Monday 26 March 2012

Monday again!

Good morning you all! Here the day has dawned bright and sunny. I was up in time to see the sun rise, which is something which never fails to delight me. And the sky was a wonderful, clear blue, crisscrossed with white trails left by planes - that's probably what woke me up!

But it's worth being woken early when there is such loveliness to see!

Over at *The Cheerful Stamp pad* the challenge this week is *anything goes*.
For my DT piece I have made a tag cut from some Anna Griffin paper. I have over-stamped it with some flourishes in forest moss, and then placed the image - printed onto acrylic - behind the TH die-cut. I have added some bling to the tree, and two vintage scraps; the children at the front, and the owl on the lady's shoulder.

Okay, all for today, I need to get on with my clearing out of cupboards action, as I took a break over the weekend. Have a great day you all, take care and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Lovely photos Val, and a very pretty tag! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I'm impressed with your cupboard sorting! You are being good. Taking things to the thrift shop rather than bringing them out!!!!

    Sweet artwork..... I love the owl sitting happily on the ladies shoulder!

  3. Beautiful tag Valerie - love the images you've chosen.
    Hugs xx

  4. Lovely layered tag Valerie. Enjoy the sunshine. xx

  5. Beautiful photos and love your vintage collage piece :)

  6. Beautiful photos and such a pretty tag!

  7. Great photos and love your beautiful tag Valerie. I have been decluttering some cupboards today....phew never knew I had so much rubbish......... x

  8. It is so worth it to wake up early to take in such beauty! I wish I had that to wake up to! Your tag is another thing of beauty! Love that you blinged the tree! Very pretty tag! Have a great week!

  9. Hiya, gorgeous tag, love that tree die cut and beautiful photographs, hope you had a lovely weekend
    Lindsay xx

  10. Gorgeous tag, love how the children seem to be protected by the tree.
    Super photos as well.
    Yvonne x

  11. Great tag! love it. hugs, Donna

  12. Hi Valerie. TFS the photos. Super tag. Have a great time clearing out your cupboards!!! You can do mine if you want to :)
    Regards Florence x

  13. nice tag, I like the bling on the tree! I'm more likely to see the sunsets...thanks for sharing, the sunrise is beautiful!

  14. Yes... a beautiful sunrise is "heaven sent!"
    Thank you for sharing, Valerie. :]

  15. Gorgeous sunrise and even gorgeouser tag ! All that amped cupboard clearing well done you !


  16. Boy does that look like a beautiful morning. Such lovely photos. And your creation is wonderful. I just love all those wonderful layers.

    Hugs, Linda

  17. This is so incredibly beautiful! I love your elegant tag and those shots are definitely worth the early rise. Thank you for your comment too, I'm sorry for taking so long to respond, I just returned from being out of town. Have a great week, xo

  18. Pretty photos and a pretty tag. x

  19. Lovely tag and beautiful photos too. Looks like I am slowly catching up, hopefully by tomorrow!


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