story--BTW I love Jason's hairdo & his SO's.

  36. Super postacard and story. Love your painting too. x

  37. love the nude painting! t/c,gerri

  38. a super postcard. great story. cant wait for the wedding, hope we all get any invite.....

  39. Ah Italy... Rome... the romance....

    Jason and Shannon are made for each other (or does fate have a trick up its sleeve?)

  40. Chuckling as always when I read about these guys, great views and love the big hug postcard.
    Jen x

  41. I love the story and the card - the pics are magnificent. OH MY, the ancient nude is perfect. I love the creativity and colors. Blessings, Janet PPF


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