Thursday 22 March 2012

Sunny Thursday....

Good morning you all. It started out rather misty here, although not as cold as the days before. I have been watching the sun rise though the mist, and the frost outside is nearly gone. And it's already 3°!! Yesterday afternoon the temps went up to 15°, so was able to enjoy my walk, and it was positively hot in my car....The sun was shining down on it, and I still had the heating full on. Time to switch the air conditioning on instead!
I made several trips to the thrift shop, too, but this time I was taking things there. I am clearing out, and bit by bit I am getting some space in my cupboards, which all seem to be full of things I never use, but where I always think I might, possibly, need them some day....Anyway, I hope they will find new homes with folks that do need them!

I managed some crafting, too. I'm just sharing a little Easter card today, the rest is for Jason's travels and PPF tomorrow! The background has been inked through some starry sequin waste. I added some glittery flower rub-ons, and two little Beatrix Potter images. Was fun to make and a good way to use up some of those scraps!

And another little joke from Narda:

A little girl asked her mother,
"How did the human race start?"
The mother answered,
"God made Adam and Eve and they had children,
and so all mankind was made."

Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered,
"Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved."

The confused girl returned to her mother and said, "Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?" The mother answered, "Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his."

Have a nice day you all! Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Love that joke, better not show it to my dear husband! Lovely card, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful card Valerie, love the sparkles. It's still misty here but hopefully the sun will get out. Loved the joke, I bet a few women relate to this lol x

  3. Great joke from Narda and your card is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Super Easter card, the sparkle adds a magical touch.
    Great joke as well.
    Yvonne x

  5. LOL!!! Hi Valerie. Love the joke. Beautiful card.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Regards Florence xx

  6. Beautiful card.... and the joke made me chuckle.

    Enjoy the sunshine....


  7. Gorgeous Easter card and a great joke.
    Spring seems to have arrived here too..:)
    Hugs xx

  8. Can really see the lovley sparkle :) and what a good joke lol
    Von x☻x

  9. another wonderful card and I really enjoyed the joke!

  10. I LOVE your sweet, sparkly Easter card! And nice joke; thanks for the smile!

  11. oooh, love the glitter and your beatrix potter!
    have a great day! xo

  12. There is a lovely sparkle to your card. It reminds me of an authentic vintage Easter card.

  13. I just love the shimmer on those flowers! Beautiful Easter card! Hope your day continues to fill your eyes with sunshine!

  14. fab joke, lovely card and well done on having a clear out, lol...

    have something on my blog for you val..xx

    maria xx

  15. Such a pretty card I love it and the joke. Hugs Sandra XXX

  16. Lovely card so magical with all the sparkles. Loved the joke too. x

  17. your pretty Easter card looks vintage! And love that joke, lol.

  18. Ha, haa,haaa... thank for the joke, made my day! :]
    Good to hear, you got a "sunny" day. Always lifts my spirits... enjoy the sunshine. ((hugs))
    You have such adorable bunnies, for your clipart.
    Look'in good...
    Can not wait to see the finish piece!!!

  19. LOVE the tag -- the flower rub on's are so gorgeous! hugs, Donna

  20. Such a beautiful card the flowers are so pretty and love the addition if the beautiful Beatrix potter images. Great joke from Narda


  21. Ha ha ha, love Nardas jokes. Gorgeous card, love the glitter!


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