Sunday 29 January 2012

A Happy Saturday Afternoon

I am happy to say that I had no bad surprises with vanishing blogs yesterday, for which I am very thankful! Had a nice lazy day reading, playing in my art journal, baking cake, and painting with some fellow patients in the afternoon. We had moussaka for lunch, with salad and fresh fruit, and then after a short nap we started baking our lemon cake, which turned out very well and was most delicious. We squeezed fresh lemon juice over it while it was still warm, and then made lemon icing to top it. I managed to get a photo of the last 2 slices, that cake went away like hot cakes! The nurse on duty joined us for coffee and cake, and a good time was had by all. I didn't invite Auntie Cissie though; I thought if she came there would be no cake for the others. Next time I will bake more, and then she can join us!

And this is a photo of one of the ladies who hid in the corner of the kitchen and licked the bowl out!

These are the goodies Kristin sent me, we used some of the stickles yesterday while we were painting. Thanks again Kristin!

Here's wishing you all a good and restful Sunday. Take care of yourselves, have fun, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. That cake is making me hungry! Nice packet of goodies you received, I haven't read about vanishing blogs yet will make my way done. Good to hear that you are doing well and painting away! Hugs,

  2. Oh crumbs! I drrooooled on your blog when I saw the cake. YUM. Nice surprise package, Valerie. I agree, the blogging community is an awesome one. Take care and have a lovely rest today. xohugs, Donna

  3. Lovely surprises in the post! Sounds like you all had a good time! I am baking a cake with the kids this afternoon - mess!!! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Beautiful gifts and the cake looks really yummy........great photo of the cake licker as x

  5. Oh yum, freshly baked cake, bet it was delish! Yummy goodies from Kristin too, looking forward to seeing your sparkly creations. Have a lovely Sunday. Suze xx

  6. The cake looks yummy, hope you didn't scrap over the last two pieces.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Yvonne x

  7. I noticed your blog went missing for a while. :) I had that exact thing happen to me a month or so ago. Google wanted my phone number so I could get my blog back. I don't know why they are doing that. Cake looks fab and I love that photo of the woman licking the bowl. :))

  8. Valerie, I always miss so much on your blog when I havn't been in blogland all week! It amazes me how much you get up to!! The cake looks lovely and is making my mouth water. It sounds like you are having a relaxing time away.
    My friends blog vanished the other day as well after telling her her blog was illegal??? It came back again the next day but that was a nasty shock for her aswell. Blogger needs to sort itself out, I still can't comment unless I come to my blog through firefox which is annoying as I use explorer!
    I love all the crafty goodness you have produced this week, especially the little canvas's.
    I hope you have a good week x

  9. Ooh, yummy cake (don't blame the lady who licked the bowl out!!) and yummy stash...sounds like a perfect day Valerie...hope today is just as good.
    Hugs xx

  10. The cake looks yummy, I think everyone will miss your art classes when you go!

  11. Your cake looks yummy! And look at ALL those goodies from Kristin, what a kind thoughtful girl she is.


  12. yum, it looks wonderful, Valerie!

  13. That cake looks so delicious. Little wonder that lady is licking the bowl!!!

  14. Yum love lemon drizzle cake :)your deffinitly not in an NHS hospital lol
    Happy crafting
    Von xxx

  15. lovely goodies :)

    That cake looks scrummy!

    Lemon cake is one of my all time faves!

    Thanks for visiting


  16. Mmmm the cake looks yummy. That would be me licking the bowl! x

  17. Oooh, how nice!
    You didn't have to do that - it is SO sweet of you to mention me ;)
    Now, if I could only get some of that cake!!! It looks absolutely amazing, and the idea of fresh lemon juice over warm cake! I've GOT to try that!
    I hope you're happy and well, xoxoxo

  18. Yummy cake! I would be that woman in the corner licking the bowl! ha!

  19. Beautiful and delicious cake my dear. I can taste it now!

  20. Yum to the cake and the goodies Kristen sent you!

  21. Glad all has returned to normal on your blog:0) Funny lady licking out the bowl LOL x

  22. Moussaka and lemon cake sounds like lunch in Greece !!!



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