Wednesday 10 August 2011

Heeeeeeelp! A dead Mouse in the Kitchen

After getting up this morning, I staggered as usual to the kitchen to make my first coffee of the day. I have always been rather short sighted, and after having many eye operations in the past 15 years, I can't see very well. This morning was still rather dull, and as I stood in front of the coffee maker I looked down at the floor under the table. I have a bench along one wall, and could see something on the floor between the bench and the table - something with a long tail - a MOUSE under my table! It wasn't moving, so I realized it must be dead. Yikes!Now, I am more afraid of spiders than mice, but I still hate the thought of one on my kitchen - never had that before! But, feeling in a heroic mood, I pulled on some rubber gloves, took a piece of kitchen paper, and bending creakily managed to pick up the mouse. And when my hands had stopped shaking enough to look at it clearly, I just laughed out loud:

And all of that within 2 minutes of getting out of bed and before my coffee! Anyway, I disposed of the corpse of the offending leaf, which must have fluttered in through the window, and proceeded to make my coffee!

Apart from that, I managed a few tags yesterday, and spent a lot of time reading and sleeping on my couch.

The first tag is for the *Craft Room Challenge*, where the DT wants to see White on White this week. I used a cardboard tag, painted with gesso, and decorated with the TH Sewing room die, some lace, sack-linen, beads and a few other bits and bobs. I used some scrunched up tissue paper, painted over with gesso, to give the tag more texture and make the flowers stand out more.

The second tag I made just because I love the stamp I have used, and perhaps because it was still flying around on the table from last week....OK, I have put it away now!

And the last tag has been made for Rebecca's *Blog Challenge Garden*, and this time it's not too late! Rebecca wants to see a postage stamp on the tag. I stamped the background with various stamps in archival black, and then made a little collage of stamps and other things.

So that was it for today. Here's wishing you all a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh I say what a start to the day lol, and what another super white on white and love the one with the rose :)
    Take care
    Von x

  2. OMG !!! Thank goodness it was only a leaf i would have fainted ! Your white on white tag is super, beautiful texture and gorgeous embellishments. Your other too tags are bright and cheery love the face on the first one fabulous image. Hope you have a leaf free day.


  3. Thanks Marie, I will be very careful today!

  4. Loving the tags Valerie - more gorgeous images (I've managed to track some down on ebay - fingers crossed!)
    And, sorry, but I had to laugh @ "the mouse" - I've done that so many times too.
    Hugs xx

  5. Oh Valerie! I love your mouse/leaf
    Your white on white tag is fabulous - I love all the elements and how you've put them together. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Valerie, you've managed to cheer up my day no end with your mouse that turned out to be a leaf. I've got the giggles big time (largely as my eye sight is bad too).
    Fabulous tags and I adore the white on white one which is really stunning.
    Have a great day too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. I'm very proud at the way you handled yourself and the situation. Calm and lovely even in catastrophe like situations. I'm afraid I would have run screaming from the building calling for help. Mice nearly do me in! I'm amazed you threw the leaf away .. it would have made a super tag! So ... I love your white tag, clever use of the die cut. As always the other two are just as gorgeous. Hope you are havin' fun. Take care. Glad you rested yesterday. hugs, Donna

  8. Oh Valerie, you're hilarious, I've got tears in my eyes. When I was younger my mother got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (didn't put the light on) saw a 'mouse' on the bathroom floor, went to wake up my dad, he got up, went to the bathroom, only to find a dried teasel which had fallen out of a flower display! Your tags are gorgeous, The WoW is so pretty, I love that sack-linen. Really like the stamp one too - oh no, I'm now going to start saving stamps!! Have a lovely restful day and thanks again for the laugh! Suze xxx

  9. Your story made me smile, easily done and if you scrunch up your eyes I can see the leaf as a mouse. The rain that we are getting is driving the hugest spiders ever into the house. I'm not brave i reach for the hoover!

    Gorgeous tags, you are so creative. Love the White on White, the stamped image of the girl with her pearls and the stamps are an interesting element. x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh what a funny story. At least it was only a leaf. I had that happen to me recently but unfortunately mine WAS a dead mouse.YUK.

    Love your tags, so very pretty. I really must start doing a few challenges.

  12. That was too funny- it sounds like just the kind of trick *my* eyes would play on me with no coffee and so early of bed!

    As usual, I am LOVING your tags, especially the white one; so simple and elegant; just beautful!
    It certainly sounds like you're feeling better, and I'm so very glad for that!

  13. Glad it was only a leaf, I'm short sighted too and everybit of string etc is treated as if its a worm until I'm sure its not ! Your tags are beautiful especially the white on white one, love it.

  14. Hi Valerie. As always lots of lovely detail on the tags. Beautiful! Especially like the addition of the wings on the white one. Still giggling about the leaf/mouse.
    Regards Florence x

  15. Lol no wonder you thought it was a mouse. it definitely looks like one. Love your pieces today, especially the white one which is stunning
    hugs June x

  16. Lol it does kind of look like a mouse if you sqint your eyes. Yeah, sounds like something I would do too. :-)

  17. LOL!!! Love your mouse story and I can see where it would look like a mouse with a long tail in the early morning light :) LOVE your tags and the top one really captures my heart!

  18. Thank goodness it was a leaf, my glasses are the first thing I reach for in the morning, you were very brave to pick it up, think I would have poked it a bit first.
    The tags are all beautiful, the white wwone is gorgeous. Yvonne x

  19. LOL! That's a crazy looking mouse. :) Great tags, Valerie!

  20. Gorgeous tags Val and I love your mouse story!

  21. beautiful tags. I'm scared of mice too. All's well that ends well!

  22. ROFL!!!
    I am particularly drawn to the first tag, all white, stunning.

  23. Oh my gosh, Valerie--what a way to start the day!!! I hope it got much better from there, my friend. I love all these pieces, but oh my gosh, the white tag is purely amazing!!!


  24. Ha ha, funny, poor you though, don't like dead things, thank goodness it wasn't:0) Hi Valerie, you've made really brill tags again, I particularly love the white on white, it's so pretty, hugs Gay xxx

  25. Ha! How dare that mouse mess with your day!...especially before coffee! :0)

  26. Hi Valerie. Good day to you. What a scary thing to wake up to. How funny though that it turned out to be a leaf. Tee hee. Have a great day. Oh, I tried that facial and it was great. Makes the skin feel fresh and tight.

  27. Thanks for giving me laugh today!! And all of your tags are just lovely!!


  28. OOhh..don't think i could cope with a scare like that before coffee! Lovely collection of tags - ytour white on white is beautiful, great texture...Thanks so much for joining our Craft-Room challenge...Esther xx

  29. Ooooh your white on white tag is stunning! Thankyou for joining us at Craft-room challenge this fortnight. Good luck. Nikki DT

  30. Ick! I didn't read past your title but went straight to the art. Love the white on white tag and the postage one especially. Beautiful!

  31. Terrific Love the tags. A similar thing happened to me, I screamed out there is a huge spider on the kitchen floor, quick quick I screamed. Martin came and very carefully picked it was a stalk from some vine tomatos....I felt such a fool.... xx

  32. See Val! Your Magic Artistic Touch Done turned that Mouse into a leaf! Awesome! Hugs,Tee

  33. Oh my gosh! How funny! You need to use the photo of the "Leaf Mouse" in one of your projects!
    I love the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I also love that white tag!!!!
    Still wish I had your talent!
    Hugzzz and Love,

  34. Haha, how brave you were against that pesky leaf! Great tags.

  35. now that is a good kind of mouse. Isn't it funny how fear is basically our imagination that can shake us to the core even if it is not real. So fun to see your art!

  36. These are some fantastic tags, wow!
    Lots of bright colors... love it :]
    The mouse... not so fantastic.

  37. Oooh, this is fabulous!!! I so love all the textures! Thanks for joining in at the Craft-Room Challenge, and good luck! Maria x

  38. eek a mouse !!! :-)
    great Tag- love it- thanks for joining us at Craft Room Challenge- Debix

  39. pretty collages! We've had mice problems on and off at my parents house too.

  40. That's too funny! Thanks for the laugh! Love the tags! Especially the second one!

  41. Well that will certainly get the heart rate up first thing in the morning! ;) Glad to hear it was a false alarm on the mouse. LOVING these tags, especially the white on white! All gorgeous, as always!

  42. LOL! I see the tail!

    Very pretty creations.

  43. oh your mouse story is hilarious! in your defence, it really does look like a mouse! your tags are always so imaginative and varied. the white one is especially gorgeous.

  44. That mouse story is hysterical! Once I showed up early to work and saw an intruder moving around in my office. Security came, drew their guns and burst in... on the helium balloon centerpiece leftover from one of my co-workers birthday cake.

  45. Your tags are beautiful! And I can see how you could mistake that for a mouse. I've done similar things myself. My policy: scream first, determine what it is second. ;-)

  46. Wow, what a morning! I love your tags, especially the angel, beautiful!!!!Deb

  47. lovely tags, the one with postage stamps is super :)

  48. By now you will have guessed I'm catching up after my little trip! Love your mouse story woke up to a real one on Friday morning Pounce had given me a welcome home present LOL

    Your white tag is simply stunning just love it. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room challenge. XOXO Zoe

  49. Your tags are so pretty!!

    And your mouse story is hilarious! I had a similar thing happen. We do have actual mice in the house and the cat was playing with something under the stove. I thought it was her toy and got a ruler to try to get it out from under there. Lying on the floor and shoving the ruler around I noticed something brown. I thought it was a mouse and shrieked in surprise at the thought of poking it with the ruler. After a while I got it out from under there and realized that it wasn't a mouse at all, but a piece of brown paper towel.

    Happy PPF!


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