Tuesday 23 August 2011

Thank you Scotland....

Yesterday I found a letter waiting for when I came home from the dentist's. (Don't ask what it was like, I don't want to spoil your day....) It was a letter from Aberdeen in Scotland, from Suze Bain. Recently I wrote about the *dead mouse* - which turned out to be a dried up leaf! that I found one morning in my kitchen. Sue found this story funny, and made me a little Scottish souvenir to remind me of this memorable day, a card, a tag, and some beautiful ribbon. all wrapped in some sparkly paper that will definitely be put to good use; but see for yourselves:

I am just not quite sure if she meant me or the mouse with the *wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie*. Okay, you can't really describe me as *wee*! The beautiful tag with the Burns quote and portrait reminded me of holidays spent in Rosslyn as a child, together with a school friend, whose Granny and Aunt never tired of reading Burns to us to make up for the *English rubbish* they might be stuffing our heads with at school. Not true, though, as our primary school teacher was a Scot and a great lover of Burns. Thanks to Sue for the lovely surprise, and this time it would not be fitting to say, *“The best laid schemes o' mice and men Gang aft a-gley; And leave us naught but grief and pain For promised joy*.

Once again, I am amazed at the kindness of the blogger family; this was a little surprise that really made my day!

And I would like to share a tag I made at the weekend, using one of my favourite stamps, although I don't know who made it; I just know that I bought it at the stamp-mecca in Hagen two years back. I have made lots of tags with this stamp, and never seem to tire of it - sorry!

Well, that was enough for today, hope to see you all again tomorrow! Have a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting


  1. Ha ha ha, Suze! Gorgeous tag - I love the background colour.

    sorry to hear you've had more teeth troubles.

  2. Jo, this is only the start of my teething troubles....

  3. What a great surprise in the mail! I agree, this blogging family is truly amazing! Adore the ribbon. Robbie Burns! I must say that brings back so many memories. Used to spend a lot of time around Dunfries and the Scottish borders .. Burns country. Ah, those were the good old days. Haggis and the reading of Robbie. Ok, so back to the present moment. Great tag ... hope you have a fun day. hugs, Donna

  4. What a wonderful surprise in the post! Another gorgeous tag - great images and colours.
    Sparkles for the dentist visits Valerie *****
    Hugs xx

  5. Great tag, I love the stamp and the swirls in the bottom corner. Good luck with your dental work!

  6. Morning Valerie, your wee surprise was the least I could do to thank you for your kindness and the artistic inspiration you give us all every day. Another gorgeous tag! Have a lovely Tuesday. Suze xx

  7. How thoughtful of Suze to send you such a lovely surprise and much needed by the sound of it.
    Gorgeous tag too, such fabulous bright colours.
    Hope you don't have our torrential rain but have a nice day anyway.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. Morning Valerie. Its the small things and kind thoughts that make the world a happier place. Both beautiful tags.
    Regards Florence x

  9. Lovely postal package! I so love your tag, Valerie!

  10. Fabulous tag Valerie and so is your surprise gift. Have a good day.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Valerie! Love the tag you received! Will never forget the mouse/leaf story!
    And Good Luck at the Dentist! ouch. Hugs Tee

  12. that is too funny; what a lovely surprise to receive in the post...
    Love your tag !!

  13. So sorry to read that this is just the start! hope you are beginning to feel better after yesterday.

    What a lovely person Suzi Bain is fabulous gift.

    Love your tag always enjoy seeing how the leopard will appear! XOXO Zoe

  14. What a lovely surprise and a lot of fun :) Also love your tag Valerie its lovely
    hugs June xxxx

  15. What a wonderful surprise! :-)

  16. LOL...what a story and awesome surprise too! :

  17. What a sweet package.
    I have to say when I read your story of the mouse that wasn't it brought to mind Rabbie Burns poem.
    A lovely gift from Scotland.

  18. What a wonderful surprise!! and I love your tag too!!

  19. what lovely thoughtful gifts and a beautiful tag you made too!

  20. What a wonderful story to share!
    It is so much fun to receive "mail art" :]
    Lovely tag too!
    The stamp and background colors are beautiful... love it.
    Take care <3

  21. What a sweet gift and I love your "mouse" story!

  22. It's contagious -- went to the dentist for a routine clean and polish and ended up with another appointment for a crown and cavity removal. DRATTSSSSSS....

    Love your packet from Scotland. The thistles are so beautiful they use in their art.

    Great tag, too, from the Queen of Tags.

    Our internet service was down so I've spent all morning doing catchup with blogs, drooling over so many wonderful pieces of art, yours included, Valerie.


  23. Gorgeous tag and I really love your card from Scotland but I do love the Scots, mainly cos I am one of them tehe. Love the thistle xx

  24. Great gifts from abroad! Love your tag today too!

  25. How lovely of Suze to send you such a gorgeous package her tag is beautiful and so original. Your tag is amazing definite `eye candy such amazing colours and composition.



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