Monday 2 January 2012

Calendar Challenge January

The calendar challenge over at *The Kathryn Wheel* is continuing this year, and this is my effort for January, which I forgot to post yesterday....I have used *my* faces again, one looking back to 2011 and one looking towards 2012. The clouds have all been outlined with a silver Edding pen to make the silver lining!

And while I was clearing off my table, I decided to use a piece of Graphics 45 paper which was lying around. It was just big enough for 2 tags, I just turned the paper to give a different front each time. I have used my umbrella man again, this time he has been cut out of the cover of an ancient paper back book.

Hope you all had a good start into the new year. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Happy New Year! Great calendar! I love your faces and the umbrella man!

  2. Your blog looks great. You are always so full of ideas and very productive. Nice work!! Shine on as kiki says. Enjoy your week and take care.

  3. Love your sketch calendar, great to see something different. Love your tags as well. xx

  4. Yes! Your blog looks beautiful! AND I love your tags! The calendar pages are fab and the last tag makes me swoon ;)
    So happy to know you and many wishes for a happy New Year! xoxo

  5. Happy New Year... you are off and "arting" in 2012! Love it, Valerie. :]
    The clouds were a clever idea.
    Perfect I must say...

  6. Your new banner is great for the beginning of a new year. The calendar very original .. love the theme. And I must say I do adore your tags ... well done. You are off to a great start in the creative department for 2012. So far, I have done nada :o). Have a lovely creative day and take care of yourself, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  7. Hi Valerie,
    I hope that the New Year will be aweomse for you and I love your calendar pages!!! xo Cindy

  8. Lovely calendar pages and tags. All the best for the new year, you have started it off very creatively! Hugs, Sarah

  9. Great calendar pages Valerie! I love your hand drawn faces and the cloud tags for writing on...inspired! Your tags are awesome too!!! x

  10. Hi Valerie, really love your new header, very soft, elegant and romantic! Fab calendar, what a great sentiment for the begining of a new year. Have a great day. Suze xx

  11. I love the calender pages Valerie, fab idea with the clouds, and the tags are brilliant, perfect with Umberella Man. Your new look blog is very elegant - makes me think mine need a bit of TLC lol. Have a good one x

  12. What a great way to start 2012 - love the idea of the clouds and the sentiment is perfect. Thanks for joining the challenge again - looking forward to seeing more in 2012!

  13. Everyone has such different ideas on how to decorate their journal pages. Wonderful tags!

  14. Fantastic work with *your* faces tehe xx

  15. Love your tags and your calendar pages - very apt as it rained most of yesterday here!!lol
    Hugs xx

  16. love your tags val and well done of carrying on with your journal..

    maria xx

  17. Fabulous calender Valarie and just love the sentiment on there _ hope it's true too.
    Gorgeous tags as well and also love the pretty new look of your blog.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  18. Love your January callender, gorgeous tags as well.
    Yvonne x

  19. Happy New Year! Your journaling has inspired me to try it. I bought a small art journal book last week and hope to get started in the next few days. The umbrella man is my favorite stamp so he'll be in my journal too. Love what you did with your pages today.

  20. Looks fantastic! I'm thinking about participating in this challenge as well.:)

  21. Great January pages, love the clouds. Great tags. :)

  22. Love your clouds theme - very cool to see how you are using it such a variety of projects lately!

  23. Love the clouds theme - especially with their silver linings :-) happy 2012!

  24. Love your clouds idea!!! You certainly are off to a great start for the new year...keep up the good work... I'm, counting on your for inspiration :0)

  25. Lovely calendar! Beautiful idea with the clouds - I just hope we will see some sun in between aswell. Happy 2012!

  26. See you have changed your blog again ! Looks fabulous. Thank you for your lovely new years card reminded me of home. Wishing you a wonderful and healthy new year. Great calender and the clouds are magnificent.


  27. Happy New Year! Love your calendar pages. The faces are a great idea. x

  28. Your blog looks so clean and fresh Val just like the New Year. Love your new pages and hope you enjoy 2012 crafting and blogging. xx

  29. Hi Valerie. Fab ideas to start off the new year. Great tags.
    Regards Florence x

  30. Fab projects, I love the clouds and the sentiment that you put with them.
    Lindsay xx

  31. Your clouds and faces are such a brilliant way to personalise your page, cant wait to see what you have in store for the rest of the year xxx

  32. dear Val,
    I love the new look of your blog very bright and pure. Here's wishing you a Happy New Year. Hope it is is year filled with lots of creative time! take care, gerri

  33. Looks like you're off to a creative start to 2012! Awesome!

  34. Awesome calendar Valerie, Great start for the New Year
    hugs Lynn

  35. LOVE that you used clouds for the days! Perfect choice for January (especially if today is anything to go by!). I hope you don't have too many clouds this month, but that if you do, they have a silver lining.


  36. Valerie what a fab page your drawings and layout of your pages......your tags are fab too x

  37. What a fabulous page, love all your drawings

  38. Wonderful idea adding the faces looking forward and back and I love Umbrella Man from newspaper. Fab!
    I just bought my journal today to start the calendar. Very excited to play along this year!

  39. Lovely calendar pages. I like your clouds for journalling on.


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