Tuesday 10 January 2012

Hello from Bad Honnef

Hi you all, good morning from my temporary place of residence here in Bad Honnef. I am here at a hospital for some long time treatment and therapy, so will be here for several weeks. Yesterday I loaded up my little panda with a few clothes and a huge pile of crafty stuff- as much as fitted into the car! So I will be able to *keep calm and carry on crafting*.

I set off from home early yesterday morning. The motor way was one giant traffic jam from start to finish, it was foggy, and we had torrential rainfalls all the way, which made the journey take twice as long as usual, so I was pleased to arrive safely. Then I had to check in, fill in lots of forms etc, and had the first medicinal checks. Tomorrow will be another day with lots of exams, and after that it will be getting down to treatment. I hope the weather will brighten up, as there are lots of pretty towns and castles along the Rhine which are worth visiting.
I should have time for some crafting later, too, so that will be nice.

Take care of yourselves, have a good day, and thanks for visiting! And if the sun is shining where you are, send a few rays over!


  1. I can just imagine the contents of your car - I bet the hospital don't get many patients arriving with a car full of ink, rubber stamps and paper!

    Wishing you well for the coming weeks and I hope the treatment helps.


  2. Hope everything goes well for you.

    I shouldn't think the hospital has many people arriving with art supplies!

    Enjoy the Rhine I did!

    Good luck and best wishes


  3. Wishing you well and hope you get time to craft.


  4. I knew something was up. I'm sending you a gazillion hugs, sparkles, healing wishes and strength to get you through whatever treatment you need. Not sure what the nurses are going to say though when your bed sheets get covered in ink, glue, paint and sticky bits of paper! Take care, thinking of you lots. Suze xx

  5. Wishing you a speedy recovery through your treatment and hope you manage to fit in some crafting between rests. x

  6. Hope you're well and doing fine. :) I can imagine you're gonna be very creative over there. :)

  7. Sorry to hear you're in hospital Val, but do wish you all the very best, and hope everything goes well for you.

    Sounds like a grotty journey to get there, but at lease you made it, along with all your stash, lol! I bet that took priority over any usual essentials, as in your toothbrush or slippers, lol!

    I have such funny visions of you zooming down the moterway in the pouring rain, with your windscreen wipers going ten to the dozen and your little Panda bulging with crafty stash,lol!

    Wishing you all the very best Val, and well done for sneaking in so much scrummy stash!
    Suzie xxx :)

  8. Glad you are there safe and sound with your stash! Try not to upset the system too much - you will be turning the place into a crafting school. Sending love and light for healing. xxooDonna

  9. Hello my crafty friend! Sending huge amounts of sun and get well wishes, Valerie!

  10. Nothing like creating to help time pass!
    Hope you get well soon....
    BIG hugs,

  11. Hi Valerie. Sorry to hear that you have to spend some time in hospital. I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sending lots of healing 'vibes'. Remember to spill lots of sparkles over your bed. Your nurses will love you for it. x Julie

  12. Oh gosh Valerie hope the time passes quickly for you and you left the glitter at home :)
    Hugs Von xxx

  13. I hope everything is okay! You sound pretty calm about it, so hopefully that is a good sign!

  14. Hi Valerie. Sending you ::healing:: thoughts and hoping that the treatments help you. Sounds though that you are definitely going to be a productive gal while you are there. I can hardly wait to see what you drum up while there. Take care of yourself. Wishing you all the best.::hugs::

  15. Sending you warm wishes and thoughts for you from "across the pond". Speedy recovery and lots of craftiness!


  16. Sending (((hugs))) and ***sparkles** Valerie. Hope all goes well for you.
    Enjoy your crafting time. xx

  17. Gosh Valerie, you are amazingly calm with everything that is going on in your world. I wish and hope, all will go well for you, I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
    I can picture you surrounded by your crafty stash and wonder if you will convert the staff into crafting along with you.
    Love and hugs Yvonne xx

  18. Several weeks?! I hope you are okay - I LOVE the idea of you packing up your supplies! Girl after my own heart! Be well my friend, I will be thinking of you! xoxoxo

  19. Hoping that all goes well with your treatment and therapy Valerie and hope your crafting goodies help pass the time.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  20. Oh Valerie I had no idea, I am sending lots of love and hugs for a quick and speedy recovery . I bet you start little art classes with the other patients and drive the nurses mad with all your gorgeous inkiness and your beautiful creations.

    Take care of yourself.



  21. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Make the most of your crafting time!
    Hugs and sparkles Alyson x

  22. Take good care of yourself Valerie, I hope the treatments help you. So glad you are able to take all your crafty goodness in with you. I imagine you will set up a classroom in the cafeteria to teach those nurses. Take care hon, we all care about you.

  23. Take good care of yourself, Valerie! *hugs*
    Sending positive thoughts, of healing.
    Great idea to bring along your art, that will keep you going in good spirits.
    Keeping you in my prayers...

  24. Well honey! So glad that you were able to pack some crafting goodies! Hope all you test come out A++++ :)

  25. I was so sorry to hear you were back in the hospital Val. Weeks you say, my you are one brave lady to go through all that traffic on such a bad morning. I'm praying for you and sending you some happy hugs for a speedy recovery. Hope you get chance to look up some more of the lovely places along the Rhine. xxx

  26. I do hope everything is OK with you!! I do hope they let you craft in the hospital. That would make the stay a little more pleasant..

    Hugs, Linda

  27. I am sending you good thoughts and healing hugs! Hope you have plenty of crafting time and what a treat the staff is in for! Take care!

  28. good luck with your treatment Valerie!

  29. Hi Valerie. Hope all goes well. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs.
    Regards Florence xx

  30. Hi Valerie, I'm sad to see that you have to be in hospital, I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy treatment and recovery. I think you will have plenty of time to be crafty, sending lots of get well hugs, Gay xxx

  31. Oh Val, like many others I didn't know you were having health issues.
    Sending big HUGS to you and at least the creatubg will help pass time for you.
    ♥♥♥♥ Lesley

  32. Hi Valerie, so sorry to hear you have to spend time in hospital. I hope all goes well for your and you are soon back home xx

  33. Hope all goes well at the hospital, I'm sure your the most talented patient their!
    hugs Lynn

  34. Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear this. I am sending all sorts of good thoughts and healing vibes. I can only imagine how many people you will convert into art journalers while you are there!

  35. Hi Valerie. I am so sorry to hear this news. BIG HUGS to you, my friend. I'll be thinking about you. Sending many healing thoughts your way. I had to smile when I read that you brought your bag of art supplies. Sending much love your way...


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